google / oauth2l

oauth2l ("oauth tool") is a simple CLI for interacting with Google API authentication.
Apache License 2.0
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Support id_token for JWT path #123

Open gfrankliu opened 3 years ago

gfrankliu commented 3 years ago

I tried to generate an id_token to test Google Cloud Run, but

oauth2l fetch --type=jwt  --audience="" --credentials=$HOME/Documents/my-service-account-private-key.json --output_format=json
  "access_token": ".......",
  "expiry": "2021-07-28T01:07:05.242408872-07:00",
  "token_type": "Bearer"

It only outputs the access_token, but no id_token.

I tried this token in curl against my cloud run url and got error:

< www-authenticate: Bearer error="invalid_token" error_description="The access token could not be verified"
andyrzhao commented 3 years ago

Hi @gfrankliu, can you see if this is the same issue as If so, it should have been fixed in release 1.2.1, and you could try again with the updated binary. Thanks!

gfrankliu commented 3 years ago

Yesterday I tried both prebuilt binary from and built myself from the latest source (master). Same results.

andyrzhao commented 3 years ago

Discussed with @gfrankliu offline and came up with the following findings:

  1. oauth2l currently only supports retrieving id_token for 3LO path (client id credentials) & openid scopes. The id_token that @gfrankliu is looking for is JWT based (using service account credentials) and supported by gcloud tool This is a feature gap for oauth2l. We will use this issue to track this feature support.
  2. There are some bugs with id_token caching that will be fixed by PR #124