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Adding the dumping point or end point #1078

Closed abhiagra94 closed 5 years ago

abhiagra94 commented 5 years ago

Hello, I want to add a new end point for all location also I am adding time window, demand, and different start time constraint in the code. for doing that I have used the logic given here, they have written that for changing the end point, we just need to add end location in this line of code ( routing = pywrapcp.RoutingModel(num_locations, num_vehicles, start_locations, end_locations) but when I am doing the same for our actual data I am getting the error of Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'new_RoutingModel'. Kindly help

Mizux commented 5 years ago

does your len(start_locations) == len(end_locations) == num_vehicles ?

Which version of ortools are you using ?

abhiagra94 commented 5 years ago

Yes I am giving start_locations=[0,0,0] end location=[68,68,68] and we are using 3 vehicle. we are using version 6.10.6025

abhiagra94 commented 5 years ago

Hey found the mistake. Now we are not getting any error but when we are running the script jupyter it's showing The kernel appears to have died. It will restart automatically. and not giving any output kindly help

Mizux commented 5 years ago

and how many locations do you have in num_locations ? note: should be >= 69

abhiagra94 commented 5 years ago

yes there are 69 location.

abhiagra94 commented 5 years ago

This is the code i am using:

import math
from ortools.constraint_solver import pywrapcp
from ortools.constraint_solver import routing_enums_pb2
from numpy import genfromtxt
import pandas as pd

def create_distance_callback(dist_matrix):
  def distance_callback(from_node, to_node):
    return int(dist_matrix[from_node][to_node])

    for to_node in range(num_locations):
      if from_node == depot or to_node == depot:

            self.matrix[from_node][to_node] = 0
          dist_matrix[from_node][to_node] = (
            manhattan_distance(locations[from_node], locations[to_node]))
  return distance_callback

dist_matrix = genfromtxt('DM100_x.csv', delimiter=',')

class CreateDemandCallback(object):
  """Create callback to get demands at each node."""
  def __init__(self, demands):
    self.matrix = demands

  def Demand(self, from_node, to_node):
    return self.matrix[from_node]

class CreateServiceTimeCallback(object):
  """Create callback to get time windows at each node."""
  def __init__(self, demands, time_per_demand_unit):
    self.matrix = demands
    self.time_per_demand_unit = time_per_demand_unit

  def ServiceTime(self, from_node, to_node):
    return self.matrix[from_node] * self.time_per_demand_unit

class CreateTotalTimeCallback(object):
  def __init__(self, service_time_callback, dist_callback, speed):
    self.service_time_callback = service_time_callback
    self.dist_callback = dist_callback
    self.speed = speed

  def TotalTime(self, from_node, to_node):
    return self.service_time_callback(from_node, to_node) + self.dist_callback(from_node, to_node) / self.speed

def DisplayPlan(routing, assignment):
  dropped = ''
  for order in range(1, routing.nodes()):
    if assignment.Value(routing.NextVar(order)) == order:
      if (dropped.empty()):
        dropped += " %d", order
      else: dropped += ", %d", order

  if not dropped.empty():
    plan_output += "Dropped orders:" + dropped + "\n"

  return plan_output

def main():
  data = create_data_array()
  dist_matrix = data[0]
  demands = data[1]
  start_times = data[2]

  num_locations = len(dist_matrix)
  depot = 0
  num_vehicles = 3

  if num_locations > 0:
    start_locations = [0,0,0]
    end_locations = [68, 68, 68]
    routing = pywrapcp.RoutingModel(num_locations, num_vehicles, start_locations, end_locations)
    search_parameters = pywrapcp.RoutingModel.DefaultSearchParameters()
    search_parameters.first_solution_strategy = (

    dist_callback = create_distance_callback(dist_matrix)

    demands_at_locations = CreateDemandCallback(demands)
    demands_callback = demands_at_locations.Demand

    vehicle_capacity = 9000;
    null_capacity_slack = 0;
    fix_start_cumul_to_zero = False
    capacity = "Capacity"
    routing.AddDimension(demands_callback, null_capacity_slack, vehicle_capacity,
                         fix_start_cumul_to_zero, capacity)
    capacity_dimension = routing.GetDimensionOrDie(capacity)
    for node_index in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
      index = routing.NodeToIndex(node_index)
      capacity_dimension.SlackVar(index).SetRange(0, vehicle_capacity)
      routing.AddDisjunction([node_index], 0)

    time_per_demand_unit = 0.01
    horizon = 750
    time = "Time"

    speed = 40

    service_times = CreateServiceTimeCallback(demands, time_per_demand_unit)
    service_time_callback = service_times.ServiceTime
    total_times = CreateTotalTimeCallback(service_time_callback, dist_callback, speed)
    total_time_callback = total_times.TotalTime

    fix_start_cumul_to_zero = False


    time_dimension = routing.GetDimensionOrDie("Time")

    for order in range(1, num_locations):
      start = start_times[order]

      time_dimension.CumulVar(routing.NodeToIndex(order)).SetRange(x, y)

    vehicle_start_time = [120,300,240]

    solver = routing.solver()
    intervals = []
    for i in range(num_vehicles):

      intervals.append(solver.FixedDurationIntervalVar(routing.CumulVar(routing.Start(i), time),

    depot_capacity = 1;
    depot_usage = [1 for i in range(num_vehicles * 1)]
      solver.Cumulative(intervals, depot_usage, depot_capacity, "depot"))

    for i in range(num_vehicles):
      routing.AddVariableMinimizedByFinalizer(routing.CumulVar(routing.End(i), time))
      routing.AddVariableMinimizedByFinalizer(routing.CumulVar(routing.Start(i), time))

    assignment = routing.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters)
    if assignment:

      print("Total distance of all routes: " + str(assignment.ObjectiveValue()) + "\n")

      total_distance = 0
      total_load = 0
      total_time = 0

      penalty = 100000
      for i in range(1, num_locations):
        routing.AddDisjunction([routing.NodeToIndex(i)], penalty)   

      capacity_dimension = routing.GetDimensionOrDie(capacity);
      time_dimension = routing.GetDimensionOrDie(time);

      for vehicle_nbr in range(num_vehicles):
        index = routing.Start(int(vehicle_nbr))
        plan_output = 'Route {0}:'.format(vehicle_nbr)

        while not routing.IsEnd(index):
          node_index = routing.IndexToNode(index)
          load_var = capacity_dimension.CumulVar(index)
          time_var = time_dimension.CumulVar(index)

          plan_output += \
                    " {node_index} Load({load}) Time({tmin}, {tmax}) -> ".format(
          index = assignment.Value(routing.NextVar(index))

        node_index = routing.IndexToNode(index)  
        load_var = capacity_dimension.CumulVar(index)
        time_var = time_dimension.CumulVar(index)

        plan_output += \
                  " {node_index} Load({load}) Time({tmin}, {tmax})".format(

        plan_output += 'Load of the route: {}\n'.format(assignment.Value(load_var))
        plan_output += 'Time of the route: {}\n'.format(assignment.Value(time_var))

        total_load += assignment.Value(load_var)
        total_time += assignment.Value(time_var)

        print('Total Load of all routes: {}'.format(total_load))
        print('Total Time of all routes: {}min'.format(total_time))
      print('No solution found.')
    print('Specify an instance greater than 0.')
def create_data_array():

  demands = tv.Demand


  data = [dist_matrix, demands, start_times,end_times]
  return data

if __name__ == '__main__':
abhiagra94 commented 5 years ago

when I am giving start_locations=[0,0,0] end location=[0,0,0] it's running and giving the output

abhiagra94 commented 5 years ago

@Mizux Hey mizux can you please help me with this if possible

Mizux commented 5 years ago

code look "good", maybe try to reduce the range of your disjunction loop

for i in range(1, num_locations-1): # don't take into account the end node 68
        routing.AddDisjunction([routing.NodeToIndex(i)], penalty)   
abhiagra94 commented 5 years ago

Showing the same error. The kernel appears to have died. It will restart automatically. Do I need to change something here as well? capacity_dimension = routing.GetDimensionOrDie(capacity) for node_index in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]: index = routing.NodeToIndex(node_index) capacity_dimension.SlackVar(index).SetRange(0, vehicle_capacity) routing.AddDisjunction([node_index], 0)

Mizux commented 5 years ago

try to run it in a real python interpreter locally, to be sure jupyter don't kill it too soon. Do you have a stack trace ? is it possible to reproduce it without a minimal, standalone, example code ?

Mizux commented 5 years ago

here a simple working example with last node as end using v6.10

"""Simple Vehicles Routing Problem."""

# [START import]
from __future__ import print_function
from ortools.constraint_solver import routing_enums_pb2
from ortools.constraint_solver import pywrapcp
# [END import]

# [START data_model]
def create_data_model():
    """Stores the data for the problem."""
    data = {}
    data['distance_matrix'] = [
            0, 548, 776, 696, 582, 274, 502, 194, 308, 194, 536, 502, 388, 354,
            468, 776, 662
            548, 0, 684, 308, 194, 502, 730, 354, 696, 742, 1084, 594, 480, 674,
            1016, 868, 1210
            776, 684, 0, 992, 878, 502, 274, 810, 468, 742, 400, 1278, 1164,
            1130, 788, 1552, 754
            696, 308, 992, 0, 114, 650, 878, 502, 844, 890, 1232, 514, 628, 822,
            1164, 560, 1358
            582, 194, 878, 114, 0, 536, 764, 388, 730, 776, 1118, 400, 514, 708,
            1050, 674, 1244
            274, 502, 502, 650, 536, 0, 228, 308, 194, 240, 582, 776, 662, 628,
            514, 1050, 708
            502, 730, 274, 878, 764, 228, 0, 536, 194, 468, 354, 1004, 890, 856,
            514, 1278, 480
            194, 354, 810, 502, 388, 308, 536, 0, 342, 388, 730, 468, 354, 320,
            662, 742, 856
            308, 696, 468, 844, 730, 194, 194, 342, 0, 274, 388, 810, 696, 662,
            320, 1084, 514
            194, 742, 742, 890, 776, 240, 468, 388, 274, 0, 342, 536, 422, 388,
            274, 810, 468
            536, 1084, 400, 1232, 1118, 582, 354, 730, 388, 342, 0, 878, 764,
            730, 388, 1152, 354
            502, 594, 1278, 514, 400, 776, 1004, 468, 810, 536, 878, 0, 114,
            308, 650, 274, 844
            388, 480, 1164, 628, 514, 662, 890, 354, 696, 422, 764, 114, 0, 194,
            536, 388, 730
            354, 674, 1130, 822, 708, 628, 856, 320, 662, 388, 730, 308, 194, 0,
            342, 422, 536
            468, 1016, 788, 1164, 1050, 514, 514, 662, 320, 274, 388, 650, 536,
            342, 0, 764, 194
            776, 868, 1552, 560, 674, 1050, 1278, 742, 1084, 810, 1152, 274,
            388, 422, 764, 0, 798
            662, 1210, 754, 1358, 1244, 708, 480, 856, 514, 468, 354, 844, 730,
            536, 194, 798, 0
    data['num_vehicles'] = 4
    # [START starts_ends]
    data['starts'] = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    data['ends'] = [16, 16, 16, 16]
    # [END starts_ends]
    return data
    # [END data_model]

# [START solution_printer]
def print_solution(data, routing, assignment):
    """Prints assignment on console."""
    print('Objective: {}'.format(assignment.ObjectiveValue()))
    total_distance = 0
    for vehicle_id in range(data['num_vehicles']):
        index = routing.Start(vehicle_id)
        plan_output = 'Route for vehicle {}:\n'.format(vehicle_id)
        route_distance = 0
        while not routing.IsEnd(index):
            plan_output += ' {} ->'.format(routing.IndexToNode(index))
            previous_index = index
            index = assignment.Value(routing.NextVar(index))
            route_distance += routing.GetArcCostForVehicle(
                previous_index, index, vehicle_id)
        plan_output += ' {}\n'.format(routing.IndexToNode(index))
        plan_output += 'Distance of the route: {}m\n'.format(route_distance)
        total_distance += route_distance
    print('Total distance of all routes: {}m'.format(total_distance))
    # [END solution_printer]

def main():
    """Entry point of the program."""
    # Instantiate the data problem.
    # [START data]
    data = create_data_model()
    # [END data]

    # Create Routing Model.
    # [START routing_model]
    routing = pywrapcp.RoutingModel(
        len(data['distance_matrix']), data['num_vehicles'], data['starts'],

    # [END routing_model]

    # Create and register a transit callback.
    # [START distance_callback]
    def distance_callback(from_node, to_node):
        """Returns the distance between the two nodes."""
        return data['distance_matrix'][from_node][to_node]
    # [END distance_callback]

    # Define cost of each arc.
    # [START arc_cost]
    # [END arc_cost]

    # Add Distance constraint.
    # [START distance_constraint]
    dimension_name = 'Distance'
        0,  # no slack
        2500,  # vehicle maximum travel distance
        True,  # start cumul to zero
    distance_dimension = routing.GetDimensionOrDie(dimension_name)
    ## [END distance_constraint]

    # Setting first solution heuristic.
    # [START parameters]
    search_parameters = pywrapcp.RoutingModel.DefaultSearchParameters()
    search_parameters.first_solution_strategy = (
        routing_enums_pb2.FirstSolutionStrategy.PATH_CHEAPEST_ARC) # pylint: disable=no-member
    # [END parameters]

    # Solve the problem.
    # [START solve]
    assignment = routing.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters)
    # [END solve]

    # Print solution on console.
    # [START print_solution]
    if assignment:
        print_solution(data, routing, assignment)
    # [END print_solution]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # [END program]
$ python3
Objective: 212316
Route for vehicle 0:
 0 -> 7 -> 4 -> 3 -> 5 -> 9 -> 14 -> 16
Distance of the route: 2054m

Route for vehicle 1:
 0 -> 1 -> 13 -> 16
Distance of the route: 1758m

Route for vehicle 2:
 0 -> 8 -> 6 -> 2 -> 10 -> 16
Distance of the route: 1530m

Route for vehicle 3:
 0 -> 12 -> 11 -> 15 -> 16
Distance of the route: 1574m

Total distance of all routes: 6916m
abhiagra94 commented 5 years ago

We found the reason of error this is because

for order in range(1, num_locations):
    start = start_times[order]
    time_dimension.CumulVar(routing.NodeToIndex(order)).SetRange(x, y)

when we are giving num_location-1 we are not facing the issue of kernel crashing. Can you please elaborate on why this is happening?

Mizux commented 5 years ago

Is it a crash or a timeout ? Where does it crash ? do you have log ? stack trace ?

I suspect num_location-1 index being your end node. What is:

abhiagra94 commented 5 years ago

Previously in this code we were getting error of The kernel appears to have died. It will restart automatically. but in this part of code:

_for order in range(1, num_locations): start = start_times[order] end=end_times[order] x=start.item() y=end.item() timedimension.CumulVar(routing.NodeToIndex(order)).SetRange(x, y)

when we are using num_location-1, we are not facing any issue. We have taken Horizon=750 start_time[num_location-1]=0 end_times[num_location-1]=750 There are total 69 locations, but when we are giving time constraint on end location or dumping point(0,750), we are facing the issue of Kernal died. Can you please elaborate?

darshika1994 commented 3 years ago

@abhiagra94 I am facing the same issue of kernel getting dead while setting the initial node. I am using google OR tools and trying to work on a capacitated vehicle routing problem. Everything works fine but when I set the initial node to the index number of my dataset (or any random index), it shows 'kernel is dead'. Have you resolved this issue of kernel crashing, if yes then how?? please help!

lperron commented 3 years ago

Most likely an exception and a crash.

Le lun. 22 mars 2021 à 06:51, Darshika Verma @.***> a écrit :

@abhiagra94 I am facing the same issue of kernel getting dead while setting the initial node. I am using google OR tools and trying to work on a capacitated vehicle routing problem. Everything works fine but when I set the initial node to the index number of my dataset (or any random index), it shows 'kernel is dead'. Have you resolved this issue of kernel crashing, if yes then how?? please help!

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darshika1994 commented 3 years ago

Below I am sharing my code. Please let me know what the reason of kernel being dead could be

dist = DistanceMetric.get_metric('haversine')

def create_data_model_cap_con(df_user,no_fos):
    """Stores the data for the problem."""
    data = {}
    data['distance_matrix'] = dist.pairwise(df_user [['lat','lon']].to_numpy())*6373

    #a = dist.pairwise(df_user_org[['lat','lon']])
    #a[:,0] = 0 
    #a[0,:] = 0 
    #data['depot'] = 0
    data['starts'] = [2,6,7,8]
    data['ends'] = [3,7,8,9]

    #A = dist.pairwise(df_user [['lat','lon']].to_numpy())*6373
    #x = np.c_[np.zeros(len(A[0])),A ] 
    #y = np.vstack([np.zeros(len(x[0])),x])


    data['num_vehicles'] = no_fos
    #data['starts'] = data['num_vehicles']
    #data['ends'] = data['starts']
    #len(data['starts']) == len(data['ends'])
    #len(data['num_vehicles']) == len(data['starts'])
    #data['starts'] = [2]*11212
    #data['ends'] = [3]*11212
    data['demands'] = df_user["no_cases"].to_list()
    data['vehicle_capacities'] = [75]*no_fos
    return data

def print_solution_cap_con(data, manager, routing, assignment):
    """Prints assignment on console."""
    # Display dropped nodes.
    dropped_nodes = 'Dropped nodes:'
    for node in range(routing.Size()):
        if routing.IsStart(node) or routing.IsEnd(node):
        if assignment.Value(routing.NextVar(node)) == node:
            dropped_nodes += ' {}'.format(manager.IndexToNode(node))
    # Display routes
    total_distance = 0
    total_load = 0
    for vehicle_id in range(data['num_vehicles']):
        index = routing.Start(vehicle_id)
        plan_output = 'Route for vehicle {}:\n'.format(vehicle_id)
        route_distance = 0
        route_load = 0
        while not routing.IsEnd(index):
            node_index = manager.IndexToNode(index)
            route_load += data['demands'][node_index]
            plan_output += ' {0} Load({1}) -> '.format(node_index, route_load)
            previous_index = index
            index = assignment.Value(routing.NextVar(index))
            route_distance += routing.GetArcCostForVehicle(
                previous_index, index, vehicle_id)
        plan_output += ' {0} Load({1})\n'.format(manager.IndexToNode(index),
        plan_output += 'Distance of the route: {}m\n'.format(route_distance)
        plan_output += 'Load of the route: {}\n'.format(route_load)
        total_distance += route_distance
        total_load += route_load
    print('Total Distance of all routes: {}m'.format(total_distance))
    print('Total Load of all routes: {}'.format(total_load))

def distance_cap_con(x,y,data):
    dis = data['distance_matrix'][x][y]
    return dis

def get_routes_cap_con(solution, routing, manager,df_user,data):
  """Get vehicle routes from a solution and store them in an array."""
  # Get vehicle routes and store them in a two dimensional array whose
  # i,j entry is the jth location visited by vehicle i along its route.
  routes = []
  #routes_dist = []  
  for route_nbr in range(routing.vehicles()):
    index = routing.Start(route_nbr)
    route = [manager.IndexToNode(index)]

    while not routing.IsEnd(index):
      index = solution.Value(routing.NextVar(index))
    #routes = get_routes(solution, routing, manager)
    routes_t = pd.DataFrame(routes).T
    col_to_iter = routes_t.columns
    routes_t['route_info'] = routes_t.index
    routes_t = pd.melt(routes_t, id_vars=['route_info'], value_vars=col_to_iter)
    routes_t = routes_t.drop_duplicates(subset='value', keep="first")

    df_user['value'] = df_user.index
    df_user_out = pd.merge(df_user, routes_t, on="value")

    df_user_out = df_user_out.sort_values(by=['variable','route_info'])
    df_user_out['route_lag'] = df_user_out.groupby('variable')['value'].shift(-1).fillna(0)
    df_user_out['route_lag'] = df_user_out['route_lag'].astype(np.int64)
    df_user_out['route_info'] = df_user_out['route_info'].astype(np.int64)
    df_user_out['dist'] = df_user_out.apply(lambda row: distance_cap_con(row['route_lag'], row['value'],data), axis=1)

  return df_user_out

def get_sol_cap_con(sub_dist_fil,fos_cnt,state_fil):
    df_user_org_sub = df_user_org[(df_user_org.sub_district == sub_dist_fil) & (df_user_org.State == state_fil) ]
    df_user_org_sub.reset_index( inplace=True,drop=True)
    print(sub_dist_fil," no fos",fos_cnt)


    data = create_data_model_cap_con(df_user_org_sub,fos_cnt)

    # Create the routing index manager.
    manager = pywrapcp.RoutingIndexManager(len(data['distance_matrix']),

    # Create Routing Model.
    routing = pywrapcp.RoutingModel(manager)

    # Create and register a transit callback.
    def distance_callback(from_index, to_index):
        """Returns the distance between the two nodes."""
        # Convert from routing variable Index to distance matrix NodeIndex.
        from_node = manager.IndexToNode(from_index)
        to_node = manager.IndexToNode(to_index)
        return data['distance_matrix'][from_node][to_node]

    transit_callback_index = routing.RegisterTransitCallback(distance_callback)

    # Define cost of each arc.

    def demand_callback(from_index):
        """Returns the demand of the node."""
        # Convert from routing variable Index to demands NodeIndex.
        from_node = manager.IndexToNode(from_index)
        return data['demands'][from_node]

    demand_callback_index = routing.RegisterUnaryTransitCallback(
        0,  # null capacity slack
        data['vehicle_capacities'],  # vehicle maximum capacities
        True,  # start cumul to zero
    # Allow to drop nodes.
    penalty = 1000
    for node in range(1, len(data['distance_matrix'])):
        routing.AddDisjunction([manager.NodeToIndex(node)], penalty)

    # Setting first solution heuristic.
    search_parameters = pywrapcp.DefaultRoutingSearchParameters()
    search_parameters.time_limit.seconds = 30
    search_parameters.solution_limit = 100
    search_parameters.first_solution_strategy = (
    search_parameters.local_search_metaheuristic = (

    # Solve the problem.
    solution = routing.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters)

    out_df = get_routes_cap_con(solution, routing, manager,df_user_org_sub,data)

    # Print solution on console.
    #if solution:
     #   print_solution_cap_con(data, manager, routing, solution)
    return   out_df  

By using data['starts'] and data['ends'] , the error of kernel being dead is arising (and I do not want to use data['depot']= 0)
