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Driver "End" array indexes are not same when we access them using router object. #2773

Closed ManevN closed 2 years ago

ManevN commented 2 years ago

What version of OR-Tools and what language are you using? Version: 9.0.9048. Language: C#

**Which solver are you using: Routing Solver

**What operating system: Windows 10

Hey everyone,

I have following problem: My start and end arrays are initializes with this values: Start = { 0, 1} End = {4, 4}

When I'm trying to access for each vehicle using methods router.Start(vehicleId) and router.End(vehicleId), for vehicle with Id 0 methods returns correct values (0, 4), but for vehicle with id 1, we get (1, 5).

Anyone that can explain this or help to fix this bug ?

Why end index is increased, even there is no element 5, the last element is 4, which I use as depot(end point) for each vehicle.

Mizux commented 2 years ago

This is not a bug and it is intended. Thus as you correctly did, you must use routing.Start(vehicle_id)and routing.End(vehicle_id) to retrieve internal solver index. note: manager.IndexToNode(index) will work BUT not manager.NodeToIndex(4).

Long story: solver must have an unique index id for each vehicle start and end node. (because solver start to create empty route start->end for each vehicle).

In you case 0,1 are used "one" time so solver directly map both start vehicle to 0, 1 respectively. On the contrary 4 is used two time so solver has no choice but to create an extra node 5 and create the mapping

index -> node,
0 -> 0
1 -> 1
4 -> 4
5 -> 4

note: now, you should understand why routing.NodeToIndex(4) is not working because solver can't decide if it must return 4 or 5 i.e. to which vehicle's end node 4 is refering to, for consistency all NodeToIndex are forbidden for any start/end node (even if in your case it could be doable for start node)

EDIT: for implementation details: and

ManevN commented 2 years ago

Thanks, now I understand.

Mizux commented 2 years ago

Actually it's even worse, solver will always put vehicle end node at the end of its internal index range e.g. if ends are [1, 2, 3, 4] there will be move to the end and their node index will be reused.

Here a small samples to better understand relation between nodes and indices.

from ortools.constraint_solver import routing_enums_pb2
from ortools.constraint_solver import pywrapcp

def main():
    """Entry point of the program."""
    location = 17
    starts = [5, 5, 7, 8]
    ends = [1, 2, 4, 4]
    vehicles = len(starts)
    assert len(starts) == len(ends)

    manager = pywrapcp.RoutingIndexManager(location, vehicles, starts, ends)
    routing = pywrapcp.RoutingModel(manager)

    header = '| |'
    separator = '|---|'
    v_starts = '| start |'
    v_ends = '| end |'
    for v in range(manager.GetNumberOfVehicles()):
        header += f' vehicle {v} |'
        separator += '---|'
        v_starts += f' {starts[v]} |'
        v_ends += f' {ends[v]} |'

    print('| location | manager.GetNumberOfNodes | manager.GetNumberOfIndices | routing.nodes | routing.Size |')
    print(f'| {location} | {manager.GetNumberOfNodes()} | {manager.GetNumberOfIndices()} | {routing.nodes()} | {routing.Size()} |')

    print('| node | index | routing.IsStart | routing.IsEnd |')
    for node in range(manager.GetNumberOfNodes()):
        if node in starts or node in ends:
        index = manager.NodeToIndex(node)
        print(f'| {node} | {index} | {routing.IsStart(index)} | {routing.IsEnd(index)} |')

    print('| vehicle | Start/end | node | index | routing.IsStart | routing.IsEnd |')
    for v in range(manager.GetNumberOfVehicles()):
        start_index = routing.Start(v)
        start_node = manager.IndexToNode(start_index)
        print(f'| {v} | start | {start_node} | {start_index} | {routing.IsStart(start_index)} | {routing.IsEnd(start_index)} |')
    for v in range(manager.GetNumberOfVehicles()):
        end_index = routing.End(v)
        end_node = manager.IndexToNode(end_index)
        print(f'| {v} | end  | {end_node} | {end_index} | {routing.IsStart(end_index)} | {routing.IsEnd(end_index)} |')

if __name__ == '__main__':
output: vehicle 0 vehicle 1 vehicle 2 vehicle 3
start 5 5 7 8
end 1 2 4 4
Nodes: location manager.GetNumberOfNodes manager.GetNumberOfIndices routing.nodes routing.Size
17 17 19 17 15
Locations: node index routing.IsStart routing.IsEnd
0 0 False False
3 1 False False
6 3 False False
9 6 False False
10 7 False False
11 8 False False
12 9 False False
13 10 False False
14 11 False False
15 12 False False
16 13 False False
Start/End: vehicle Start/end node index routing.IsStart routing.IsEnd
0 start 5 2 True False
1 start 5 14 True False
2 start 7 4 True False
3 start 8 5 True False
0 end 1 15 False True
1 end 2 16 False True
2 end 4 17 False True
3 end 4 18 False True

Things to notice:

-> Allways use routing.Start(), routing.End(), manager.IndexToNode() or manager.NodeToIndex(). -> Location node is not necessarily equal to its index. -> to loop through ALL indices use manager.GetNumberOfIndices() (Python) or manager::num_indices() (C++)

EDIT: example is pushed to

ManevN commented 2 years ago

Thanks again Mizux, you comment are very helpful. I appreciate this.