google / or-tools

Google's Operations Research tools:
Apache License 2.0
10.98k stars 2.1k forks source link

Install failing with errors around absl #4333

Closed intellegenstom closed 2 weeks ago

intellegenstom commented 1 month ago

What version of OR-Tools and what language are you using? Version: v9.10 Language: C++

Which solver are you using (e.g. CP-SAT, Routing Solver, GLOP, BOP, Gurobi) N/A

What operating system (Linux, Windows, ...) and version? Windows 11 on AMD 7000 series

What did you do? Steps to reproduce the behavior: following the instructions on the OR-tools website fails. The exact steps to reproduce are

  1. git clone
  2. cd or-tools
  3. git checkout v9.10
  4. cmake -S . -B build -DBUILD_DEPS=ON
  5. cmake --build build --config Release --target ALL_BUILD -j -v

What did you expect to see Successful build

What did you see instead? Full error message below: 5 errors all similar to C:\Users\Tom Whitehead\Documents\Git\or-tools\build\_deps\abseil-cpp-src\absl\numeric\,24): error C2491: 'absl::lts_20240116::kuint 128max': definition of dllimport data not allowed

Make sure you include information that can help us debug (full error message, model Proto). traceback.txt

Anything else we should know about your project / environment

Mizux commented 1 month ago

Can you run cmake -G to know which generator you used ? The one with the * is your default one

intellegenstom commented 1 month ago

Thanks @Mizux : output below. I do have VS 17.10 2022 installed if that makes a difference.

PS C:\Users\Tom Whitehead\Documents\Git\or-tools> cmake -G
CMake Error: No generator specified for -G

* Visual Studio 17 2022        = Generates Visual Studio 2022 project files.
                                 Use -A option to specify architecture.
  Visual Studio 16 2019        = Generates Visual Studio 2019 project files.
                                 Use -A option to specify architecture.
  Visual Studio 15 2017 [arch] = Generates Visual Studio 2017 project files.
                                 Optional [arch] can be "Win64" or "ARM".
  Visual Studio 14 2015 [arch] = Generates Visual Studio 2015 project files.
                                 Optional [arch] can be "Win64" or "ARM".
  Visual Studio 12 2013 [arch] = Deprecated.  Generates Visual Studio 2013
                                 project files.  Optional [arch] can be
                                 "Win64" or "ARM".
  Borland Makefiles            = Generates Borland makefiles.
  NMake Makefiles              = Generates NMake makefiles.
  NMake Makefiles JOM          = Generates JOM makefiles.
  MSYS Makefiles               = Generates MSYS makefiles.
  MinGW Makefiles              = Generates a make file for use with
  Green Hills MULTI            = Generates Green Hills MULTI files
                                 (experimental, work-in-progress).
  Unix Makefiles               = Generates standard UNIX makefiles.
  Ninja                        = Generates files.
  Ninja Multi-Config           = Generates build-<Config>.ninja files.
  Watcom WMake                 = Generates Watcom WMake makefiles.
  CodeBlocks - MinGW Makefiles = Generates CodeBlocks project files
  CodeBlocks - NMake Makefiles = Generates CodeBlocks project files
  CodeBlocks - NMake Makefiles JOM
                               = Generates CodeBlocks project files
  CodeBlocks - Ninja           = Generates CodeBlocks project files
  CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles  = Generates CodeBlocks project files
  CodeLite - MinGW Makefiles   = Generates CodeLite project files
  CodeLite - NMake Makefiles   = Generates CodeLite project files
  CodeLite - Ninja             = Generates CodeLite project files
  CodeLite - Unix Makefiles    = Generates CodeLite project files
  Eclipse CDT4 - NMake Makefiles
                               = Generates Eclipse CDT 4.0 project files
  Eclipse CDT4 - MinGW Makefiles
                               = Generates Eclipse CDT 4.0 project files
  Eclipse CDT4 - Ninja         = Generates Eclipse CDT 4.0 project files
  Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles= Generates Eclipse CDT 4.0 project files
  Kate - MinGW Makefiles       = Generates Kate project files (deprecated).
  Kate - NMake Makefiles       = Generates Kate project files (deprecated).
  Kate - Ninja                 = Generates Kate project files (deprecated).
  Kate - Ninja Multi-Config    = Generates Kate project files (deprecated).
  Kate - Unix Makefiles        = Generates Kate project files (deprecated).
  Sublime Text 2 - MinGW Makefiles
                               = Generates Sublime Text 2 project files
  Sublime Text 2 - NMake Makefiles
                               = Generates Sublime Text 2 project files
  Sublime Text 2 - Ninja       = Generates Sublime Text 2 project files
  Sublime Text 2 - Unix Makefiles
                               = Generates Sublime Text 2 project files
Mizux commented 2 weeks ago

While I still don't know what's happen, kuint128max was gone in abseil-cpp 20240722.0... ref: