google / physical-web

The Physical Web: walk up and use anything
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Consider exposing Physical Web URLs to javascript #572

Open cco3 opened 8 years ago

cco3 commented 8 years ago

Scenario: you go to a museum and select a Physical Web url. Each room or major exhibit would broadcast a different URL, so the site may want to tell when the available URLs have changed and appropriately update the displayed content.

How could this be accomplished? Can this be done today with WebBluetooth and a javascript library that would parse out Eddystone-URLs?

g-ortuno commented 8 years ago

It can't be done with Web Bluetooth today. The current API is designed for directly interacting with BLE devices not scanning for them. We've talked about a scanning API for the museum use case; @jyasskin might have more details.

tarikozket commented 8 years ago

Pushmote Content Management System for Eddystone URL could help you on this:

cco3 commented 8 years ago

Hi @tarikozket, I don't see how this would help. If you can't scan from javascript in the browser, then you can't scan from javascript in the browser. There doesn't seem to be a way around this just yet.

klesniewski commented 8 years ago

Your scenario is described in Web Bluetooth use cases and is marked as likely unsupported due to privacy concerns. See section 2.1.6

I think the scenario is worth supporting, but user would have to give permission to access accurate location.

scottjenson commented 8 years ago

That is an issue for the JS group. We can't address it here.