google / physical-web

The Physical Web: walk up and use anything
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Physical Web down !? #907

Closed LOC-Place closed 7 years ago

LOC-Place commented 7 years ago

Since Sunday CET we don't get physical web redirects Started with codes and now (today Monday 8th of May) seems to be down totally? Problems on different (nearly all) iOS and Android versions

ferencbrachmann commented 7 years ago

Same here!

luciofr commented 7 years ago

Personally, since last week the native Android Nearby has been presenting problems intermintentes, what surprised me was that the Physical Web application and the Chrome Notifications in iOS since 04 / May, began to present the same problem, we need an answer About what is happening, does the Eddysotne Project continue or will it be discontinued? A few thousand dollars have been invested and we need to know what is happening, my support center is full of shit.

raphbibus commented 7 years ago

Same here, no Nearby Notifications. Only app working is the Physical Web app on iOS right now.

mahnuh commented 7 years ago

Can confirm this, only physical web app and third-party apps working on iOS.

LOC-Place commented 7 years ago

Physical Web APP on iOS is still working NOT on Android! @scottjenson - meeting in vienna - sent you a related private message too.

mahnuh commented 7 years ago

The problem might be the physical web proxy?

kevinahuber commented 7 years ago

Confirmed here. Test site is failing too:

mmocny commented 7 years ago

Sorry folks, server outage last night for several hours. Back up now, let me know if you see anything else!

(Boy you folks are fast at noticing!)

mahnuh commented 7 years ago

Chrome on iOS is working again.

kevinahuber commented 7 years ago

Awesome! As with speed, @luciofr (and the rest of the folks here) are dependent on these services for demos and active deployments.

@mmocny With experimentation and tweaking happening, it's difficult to determine what is an experiment vs. an unintentional outage. Could we develop a clearer channel to disseminate whether not seeing physical web content is the result of a change in URL resolution method, rollout/rollback of feature, etc.?

raphbibus commented 7 years ago

Tested on Android 7 and iOS, works fine again. Suggesting to close this issue.

mmocny commented 7 years ago

@kevinahuber I think the test you did (just using the validator) is a great way to isolate for server issues.

Apologies again!

LOC-Place commented 7 years ago

Worked on Android five minutes ago for a view minutes NOW and again NO SERVICE! iOS Chrome Plug-In didn't work even during the time when Android worked. Suggestion NOT to close this issue yet :-( Still testing and will let you know when the issues on my side here in Europe/Austria are solved. Give the serves/cashes etc. a chance to recover in the next hours. Will keep you informed

LOC-Place commented 7 years ago

@mmocny can you reopen the issue or do I have to open a new one?

LOC-Place commented 7 years ago

working again on Andorid

LOC-Place commented 7 years ago

NOT stable again NOT working on Android

mahnuh commented 7 years ago

Working like charm on our android devices.

luciofr commented 7 years ago

Here in Brazil nothing works, Nearby Android native (since last week), Physical Web Application and iOS via Chrome Notifications (04 / May).

jeffprestes commented 7 years ago

For me, in Brazil, it's working normally.

luciofr commented 7 years ago

@jeffprestes are you receiving your notifications via Nearby native Android, Physical Web Application and iOS via Chrome Notifications? Could you send us the print of your canvases? Do you use your own URLs or are you using a default of type

LOC-Place commented 7 years ago

Please compare my new open issue #908 Physical Web Service totally unstable - fails to validate URLs #908

If you don't get any nearby notifications try to validate your url here: Nearby does filter some page content if it gets swiped away too many times. You may have ran into this. Please also try the URL validator:

luciofr commented 7 years ago

I have at least 30 nearby Beacons, all with valid URLs. physical vali