Open AdrianLsk opened 7 years ago
Hi, can you please clarify how to use the saved model files if I want to load the model from a checkpoint?
Here is my code:
# mock input mock_input = np.ones(input_shape) # build model accuracy, cost, inference_input, label_tensor, inferences, train_op = \ build_network(input_shape, learning_rate, specs, pt.Phase.test) # set gpu and config options gpu_options = \ tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=True, per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=.9) config = \ tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, gpu_options=gpu_options, log_device_placement=True) # load from checkpoint model_ckpt = './models/first/' runner = pt.train.Runner(initial_checkpoint=model_ckpt) with tf.Session(config=config), tf.device('/gpu:2'): predictions = runner.run_model( op_list=[inferences], num_steps=1, feed_vars=(inference_input,), print_every=0, feed_data=[(mock_input,)])
The inspection of the three saved files:
DataLoss error
NotFoundError: Tensor name "conv3d_1/bias/Adam_1" not found in checkpoint files ...
I thought that all variables are saved during training. what am I doing wrong?
Hi, can you please clarify how to use the saved model files if I want to load the model from a checkpoint?
Here is my code:
The inspection of the three saved files:
nor infile.meta
since both yieldDataLoss error
must be the correct one but it givesNotFoundError: Tensor name "conv3d_1/bias/Adam_1" not found in checkpoint files ...
I thought that all variables are saved during training. what am I doing wrong?