google / protobuf-gradle-plugin

Protobuf Plugin for Gradle
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Exclude directories from dependency protobuf configuration which will be extracted to extracted-protos #649

Open meiskalt7 opened 1 year ago

meiskalt7 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I have a dependency with all protobuf schemas: protobuf("")

I want to exclude some of them by directory or name in extractProto task. Is it real to override pattern of ProtobufExtract.getInputProtoFiles function? Or how to do such thing?

rougsig commented 1 year ago

For now you can't do it from plugin side. You'd need to extract the jar by yourself. Then add to the plugin proto sourceSet extracted directory.

Hoferl commented 8 months ago

Hi, is there any update on this? I would also need to exclude quite a few schemas from a dependency and wanted to know if there is a way to do it from with the plugin side.