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IETF Connection Close Frame - Possible narrowing of error code coming from reason phrase #53

Closed kinokrt closed 1 year ago

kinokrt commented 1 year ago

Looks like error code coming from reason phrase of CLOSE_FRAME can be very big number (64 bits) but the target enum QuicErrorCode can be of non-fixed underlying type unsigned int (32 bits). This can lead to narrowing. I have checked this behavior by updating the QuicFramerTest.ConnectionCloseFrameWithUnknownErrorCode so it sends following reason phrase "4294967296:bla" which leads to quic_error_code with value 0 (QUIC_NO_ERROR) because of narrowing.

The problematic code:

void MaybeExtractQuicErrorCode(QuicConnectionCloseFrame* frame) {
  std::vector<absl::string_view> ed = absl::StrSplit(frame->error_details, ':');
  uint64_t extracted_error_code;


  frame->quic_error_code = static_cast<QuicErrorCode>(extracted_error_code);
bencebeky commented 1 year ago

Thank you for pointing out this issue. It has been fixed at