analysis/R/decode2way.R: new algorithm and helper functions are here
analysis/tools/ python client that computes marginal inputs required for decode2way algorithms given RAPPOR inputs from stdin
Corresponding test analysis/tools/ tests the python file with detailed documentation of output format a test suite to run end-to-end simulations and compare EM and new algorithms.
Usage: ./ run-seq ‘^a-’ 5 T
This runs all association tests 5 times comparing both algorithms (T = true flag) in sequential processes. Other options documented in requires parameters from tests/ and HTML plumbing in tests/ and tests/assoctest.html
compare_assoc.R: the main R code that is used by assoctest
experimental/assoc contains some old files used in experimenting with the new assoc analysis code a simple wrapper around R functions to run both new and old assoc algorithms on input map files, rappor reports, and params.
Usage: ./ [<EM also? T/F>].
Note: directory assumed to have some structure (see documentation in updated to include new jsonlite library
tests/gen_true_values_assoc{_test}.R: R files that implement and test respectivley generating distributions (correlated zipfians) analogous to tests/gen_true_values.R for RAPPOR histograms
tests/ tests/ modified to process two variables at a time from a true values file for the purposes of end-to-end simulations.