google / s2geometry

Computational geometry and spatial indexing on the sphere
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Calculate S2 of polygon with OOM Error in golang #329

Closed gzqlovemxq closed 11 months ago

gzqlovemxq commented 12 months ago

I use golang to calaulate a s2 cells of a polygon [[104.3694198,30.2951281],[104.3633136,30.2962483],[104.365088,30.2959228],[104.3694198,30.2951281]]

And I found it usually happened when the area of polygon is very small.

Is there any bug for S2 Golang with handling this scenario?

        s2Points := make([]s2.Point, 0, len(coords))
    for _, points := range coords {
        for i := 0; i < len(points)-1; i++ {
            s2Points = append(s2Points, s2.PointFromLatLng(s2.LatLngFromDegrees(points[i][1], points[i][0])))

    s2Loop := s2.LoopFromPoints(s2Points)
    if err := s2Loop.Validate(); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if ok, err := isCCWOrder(coords); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    } else if !ok {

    rc := &s2.RegionCoverer{MinLevel: 14, MaxLevel: 14, MaxCells: 1e7}
    cells := rc.Covering(s2Loop)
smcallis commented 12 months ago

The Go fork of S2 is maintained at, I'd recommend opening this issue over there for better visibility.

gzqlovemxq commented 12 months ago

Got it, have moved with this issue and Thank for your advising.