I have a SageTV Java programming question I can not seem to find a an solution. I am trying to update the XMLTV plugin to get it more up to the current standard. The original code is using EPGDBPublic.java which gets the guide from class that implements sage.EPGImportPlugin by defining the following function.
I have a SageTV Java programming question I can not seem to find a an solution. I am trying to update the XMLTV plugin to get it more up to the current standard. The original code is using EPGDBPublic.java which gets the guide from class that implements sage.EPGImportPlugin by defining the following function.
updateGuide(String aProviderId, EPGDBPublic aGuide) https://github.com/google/sagetv/blob/f0e896e70a77e02a06d1ad78e2781f58412db2ba/java/sage/EPGImportPlugin.java#L44
How do use guide that is type EPGDBPublic with EPGDBPublic2 which is and interface that extends EPGDBPublic? (https://github.com/google/sagetv/blob/f0e896e70a77e02a06d1ad78e2781f58412db2ba/java/sage/EPGDBPublic2.java#L22)