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SageTV is a cross-platform networked DVR and media management system
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Extract Media Description from video file #477

Open Gary0201 opened 2 years ago

Gary0201 commented 2 years ago

I would like to see Sage automatically extract from media files it finds (e.g. from an import folder) the "Comments" field and populate that into the Sage "Description" field.

Use case:

I use PlayOn from a different system to download media (both TV shows and movies) from various sources: Netflix, Hulu, Tubi, PBS, etc. I then move those into a Sage import folder. Sage then discovers them (and shows them when navigating to the Videos/Folders. But it only shows some details (season/episode, date, duration). Within the underlying .mp4 file is also the 'Comments' (e.g. within Windows, navigate to the file, right click > Properties > Details tab > "Comments" field.

I use BMT to register this file as a 'recording' so it shows up on the Recordings display with Sage, but as expected, the "Description" field is blank. While it is true that BMT could be updated to go out and search the net and insert the media description, why should it. The description is right in the media file.

I literally end up copy/pasting that "comment" within the media file into the Description field when registering the video as a recording so that the show description shows up in Sage when I view the recording from the recordings display.

Why am I asking for this:

Its a bit of a PITA when you do a bulk import of a TV shows multiple seasons and shows to have to do all this manual copy/pasting when Sage could (when it discovers the file) to simply import that already.

I should note that SageTV does this already for Movies, but it pulls that from the Internet, but it doesn't HAVE to, the description is already pre-populated by PlayOn in the media file. I would actually like to see SageTV first check whether the FILE has the media description already, then fall back to using the internet to obtain a description if one isn't in the file (for any recording). The recording files are already parsed by Sage. Here is the exact filename as an example of one such recording:

Midsomer Murders - s20e06 - Send in the Clowns.mp4

Within the files properties, are these fields:

Title: s20e06 - Send in the Clowns Comment: Barnaby must confront his fears when death accompanies Ferraees Circus into town.