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SAMURAI: Shape And Material from Unconstrained Real-world Arbitrary Image collections - NeurIPS2022
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Get black duck mesh after mesh extraction #5

Open hongsiyu opened 1 year ago

hongsiyu commented 1 year ago

I trained the model using duck data, and got a yellow duck in evaluation. But when I ran the script, I got almost black base color, almost black roughness and black metallic while tangent normal is true. I want to know if I miss some steps while extracting mesh?

SherifGabr commented 1 year ago

I got a similar result (grey textureless mesh in Blender). But in my case, it is due to an imageio error that prevents it from extracting the texture properly. Did you encounter any errors?

SherifGabr commented 1 year ago

@hongsiyu Just following up, did you happen to find any solutions to this?