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AddressSanitizer, ThreadSanitizer, MemorySanitizer
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crash on programs that link SenTestingKit (Apple's bundled unit testing framework) #38

Closed ramosian-glider closed 9 years ago

ramosian-glider commented 9 years ago

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 38

Programs that link SenTestingKit (aka OCUnit) crash when compiled with -faddress-sanitizer.

On Mac OS X 10.7 with a standard installation of Apple's developer tools into /Developer,
compile and run this program:

#include <objc/objc-runtime.h>
int main() {
  return 0;

like so:
clang -faddress-sanitizer -Xlinker -no_pie -arch i386 -F/Developer/Library/Frameworks
-Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker /Developer/Library/Frameworks -framework Foundation -framework
SenTestingKit foo.c

(See also attachment.)

If you remove "-framework SenTestingKit", the resulting a.out will run and complete
fine.  With linking SenTestingKit, running a.out crashes with the following backtrace:

#0  0x00009176 in wrap_strcmp (s1=0x13a60 "NSBundle", s2=0x0) at /Volumes/Data/Users/ken/Projects/Foreign/llvm/llvm/projects/compiler-rt/lib/asan/
#1  0x9551eea4 in classIsEqual ()
#2  0x9550d188 in NXHashGet ()
#3  0x9550ea51 in look_up_class ()
#4  0x9550f57c in objc_getClass ()
#5  0x000028ea in main ()

and message:

==2701== ERROR: AddressSanitizer crashed on unknown address 0x00000000 (pc 0x00009176
sp 0xbffff8d0 bp 0xbffff908 T0)
AddressSanitizer can not provide additional info. ABORTING
    #0 0x9176 (/private/tmp/./a.out+0x8176)
    #1 0x9551eea4 (/usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib+0x16ea4)
    #2 0x9550d188 (/usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib+0x5188)
    #3 0x9550ea51 (/usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib+0x6a51)
    #4 0x9550f57c (/usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib+0x757c)
    #5 0x28ea (/private/tmp/./a.out+0x18ea)
    #6 0x2835 (/private/tmp/./a.out+0x1835)
    #7 0x1 (/private/tmp/./a.out+0x1)
Stats: 0M malloced (0M for red zones) by 0 calls
Stats: 0M realloced by 0 calls
Stats: 0M freed by 0 calls
Stats: 0M really freed by 0 calls
Stats: 0M (0 full pages) mmaped in 0 calls
  mmaps   by size class: 
  mallocs by size class: 
  frees   by size class: 
  rfrees  by size class: 
Stats: malloc large: 0 small slow: 0

Version info:

clang version 3.1 (trunk 150294)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin11.2.0
Thread model: posix

Reported by kenferry on 2012-02-12 23:50:20

ramosian-glider commented 9 years ago
I tried to investigate some. 

The call to NXHashGet is trying to access the variable "class_hash", as seen at
 . This hash table is expected to contain values of type struct old_class*, each of
which corresponds to an Objective-C class.  We crash because all the structures corresponding
to classes that come out of SenTestingKit are completely zeroed out by the time we
hit main.   This includes a char* class name pointer within old_class that is being
passed to strcmp.  It is expected to never be NULL.  

I was able to put breakpoints on all the places where class_hash is modified in objc-runtime-old.m
ObjC and verify the integrity of class_hash.  I observed that the class structures
for SenTestingKit are correctly added to class_hash, and it was always valid.  However,
by the time we hit main, the structure is corrupt.  So, I think it's a module initializer
or something going awry? I tried putting a watchpoint on the class name to see when
it got zeroed, but that didn't pick it up.  

The source to SenTestingKit (or some version of it) is at

Possibly important is that SenTestProbe has a +load method (which runs before main,
and I can see that it's running before __asan_init).  This method kicks off several
+initialize methods running (the objective-C runtime runs the +initialize method for
a class the first time someone tries to message the class).  Of possibly further interest,
it looks like this ends up spawning a thread before __asan_init runs.  This happens
because SenTestingKit indirectly calls code in the Apple frameworks that uses dispatch_once
for one-time initialization.  This (I think) initializes libdispatch (
which spawns a worker thread pool or something like that.

It's of particular interest to run unit tests under asan, since they exercise a pile
of code.  I was able to rewrite my particular pile of tests not to use SenTestingKit,
though, and address sanitizer worked great once I removed the linkage!

Reported by kenferry on 2012-02-13 00:10:06

ramosian-glider commented 9 years ago
I can reproduce this on 10.6
If something is running before __asan_init, and that something maps memory or spawns
threads, we are doomed. 
When we compile +load methods we insert __asan_init in the beginning of the method
(I hate this hack), but it doesn't help here because we don't compile this code. 

The +load methods are called from this stack (at least on my Mac box):

#2  0x90e08bb4 in call_load_methods ()
#3  0x90e0892e in load_images ()
#4  0x8fe036c8 in __dyld__ZN4dyldL12notifySingleE17dyld_image_statesPK11ImageLoader
#5  0x8fe0d30a in __dyld__ZN11ImageLoader23recursiveInitializationERKNS_11LinkContextEj
#6  0x8fe0d3d1 in __dyld__ZN11ImageLoader15runInitializersERKNS_11LinkContextE ()
#7  0x8fe024a9 in __dyld__ZN4dyld24initializeMainExecutableEv ()
#8  0x8fe07950 in __dyld__ZN4dyld5_mainEPK12macho_headermiPPKcS5_S5_ ()
#9  0x8fe018b1 in __dyld__ZN13dyldbootstrap5startEPK12macho_headeriPPKcl ()
#10 0x8fe01057 in __dyld__dyld_start ()

Maybe we can intercept load_images somehow at link-time? 

Ken, your suggestions on how to call __asan_init before +load methods are welcome here.

Reported by konstantin.s.serebryany on 2012-02-13 01:58:22

ramosian-glider commented 9 years ago
I don't know how to get __asan_init in cleanly, but I know a few hacks one can try.

On trying them, though, I'm now wondering if the issue is something else in this case.

If you build a small dylib that contains just an empty c file, it looks to me like
that is enough for asan to insert a module initializer that calls __asan_init.

If you set the environment variable DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/path/to/libInitializeAsan.dylib,
then that library will be loaded before those specified in the program.  

However, it looks to me like that actually makes it load TOO early - I crash like so:

#0  0x9462a818 in _CFRuntimeSetInstanceTypeID ()
#1  0x94693a46 in CFAllocatorCreate ()
#2  0x00009097 in __asan::ReplaceSystemMalloc () at /Users/glider/src/asan/asan-llvm-trunk/llvm/projects/compiler-rt/lib/asan/

Which looks to me like CoreFoundation needs to be initialized before __asan_init runs.

Ok, so here's another shot.  If one makes the same libInitializeAsan.dylib, links it
to just CoreFoundation.framework, then has the real app link libInitializeAsan.dylib
before it links anything else, then it looks to me like __asan_init runs right after
CoreFoundation's module initializers.  

Linking in SenTestingKit still crashes though.. I don't know what's special about it.
 I tried to build my own version of SenTestingKit from the source at,
and it doesn't cause the same problem.

Re: Getting __asan_init in there in a controlled way, I'll ask around a little bit,
and you could also ask on the llvm list. I wonder if it would be possible to do something
with a custom __start? Or is that too early to be helpful?

man 1 dyld has some good stuff, by the way.  DYLD_PRINT_APIS and DYLD_PRINT_INITIALIZERS
are useful.

Reported by kenferry on 2012-02-13 03:49:19

ramosian-glider commented 9 years ago
Kostya, WDYT about linker-based hacks to initialize early?

As someone had previously suggested in macdev, we can use a postbuild script that does
something to the initialization code (e.g. swaps our ctors or +load methods with those
coming from the non-instrumented code).
Another option is to use DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES (that's almost the same as LD_PRELOAD
on Linux)
The third one is to ship our own dyld (that's on Mac) that initializes ASan itself.
This isn't very good since we're targeting several OS versions.

Reported by ramosian.glider on 2012-02-13 09:05:13

ramosian-glider commented 9 years ago
Ok, I think I see the problem.  It's maybe worse than than a +load. 

Using otool -l as described at
, it looks like the framework was linked with -seg1addr 0x20100000. So that's its preferred
load address. 

Asan uses 0x20000000 - 0x23ffffff for low shadow memory.  

It _looks_ like dyld maps _all_ the linked libraries before it runs _any_ module initializers
or load methods. So SenTestKit is already mapped in when __asan_init runs, and asan
zeros that portion of memory for use as the shadow. 

Reported by kenferry on 2012-02-13 09:12:09

ramosian-glider commented 9 years ago
FTR, if the instrumented code is somehow executed before __asan_init (e.g. from a non-instrumented
+load method), this will show up immediately. There should be no delayed effects.

Reported by ramosian.glider on 2012-02-13 09:19:40

ramosian-glider commented 9 years ago
Hm, I wonder if it's possible to ask dyld not to load anything in the shadow memory
(we'll also need this for Chrome+NaCl).

Reported by ramosian.glider on 2012-02-13 09:20:44

ramosian-glider commented 9 years ago
Yes, I think that works! dyld maps in the executable itself first. Any other libraries
will slide if their preferred addresses are already mapped. 

I passed linker flags 

    -segaddr AsanLowShadow 0x20000000 -sectcreate AsanLowShadow placeholder /tmp/foo

Where /tmp/foo was a large file, and that did the trick! There are probably cleaner
ways to do it. 

Reported by kenferry on 2012-02-13 10:52:58

ramosian-glider commented 9 years ago
This also works:

asm( ".zerofill AsanShadow , shadowsec , shadowmem , 0x1fffffff");

Perhaps this can be used instead of performing the mapping in __asan_init. 

Reported by kenferry on 2012-02-13 11:44:51

ramosian-glider commented 9 years ago
>> asm( ".zerofill AsanShadow , shadowsec , shadowmem , 0x1fffffff");
FYI: .zerofill will be bad for performance on 64-bits.

% cat asm.c 
#include <stdio.h>
asm( ".zerofill AsanShadow, shadowsec , _asan_shadow ,0x0000100000000000");

extern char asan_shadow[0x0000100000000000ULL];

int main() {
  printf("Ok %p\n", asan_shadow);

% clang  -segaddr AsanShadow 0x100000000000  asm.c && time ./a.out 
Ok 0x100000000000

real    0m0.952s
user    0m0.001s
sys     0m0.948s

This is twice slower than the current-already-slow speed (issue 24)

Reported by konstantin.s.serebryany on 2012-02-24 23:43:44

ramosian-glider commented 9 years ago
Is that?

$ clang  -segaddr AsanShadow 0x100000000000  asm.c -g && time ./a.out 
Ok 0x100000000000

real    0m0.685s
user    0m0.001s
sys 0m0.627s

(this is the same machine I used to profile issue 24)

Also some data from Shark:

  PID #37556 [37556]
    % Total                               Symbol                  Library      Address
      46.2%                          pmap_remove             /mach_kernel     0x2953eb
      26.4%                  vm_map_lookup_entry             /mach_kernel     0x25ca35
       9.6%                           pmap64_pde             /mach_kernel     0x28ec0f
       9.3%                          pmap64_pdpt             /mach_kernel     0x28ea39
       2.9%                    lck_mtx_lock_spin             /mach_kernel     0x29a3b0
       1.7%                 vm_map_lookup_locked             /mach_kernel     0x260066
       1.3%                             pmap_pde             /mach_kernel     0x28edee
       1.0%              lck_mtx_unlock_darwin10             /mach_kernel     0x29a960
       0.4%                                zfree             /mach_kernel     0x234386
       0.4%                       hw_lock_unlock             /mach_kernel     0x299db0
       0.3%                           hw_lock_to             /mach_kernel     0x299d30
       0.1%                       vm_page_lookup             /mach_kernel     0x279df0
       0.1%                vm_map_simplify_entry             /mach_kernel     0x25f54b
       0.1%                      lck_rw_done_gen             /mach_kernel     0x29fe60
       0.1%                          lck_rw_done             /mach_kernel     0x29a240

I see no performance difference here.

Reported by ramosian.glider on 2012-02-27 08:05:37

ramosian-glider commented 9 years ago
I would not expect to see a perf hit from zero-filling, because all pages brought in
from vm_allocate'd memory are zero filled for security reasons.  If it's _eagerly_
zero-filled, that would be a problem.

Reported by kenferry on 2012-02-28 16:56:57

ramosian-glider commented 9 years ago
Indeed, I remeasured and I see that asm .zerofill is as fast (or, I should say, as slow)
as manual mmap. 

Perhaps asm.zerofill + -segaddr is more bullet-proof because it happens at link-time.
It will also allow us to get rid of instrumentation hacks for "+ methods". 
Is it portable across all variants of MacOS? 

I wonder if there is anything like this for linux... 

Reported by konstantin.s.serebryany on 2012-03-06 21:45:41

ramosian-glider commented 9 years ago
The following seems to work.


.section .asan.shadow,"aw",@nobits
.globl shadow
.type shadow, @object
.size shadow, 0x20000000
.zero 0x20000000


#include <stdio.h>
extern char shadow[];
int main(void) { printf("shadow at %p\n", shadow);  return 0; }

gcc 1.c shadow.s -o 1 -Wl,--section-start=.asan.shadow=0x2000000

I could not make it work with a 64-bit-sized shadow (with -mcmodel=large):

Starting program: /usr/local/google/home/eugenis/test/zerofill/1 
During startup program terminated with signal SIGKILL, Killed.

Also, linker (ld) appears to allocate the whole shadow in memory, even though the final
ELF and all intermediate objects are tiny. Gold crashes on an assertion when a section
is larger than a certain threshold.

What's more important, this approach does not help us intercept early memory allocations.
It also does not work for PIE (but this is not really an issue).

Reported by on 2012-03-07 08:55:02

ramosian-glider commented 9 years ago
-1, 0) = -1 ENOMEM (Cannot allocate memory)

So, does not add MAP_NORESERVE, and, apparently, there is no way to make it add
it, other than patching the loader itself.

Reported by on 2012-03-07 12:38:01

ramosian-glider commented 9 years ago

Reported by konstantin.s.serebryany on 2012-05-22 08:48:51

ramosian-glider commented 9 years ago
are we going to take any action on this? 
If not, let's close this issue. 

Reported by konstantin.s.serebryany on 2013-02-18 08:17:50

ramosian-glider commented 9 years ago
Ken, can you please check whether the problem is reproduced with the trunk Clang?
We've made major changes in ASan recently, so the behavior could've changed significantly.

Reported by ramosian.glider on 2013-02-26 16:52:45

ramosian-glider commented 9 years ago

Reported by ramosian.glider on 2014-05-07 09:02:10

ramosian-glider commented 9 years ago
Adding Project:AddressSanitizer as part of GitHub migration.

Reported by ramosian.glider on 2015-07-30 09:12:58