google / schemarama

Schemarama is a project exploring standards-based validation for structured data, especially
Apache License 2.0
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Restore demos, document their config API and how to set up static-hosted and docker installations #34

Open danbri opened 2 years ago

danbri commented 2 years ago

We should have documentation showing how to set this up for (a) static serving (b) docker serving, and a live installation of at least one of these.


The original demos used server side processing for 3 things:

The whole thing can be run as a docker container but it would be good to have a simplified pure static version that could be run by anyone very easily. To do this:

I made a first attempt at the documentation below.

Draft documentation

Config API

SchemaramaJS configures itself with various files loaded from relative URIs:

It will also typically serve icons associated with the hierarchy of services, e.g. initial demo uses:

Config details

The original demo shows a mix of shapes - some basic structures from's definitions, and some associated with example online services. SchemaramaJS will try to load these upon initialization.


This can be quite large, e.g. looking at headers using

curl -s -D - -o /dev/null

Content-Disposition: inline; filename=full.shacl
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Length: 223194

We get a large dump of SHACL in RDF/Turtle syntax.


Similarly, here we are served (in demo configuration):

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Disposition: inline; filename=full.shexj
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Length: 633692
Last-Modified: Wed, 09 Mar

Similarly, for the ShEx version we get a large dump of ShEx in ShExJ syntax.


curl -s -D -

This data file reproduces rdfs:subClassOf assertions from relevant schemas. It is in Turtle format, and is not tightly linked to SHACL, except by the fact that only the SHACL validator uses it; it is not passed to ShEx validator during setup. In principle it could be used for other purposes, and we could change the file/url path accordingly.

In demo configuration, it is every subtype-supertype relationship defined in (and therefore note sometimes a type has multiple supertypes). Here are the lines relating to the ComedyClub type:

curl -s -D - | grep ComedyClub

schema:ComedyClub rdfs:subClassOf schema:Place .
schema:ComedyClub rdfs:subClassOf schema:EntertainmentBusiness .
schema:ComedyClub rdfs:subClassOf schema:Organization .
schema:ComedyClub rdfs:subClassOf schema:LocalBusiness .
schema:ComedyClub rdfs:subClassOf schema:Thing .


SchemaramaJS loads a JSON configuration file defining a hierarchy of services/applications that can be associated with the various validations being checked. In turn this file can include image URLs.

Demo config is this:

  "nested": [
      "service": "ServiceA"
      "nested": [
          "service": "ServiceBProduct1"
          "service": "ServiceBProduct2"
          "service": "ServiceBProduct3"
      "service": "ServiceB"
      "service": "ServiceC"
      "service": "ServiceD"
  "service": "Schema"


SchemaramaJS also uses a JSON service mapping file, which associates validation shapes (named in common across SHACL and ShEX) with the services described in /services:

  "ValidSchemaAboutPage": "Schema",
  "ValidSchemaAcceptAction": "Schema",
  "ValidSchemaAccommodation": "Schema",
  "ValidSchemaAccountingService": "Schema",
  "ValidSchemaAchieveAction": "Schema",
  "ValidSchemaAction": "Schema",
  "ValidSchemaActionAccessSpecification": "Schema",
  "ValidSchemaActionStatusType": "Schema",
  "ValidSchemaActivateAction": "Schema",
  "ValidSchemaAddAction": "Schema",
  "ValidSchemaAdministrativeArea": "Schema",
  "ValidSchemaAdultEntertainment": "Schema",
  "ValidSchemaAggregateOffer": "Schema",
  "ValidSchemaAgreeAction": "Schema",
  "ValidSchemaAirline": "Schema",
  "ValidSchemaAirport": "Schema", [...etc etc...]
  "ValidSchemaWriteAction": "Schema",
  "ValidSchemaXPathType": "Schema",
  "ValidSchemaZoo": "Schema",
  "ValidServiceBRecipe": "ServiceB",
  "ValidServiceBProduct1Recipe": "ServiceBProduct1",
  "ValidServiceBProduct2Recipe": "ServiceBProduct2",
  "ValidServiceBProduct3Recipe": "ServiceBProduct3",
  "ValidServiceARecipe": "ServiceA",
  "ValidServiceDRecipe": "ServiceD",
  "ValidServiceCRecipe": "ServiceC" 


Finally, SchemaramaJS loads a collection of example tests, each is an appropriately escaped text value, structured in a very plain JSON file:

  "tests": [ 
     "escaped markup here e.g. json-ld...", 
     "second example here e.g. microdata..." 

No additional metadata is included; SchemaramaJS will try to figure out how to parse it.

Config-using Validator code

These files are all loaded by static/js/scc/core.js:

$(document).ready(async () => {
    $.getJSON("", function(e) {
        ip = e.ip;
    await $.get(`shacl/shapes`, (res) => shaclShapes = res);
    await $.get(`shacl/subclasses`, (res) => subclasses = res);
    await $.get(`shex/shapes`, (res) => shexShapes = JSON.parse(res));
    await $.get(`hierarchy`, (res) => {
        hierarchy = res;
        constructHierarchySelector(hierarchy, 0);
    await $.get(`services/map`, (res) => shapeToService = res);
    $.get(`tests`, (res) => initTests(res.tests));
    shexValidator = new schemarama.ShexValidator(shexShapes, {annotations: annotations});
    shaclValidator = new schemarama.ShaclValidator(shaclShapes, {
        annotations: annotations,
        subclasses: subclasses,
danbri commented 2 years ago

Started a rough script that copies things into the right place in an ephemeral "_serving" folder.

danbri commented 2 years ago

Possible diagnosis and fix for this not running: we're using very simple static HTTP servers that aren't sending the right media type headers for things that are in JSON (or any format for that matter).

I tried

    $.get(`tests`, (res) => { 
        let jres = $.parseJSON(res);    

... in core.js line 39 and it seems to work.

Another gotcha, the demo assumes at least 3 tests will be sent from /tests, currently.