google / schemarama

Schemarama is a project exploring standards-based validation for structured data, especially
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Figure out best pattern for linking from bits of ShEx (smaller than shapes) to documentation URLs #40

Open danbri opened 2 years ago

danbri commented 2 years ago

For a concrete example, consider

which was in fact based on Google's rules for describing datasets to Google Dataset Search. This all got anonymized for the opensource launch here for simplicity.

Here's a fragment of the ShExC:

<#ValidServiceBDataset> @<#ValidSchemaDataset> AND EXTRA a {
    schema:description .
    // techdoc:url ""
    // techdoc:description "A short summary describing a dataset."
    // techdoc:identifier "error";

    schema:name .
    // techdoc:url ""
    // techdoc:description "A descriptive name of a dataset."
    // techdoc:identifier "error";

    schema:alternateName . +
    // techdoc:url ""
    // techdoc:description "Alternative names that have been used to refer to this dataset, such as aliases or abbreviations."
    // techdoc:identifier "warning";

    schema:creator . +
    // techdoc:url ""
    // techdoc:description "The creator or author of this dataset."
    // techdoc:identifier "warning";

    schema:citation .
    // techdoc:url ""
    // techdoc:description "Identifies academic articles that are recommended by the data provider be cited in addition to the dataset itself."
    // techdoc:identifier "warning";

It might be that the linking from bits of ShEx to supporting documents is better supported by out-of-band metadata, rather than inline. To be discussed!

danbri commented 1 year ago

@ericprud has mentioned "shape paths" in this context.

out-of-band is important...