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Mobile UX/UI issues on Graphs when in Gathering state #4944

Closed wpdarren closed 2 years ago

wpdarren commented 2 years ago

Bug Description

While testing #4697 I noticed a few minor UX/UI issues on mobile with the graphs on the main and entity dashboards.

Both of these issues only occur when the site is at gathering... state.

  1. On the All Traffic widget: the y axis values are cut off, i.e. 2... I could recreate this on all small screen sizes. What's interesting is that the values are in the thousands for gathering data but hundreds for zero data. So, this is why I could not recreate these issues with zero data. See screenshots below.
Screenshots ![image]( ![image]( ![image](
  1. On the Search traffic widget, the x axis values are also cut off. I could recreate this on all small screen sizes. For this issue, it's actually a problem on desktop and mobile as you can see in the screenshots below. There are many more dates for gathering data, and this isn't an issue on zero data that I could see from my testing.
Screenshots ![image]( ![image](

Do not alter or remove anything below. The following sections will be managed by moderators only.

Acceptance criteria

Implementation Brief

Ensure y-axis label consistency between zero-state and gathering data views

Prevent y-axis label truncation


Prevent x-axis label truncation

Test Coverage

QA Brief

During testing, either use accounts which are in "gathering data" and "zero data" states, or use the Tester plugin to force these states.

Changelog entry

techanvil commented 2 years ago

I've made a start on the IB, addressing the y-axis label inconsistency between zero-data and gathering data states.

However, the issue of the axis labels being truncated is a bit tricky to determine a solution for. As such I have a couple of questions, for @wpdarren and @felixarntz respectively.

Before tackling the y-axis side of things, I would like to mention that I've not actually been able to reproduce the x-axis label truncation.

@wpdarren, I'm not sure if something could have changed since this was raised, I've tried with Chrome 99.0.4844.74 and Safari 15.3 on MacOS 12.2.1, and Chrome 99.0.4844.74 on Ubuntu 21.10, running develop (currently at commit d1ebb0f15c2e0e74c308a032e535ad7f1e9c63ce). Could you please check again to confirm it does still happen, and let me know what you're testing it on?

As for the y-axis labels:

Reducing the vAxis maximum value from 2500 to 100 (see the first part of the IB) actually mitigates the truncation problem to a large degree. For example, viewing UserCountGraph in Storybook at the "Small mobile" viewport, 320px, only the topmost label is truncated. At 330px the label is no longer truncated.


In order to prevent truncation at this narrow viewport, I have identified a couple of approaches. However, they are not perfect, as the result is a bit inconsistent with the broader graph usage.

It should be noted that the truncation itself is a function of the Google graph renderer, which does some calculation to determine if the text will fit and truncates if not. In other words it's not a CSS ellipses which might allow us to override the style.

  1. Reduce label font size. The default is 12px. Bumping down to 11px is an easy way to fit more label text. We potentially could do this at a given breakpoint, and only for the zero/gathering data state. However, 11px is a bit on the small side, and this would also introduce a bit of inconsistency if we're only reducing the font size in a handful of scenarios.

    set( chartOptions, 'vAxis.textStyle.fontSize', 11 );


  2. Flip the vAxis.textPosition property to in, thus displaying the labels inside the graph. This works well but again adds some inconsistency compared to the broader graph usage (unless we flipped it for all graphs, but then the axis labels are liable to display over the graph lines).

    set( chartOptions, 'vAxis.textPosition', 'in' );


  3. Tweak the chartArea settings to provide more space for the labels. This provides a bit more control but I think would probably be difficult to manage given the responsive and varied nature of the charts.

    chartOptions.chartArea = { left: 0, width: '90%', height: '90%' };


See for more info on the chart options.

@felixarntz, could I get your input on the above? Could it be the case that we don't even need to worry about the truncation if it's only occurring in the ~320px viewport range? Otherwise, what are your thoughts on the suggested solutions?

Thanks for taking a look!

cc @aaemnnosttv

felixarntz commented 2 years ago


Reducing the vAxis maximum value from 2500 to 100

That makes sense to me. However, since the 100 is still getting truncated at the smaller viewport, why don't we make that maximum even lower for the "gathering data" state? There won't be any date, so technically the maximum could be as little as 1. How about using something like 10 or 20?

If the above fixes the y-axis truncation, then we should be good with that. Otherwise, I'd be leaning towards reducing the chart area size as needed, which is something we've done before when similar truncation problems were occurring. Let's not change the font size or make the labels inset though, that would be a more drastic design change we should avoid.

techanvil commented 2 years ago

Hey @felixarntz, thanks for taking a look.

That makes sense to me. However, since the 100 is still getting truncated at the smaller viewport, why don't we make that maximum even lower for the "gathering data" state? There won't be any date, so technically the maximum could be as little as 1. How about using something like 10 or 20?

That did occur to me too, but (sadly) I realised that in some cases we are using 100 because the data point is represented as a percentage so keeping 0-100for the y-axis makes those graphs look more consistent with no data...

With that in mind, shall we proceed in the direction of tweaking the chart area?

felixarntz commented 2 years ago

@techanvil Ah, good point. In that case I agree tweaking the chart area makes most sense.

wpdarren commented 2 years ago

@techanvil the 2nd point on my comment related to x-axis. I am wondering if its because I am testing on a 13" MacBook Pro? I am using the latest version of Chrome and have created a screencast. It's still an issue on mobile and desktop.

techanvil commented 2 years ago

Hi @wpdarren, thanks for sharing your clip, can see it plain as day there. However I can't explain why I am not seeing it here. I've tried on a 13" MacBook Pro, and have recorded a similar clip to yours to demonstrate:

Does anything stand out to you that could explain the difference we're seeing? Maybe we'll need to ask someone else with a similar Mac to try it on theirs...

wpdarren commented 2 years ago

@techanvil this is an odd one! I see that the (...) appears at 1206 and smaller pixels. I look to have the same Chrome version, but the MacOS is different but surely that can't be the reason? Are you using the 'gathering' option on the tester plugin, or, is it a new site that is in gathering state with no forcing in the testing plugin? These are the only two things I can think of.


techanvil commented 2 years ago

@techanvil this is an odd one! I see that the (...) appears at 1206 and smaller pixels. I look to have the same Chrome version, but the MacOS is different but surely that can't be the reason? Are you using the 'gathering' option on the tester plugin, or, is it a new site that is in gathering state with no forcing in the testing plugin? These are the only two things I can think of.

Hey @wpdarren, thanks for pointing out the MacOS version. This does appear to make the difference! Having upgraded to Monterey I can also see the ellipses. FWIW I was not using the "gathering" option on the Tester plugin, in fact hadn't realised it was there, so that's another useful piece of knowledge shared.

Fortunately I have now managed to figure out a fix for the x-axis cutoff, and have updated the IB accordingly. Cheers!

aaemnnosttv commented 2 years ago

Instead, generate a sequence of ticks from startDate to endDate. The ticks should be Date instances. This should override anything in chartOptions.hAxis.ticks.

@techanvil according to the docs, hAxis.ticks is only supported for a continuous axis.

Also, it says "For a discrete axis, set the data column type to string" in contrast to the suggested Date type. From what I've seen this is the only factor that determines the axis type.

I'm guessing you've probably tested this so it seems something is not consistent here 😄 Thoughts?

techanvil commented 2 years ago

@techanvil according to the docs, hAxis.ticks is only supported for a continuous axis.

Also, it says "For a discrete axis, set the data column type to string" in contrast to the suggested Date type. From what I've seen this is the only factor that determines the axis type.

I'm guessing you've probably tested this so it seems something is not consistent here smile Thoughts?

Hi @aaemnnosttv, thanks for pointing this out. I've totally managed to misread the docs here :facepalm:, but as you've guessed I have tested this out and it's a legitimate fix, in my opinion, as it fixes the truncation and is in line with other instances of the graph using real data where hAxis.ticks is populated with Date objects.

With that in mind I'm going to remove the erroneous point about being a discrete axis from the IB and leave the implementation as it is. Hopefully that sounds OK to you! :)

aaemnnosttv commented 2 years ago

Thanks @techanvil !

IB ✅

techanvil commented 2 years ago

Hi @aaemnnosttv, further on the above discussion about the hAxis truncation, unfortunately during implementation I have discovered that the "fix" of setting the hAxis.ticks does not in fact work as desired in all cases.

Having generated the ticks, I noticed that the labels can still be truncated, for example as seen here on the Analytics All Traffic widget:


I spent a bit more time trying to find a fix. I tried generating a discrete axis for the graph, using the string datatype with the axis labels then coming from the data set. Unfortunately though, I still found the label would truncate, as seen here for example, on the Search Funnel widget:


In the end I took a step back and revisited the original Bug Description, which specifically mentions the Search Funnel widget as being the problematic chart for the x-axis truncation. Revisiting the chart options for this widget, I noticed the chartArea was set to width: 100% but with a left value of 60. Being full width but with a left offset seems conceptually a bit off so I tried reducing the width and found that 90% ensures the truncation no longer occurs at any viewport width, in my testing. The same fix is applicable to the SiteStats, AnalyticsStats, SearchConsoleStats and Stats components which also use the width: 100%/left: 60 values and display the same truncation.

The problem with setting the width to 90% is the amount of empty space it introduces at wider viewports. It's ok at a mid-range one, for example:


And narrower too:


But a wider viewport leads to a more significant area of empty space, to the right of the graph:


By way of comparison, here's the above graph at the current chartArea.width of 100%:


Unfortunately I found that values over 90% were a bit unpredictable, even at wider viewports. For example here's the same graph width a width of 95% at a 1600px wide viewport, note the truncated label:


I'm not convinced that the empty space introduced here would be a good tradeoff for the label truncation, but at the same time, have spent quite a lot of time trying to figure out a fix here, finding it quite problematic due to the relative lack of control we have over the chart rendering process.

A more robust fix might entail a significant amount of engineering effort in order to attain a higher degree of control over the chart rendering.

Could you please let me know if you think this approach of reducing the width to 90% is viable in your eyes?

If not, I would propose that we remove the hAxis truncation fix as a requirement to this ticket, in order to get the vAxis work over the line, and then consider our options as regard the hAxis.

cc @felixarntz

aaemnnosttv commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the detailed report @techanvil!

Regarding the chartArea, how does it work with default values for left and width? It looks like the default is "auto" for both, I'd be curious how this functions with labels that would otherwise get truncated. Also, if the text truncation is done via CSS, the chart engine may not be able to compensate.

Overall, I think having an hAxis label's text truncated is less critical than the yAxis, we shouldn't probably change the chart too much just for a label or two on the boundaries, especially when this is a native feature of the library. Of course we should avoid that within reason but I think we're approaching the threshold for reasonable effort to control this (assuming we've exhausted possibilities for doing this via configuration).

A more extreme solution (that I'm not particularly advocating for) would be to use a kind of container component that provided alternate chart properties for the area based on the rendered size of the chart on the page. That way we could use a more optimal percentage for the width based on the size. Again, this sounds like overkill for something which is not highly critical IMO.

Could you please let me know if you think this approach of reducing the width to 90% is viable in your eyes?

If not, I would propose that we remove the hAxis truncation fix as a requirement to this ticket, in order to get the vAxis work over the line, and then consider our options as regard the hAxis.

I'd prefer to revise the ACs rather than reducing the size of the chart but I'd prefer to get @felixarntz 's thoughts before we go forward with that. Again, it would be good to be sure that there is no other solution via configuration that has not been explored as well.

techanvil commented 2 years ago

Hey @aaemnnosttv, regarding chartArea and its left and width properties, when left to the default (or explicitly set to 'auto'), the result is a narrower, centred view, e.g.:


Also, just ascertaining that left: 60 is valid, I tried setting left: 0 and the result is the vertical axis is not displayed (this is with the default/auto width, but the same occurs at other widths):


To your question about the text truncation being done by CSS, I can confirm that it's not a CSS truncation and the text is apparently being truncated by the google chart visualization library, as evident looking at the ellipsis here:



The "label-unclutter measures" are briefly mentioned on the line chart docs in the description of the hAxis.minTextSpacing property, although I've not been able to find any detail about them.

hAxis.minTextSpacing: ... and in this case one of the label-unclutter measures will be applied (e.g, truncating the labels or dropping some of them).

At this point, although it's certainly possible I have missed something, I do feel that I've considered all of the relevant available options listed on the line chart docs.

I would generally agree with your points about the hAxis truncation being somewhat less critical than the vAxis and it's probably not worth changing things too much to accommodate the occasional truncated label, especially, as you have mentioned, given its a native feature of the charting library.

I'd prefer to revise the ACs rather than reducing the size of the chart but I'd prefer to get @felixarntz 's thoughts before we go forward with that. Again, it would be good to be sure that there is no other solution via configuration that has not been explored as well.

As you've mentioned, it would be useful to get Felix's view on this one. @felixarntz, please could you take a look at this and see what you think - should we drop the hAxis truncation as a requirement for this ticket, or if you feel it's something we should still pursue here?

felixarntz commented 2 years ago

@techanvil @aaemnnosttv I agree the hAxis truncation is not as critical as the vAxis one, but I'd prefer if we found a solution that kept both not truncated. This same problem has been raised before (probably more than a year ago at this point), and back then we fixed in somehow and then apparently it got re-introduced elsewhere. So a more "holistic" solution here would be great.

First of all, your screenshots of the 90% width fix in (even on larger viewports) don't look that bad to me. I'd love to see that in a PR to try so we could also double-check with UX what they think, but at first glance this may be a good enough solution from my perspective.

With that said, I'm curious, what exactly is the 60 in the "left" value? Is it 60px? Is the problem that we somehow add 60px on the left but don't account for it in the width? Can we possibly use something like calc(100% - 60px)? Is it that 90% width simply works because that plus the 60 is never too wide? I see above we can't just set "left" to 0 since then it removes the vertical axis, but I'm curious how these two values really relate.

techanvil commented 2 years ago

Hey @felixarntz, I have created a PR for this issue, including the 90% width fix: #5040. Are you going to liaise with UX on this one, or would you like me to follow up with Sebastian, or possibly Mariya?

Regarding the 60 in the left value: It is indeed 60px. The problem does appear to be that we're offsetting the graph by 60px on the left, but the width: 100% results in the graph right-hand side being pushed all the way to the edge of the container, and the chart label rendering routine then clips the label.

Unfortunately the value types for chartArea are restricted to simple numbers (which map to pixels), or percentages. From the line chart docs:

chartArea: An object with members to configure the placement and size of the chart area (where the chart itself is drawn, excluding axis and legends). Two formats are supported: a number, or a number followed by %. A simple number is a value in pixels; a number followed by % is a percentage. Example: chartArea:{left:20,top:0,width:'50%',height:'75%'}

So, we are not able to use a CSS calc function, or similar approach. It should be noted that even when using a percentage it appears the chart code uses that to calculate a specific pixel value to render the chart SVG.

For example, when specifying left: 60 / width: 90%, this rect element is rendered, with 60 mapping directly to x="60", but the 90% is calculated to width="1115" (this value is updated when the container is resized).


felixarntz commented 2 years ago

@techanvil This looks reasonably well to me, we can potentially check with UX. Thanks also for the follow-up research on possible values. With that said though, why don't we then use a percentage value for left instead? Does it have to be 60? Could we maybe try different combinations of percentages for left and width to see what works well? For example something between left: 5%, width: 95% and left: 10%, width: 90%.

Maybe we can find a percentage value that works well on larger and smaller screens. In any case, it seems that mixing absolute and percentage values here may be the underlying problem we should fix.

techanvil commented 2 years ago

Hi @felixarntz, thanks for the suggestion here - it's a good point to consider, but having looked into it, I don't think we'll achieve better results using a combination of percentages.

However: Looking into this in more depth, I have unfortunately discovered that my suggestion of left: 60, width: 90% still results in label truncation in some cases. ~I suspect that a workable fix is to render with different chartArea.width values depending on the breakpoint.~ I'll go into that toward the end of this comment.

Update: I have discovered what appears to be an undocumented property of chartArea. It looks like simply specifying chartArea.right: 20 works and prevents the label truncation. chartArea.right is not mentioned in the docs but is working in my local testing.

I've updated my PR #5040 with this fix if anyone wants to take a look. Although it's arguably a little risky using what appears to be an undocumented property, I think we should be OK to go ahead with this, given we have VRT coverage of the related components that would alert us if anything were to change. Interested to know what you think.


The hAxis label truncation seems to be occurring when the chart renderer wants to draw a label beyond the bounds of the chartArea, but there isn't room between the chart area and the edge of the chart itself. Bear in mind the "chart area" is defined as "where the chart itself is drawn, excluding axis and legends".

To illustrate, here's a chart where you can see the label extends beyond the chart area. The horizontal lines of the chart indicate the chart area, and I have coloured the chart container green to show the edge of the chart (green = beyond the chart bounds).

This chart is using left: 60, width: 90% for the chartArea.


Increasing chartArea.width to 95%, the amount of space between the chart area and edge of the chart is reduced to the point where the label can't fit and is truncated:


Increasing chartArea.width to 100%, the chart area extends fully to the edge of the chart. It's hard to see at first glance but the label is still truncated, to a single ..


Now, if we were to change to a combination of percentages where they add up to 100%, we'll still end up in the same situation. For example, this is the chart with left: 5%, width: 95%. The label is truncated exactly the same, to a single ..


Evidently, the label truncation is a product of the available width between the chart area and the edge of the chart, regardless of how this available width is determined. Furthermore, specifying a fixed value for left works better than a percentage, as the vAxis labels take up a consistent amount of space regardless of the viewport or container width.

To illustrate the problem with using a percentage for left: At a narrow viewport of 450px, in order for the vAxis to display fully, the minimum percentage for left is 15%.

Note I'm using 1,000,000 as the max value as this is the max viewable at 60px without truncating. I have set chartArea.width to be 80% to allow 5% space on the right hand side, to avoid hAxis truncation, as above.


However at the arbitrarily wide viewport of 1650px, the chartArea.left value of 15% is clearly too wide:


Unfortunately, it seems apparent there's no single combination of percentages that would work well across the board.

Arguably we could render different percentages for left depending on the breakpoint but again, seeing as the label width is fixed and predictable, it seems we'd be better off sticking with a fixed value, e.g. 60px.

As mentioned at the start of this comment, having dug into things more, I have found some scenarios where the proposed left: 60, width: 90% still results in label truncation. For example:

Selecting "Last 90 days" at 320px viewport: image

Selecting "Last 14 days" at 820px viewport: image

Based on the analysis above it seems we should ensure that sufficient space is left between the chart area and the right-hand side of the chart. ~In order to do so, we could render the chart using different chartArea.width values depending on the breakpoint.~

Taking some quick measurements I can see that about ~14-15px of space is needed to prevent truncation. Allowing a margin for error, we could aim for a minimum of ~20px space at all breakpoints.

Update I have found what appears to be an undocumented property of chartArea, and as mentioned at the top, specifying chartArea.right: 20 is giving me good results in my local testing.

cc @aaemnnosttv

aaemnnosttv commented 2 years ago

Thanks @techanvil ! Looks like chartArea.right is quite useful here! I think it's fine to use as it seems odd that the chart would really allow for one and not the other (even if undocumented) – it's probably just a mistake that it isn't documented.

As for the value, I found that there were still some places where a date label was being truncated with right: 20 (see here in Storybook with a viewport width from ~700-950), although 25 seemed to do the trick across the board.

Let's not worry too much about finding the exact perfect value but I think if we can find something close to this which avoids truncating the labels in all viewports we should be good to go 👍

techanvil commented 2 years ago

Thanks @techanvil ! Looks like chartArea.right is quite useful here! I think it's fine to use as it seems odd that the chart would really allow for one and not the other (even if undocumented) – it's probably just a mistake that it isn't documented.

As for the value, I found that there were still some places where a date label was being truncated with right: 20 (see here in Storybook with a viewport width from ~700-950), although 25 seemed to do the trick across the board.

Let's not worry too much about finding the exact perfect value but I think if we can find something close to this which avoids truncating the labels in all viewports we should be good to go +1

Thanks @aaemnnosttv, and good catch about the truncation at right: 20! 25px looks like a pretty safe bet and at @felixarntz' suggestion I've gone with that value.

Felix also raised a couple of good questions about the UserCountGraph component, in response I've suggested that we change the chartArea for this to use non-percentage values, and have pushed the proposed changes in case anyone wants to try it out on this PR.

felixarntz commented 2 years ago

@techanvil The latest PR implementation in #5040 looks great to me!

techanvil commented 2 years ago

@techanvil The latest PR implementation in #5040 looks great to me!

Thanks @felixarntz! I have updated the VRT images, so this should now be good to go!

wpdarren commented 2 years ago

QA Update: ✅


Setup Site Kit with Analytics connected and enable the unifiedDashboard feature flag.

Disable the unifiedDashboard feature flag

Note: I completed QA on main and unified dashboard with desktop and small screen sizes (mobile - iOS and Android mobiles) for all widgets with graphs. This includes gathering, zero and actual data.

Screenshots ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ![image](