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Don't display multiple errors on the main WordPress dashboard #6377

Open jamesozzie opened 1 year ago

jamesozzie commented 1 year ago

Bug Description

If a server is performing slow an error message can appear that you're offline within the main Site Kit dashboard, within the module widgets.

If this occurs on the main WordPress dashboard, within the Site Kit widget, these notices are stacked, as per the screenshot below.


If possible (should the retry button refresh all data, and not just Analytics or SC data), display only one such error with the retry button.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install a plugin that disables the WP REST API. In my case I used the Disable REST API plugin.
  2. Ensure the REST API is blocked for administrators (if using the same plugin "Settings > Disable REST API > Administrator > toggle off the SK endpoints" - screenshot)
  3. Visit your main WP dashboard, where the error appears in multiple notices. If the error doesn't appear, wait an hour, or clear your session storage in order for cached responses to expire


Additional Context

Do not alter or remove anything below. The following sections will be managed by moderators only.

Acceptance criteria

Implementation Brief

{ ( isGA4DashboardView && ! analytics4Errors ) && (

) }

  * Do the same for first two analytics and analytics4 widgets
  * `ReportError` component accepts array of errors, it will take care of consolidating the error messages within one error components, and `ReportErrorActions` component inside that handles the Retry action, will handle all underlying sources that were consolidated into that error.

### Test Coverage

* update any failing VRT images

## QA Brief

* <!-- One or more bullet points for how to test that the issue has been resolved. -->

## Changelog entry

* <!-- One sentence summarizing the PR, to be used in the changelog. -->
wpdarren commented 1 year ago

@jamesozzie good catch. I am also wondering if the same issue would occur with the Site Kit admin toolbar? I know from past experiences when the WP Dashboard widget has weird UI issues like this, this usually is the case with the toolbar too. I've not been able to recreate this, so wondered if you had any steps to recreate?

jamesozzie commented 1 year ago

@wpdarren I've never seen it happen with the Site Kit admin toolbar, nor did I come across it in the forums. There are only a few metrics output in the admin toolbar, so I suspect it doesn't happen as they are horizontally aligned and not stacked. I have seen the same error appear in both Analytics metrics for example (Total Users & Total Sessions), but that's as expected.

I'll see if I can consistently reproduce the main issue as described above today and add the steps to recreate. I suspect I can do so by throttling via dev tools.

jamesozzie commented 1 year ago

@wpdarren I've added the steps to recreate stacked errors to the main body of the issue. Let me know if you have any questions or want me to do further testing.

wpdarren commented 1 year ago

@jamesozzie thanks for the info. I had a quick look and using that plugin I don't get the offline error message (tried throttling but that didn't work either) but I see a message for the Rest API and feel the same issue you reported but for the Admin toolbar for Site Kit.


Do you think we need to include this as part of this fix? It would look better as one error like the dashboard widget.

jamesozzie commented 1 year ago

@wpdarren I created the REST related error due to not being able to consistently recreate the offline error. The same issue occurs with errors stacked.

In relation to the admin bar nice find. The horizontal errors don't seem as dramatic as the stacked errors, but if we can improve on this also then great!

jamesozzie commented 1 year ago

Just adding that I encountered this on different sites today, for different services (on the main WP dashboard widget).



aaemnnosttv commented 1 year ago

AC ✅

techanvil commented 10 months ago

Hi @zutigrm, thanks for drafting this IB. It's potentially off to a good start, however, I'm actually thinking we should take a different approach to solving this. Indeed, having dug into this further, in hindsight it probably wasn't such a great candidate for a Good First Issue, so apologies there, although I imagine it's a good one to get into a slightly deeper part of the pool nonetheless.

So, the issue that I see with the proposed approach is:

With the above in mind, I'm thinking we should take a different approach, whereby we leverage our existing infrastructure for combining widgets with a common state. It would involve a slight reorganisation of the widgets, but in a way that's consistent with the broader plugin. However - it would effectively be following the same proposal that I made recently for, which @aaemnnosttv felt was too much of an involved change at the time and we ended up reducing the scope of the issue instead.

I would suggest taking a read of the linked comment, notably the third paragraph which summarizes how our "combining widgets" behaviour works.

Essentially my proposal would be as follows:

Now, I realise this would be quite an involved piece of work, and we didn't take that route for Key Metrics widgets, but we did have to be particularly time-conscious there due to the target for delivery of the KM feature. It could be the case that we could allow ourselves to take this route here, with this being a more general, and non-critical issue without the same time pressure.

So, I'm going to ask @aaemnnosttv to take a look here and let us know his thoughts on this once more :)

Screenshots re. the proposed widget reorganisation, as can be seen here the WP Dashboard is a bit inconsistent in its layout and we could address this at the same time. image



ivonac4 commented 6 months ago

@aaemnnosttv This one is waiting for your guidance. Can you take a look anytime soon, please?

aaemnnosttv commented 5 months ago

Thanks @techanvil! I definitely like the idea of using the Widget API for more consistency across screens and I have thought about this a number of times myself. In particular, I like the idea of keeping the module-specific parts in their own bundles – the dashboard widget and admin bar both have problems related to module use being hard-coded within them, which would be great to address as a byproduct.

A few thoughts

Having written all that out, perhaps a smaller first step would be to tackle the Admin bar first and then revisit this with any learnings we may gain along the way. WDYT?

techanvil commented 5 months ago

Thanks @aaemnnosttv, some great points there.

  • If we do go this route, I still think we should make any API changes separately (if needed)

That sounds sensible if we are making a substantial change, but not if say we're just adding a component to SPECIAL_WIDGET_STATES which might be all that is needed here. One to assess once we have the solution more well defined.

  • The reorganization / grouping of the components on the dashboard makes sense but this would also make it much easier to address without using the Widgets API (we could render each using a module specific wrapper which could manage the combined state)

I guess this is the top level direction we need to determine. It might be easier to take this approach, although we could find ourselves reimplementing some aspects of the widgets API depending on how we structure things.

OTOH, if we do use the widgets API, it opens up the possibility of combining errors on the dashboard too, which could be useful. It should also address the point you mentioned about hard-coded module use in the WP Dashboard and Admin Bar widgets, and potentially allow further simplification for view-only users as per your related point.

  • The Widgets API has yet to be used in this context where its maximum width may only be a fraction of the total screen (or main content) area. The grid system may not work as expected.

This is a good point - the current breakpoints are not aligned for the WP Dashboard. Maybe we could recreate the grid layout with different breakpoints, or we could simply use the grid as-is, providing a fixed layout with either one or two widgets for each row, and disregarding the breakpoints as it wouldn't re-layout anyway...

Alternatively we could use a different set of *Renderer components (maybe refactoring the current ones to be composable or suchlike). That would probably be my preferred option, on the face of it, as we don't need the grid for the WP Dashboard layout anyway.

  • Enabling errors to be combined would affect the dashboard as well which is something we'll want to account for from the beginning as this is not currently the case and maybe we want to keep it that way? Maybe we could use React context (or some other way) to define areas where error consolidation should happen (i.e. non-dashboard areas) rather than enabling it everywhere.

We could indeed use React context, another option is to provide a new component e.g. CombinableReportError (which could wrap ReportError), which would be the component we add to SPECIAL_WIDGET_STATES. This way widgets can choose whether their errors should be combinable or not.

  • There is some work underway right now in #6406 which relates to the retry here

Thanks for highlighting that, I've left a comment on the issue to point out that we could potentially use the changes here (if we take the approach of allowing ReportErrorActions to invalidate multiple selectors).

  • Naturally if we go this route, it would also make sense to apply the same to the Admin bar app which should actually be a more straightforward application

Having written all that out, perhaps a smaller first step would be to tackle the Admin bar first and then revisit this with any learnings we may gain along the way. WDYT?

That sounds pretty sensible - the Admin Bar is a slightly simpler app in general and if we are taking the widget API route, it further simplifies things as it's already using the grid. So it would be a good iterative route to tackle it first.

I think it would be advisable to decide on the top level direction here, though, before starting on the Admin Bar issue. Otherwise we'll have to refer to this long thread (or risk covering all the same ground again) from that issue.

Personally, taking into account the benefits of reusing the widgets API, I do think this would be a good direction to take here and that we should kick off the Admin Bar issue with that top level steerage. What do you reckon?