This came up while testing
The AC lists one of the fields to appear under SK's site health as:
'The absolute number of users who have authenticated using Sign in with Google'
Current implementation is:
'Sign in with Google Number of users who have authenticated using Sign in with Google'
There are 2 potential options from here.
Should we change the current implementation to 'The absolute number of users who have authenticated using Sign in with Google' ?
Or should we maintain the current implementation and just add a semi-colon after the module name for all the relevant fields in the attached screenshot?
Sign in with Google: Client ID
Sign in with Google: Shape
Sign in with Google: Text
Sign in with Google: Theme
Sign in with Google: One-tap Enabled
Sign in with Google: Number of users who have authenticated using Sign in with Google
Do not alter or remove anything below. The following sections will be managed by moderators only.
Acceptance criteria
Whenever the module name is prefixed in a Site Health debug field, the prefix should end with a colon sign. Also, prefer capitalising words unless it is a phrase:
Sign in with Google Shape --> Sign in with Google: Shape
Ads Conversion Tracking ID --> Ads: Conversion Tracking ID
Implementation Brief
[ ] Within the implementation of all get_debug_fields() methods within all module classes that implement the Module_With_Debug_Fields interface (i.e. Ads.php, AdSense.php, Analytics_4.php, Reader_Revenue_Manager.php, Search_Console.php, Sign_In_With_Google.php and Tagmanager.php, if the label begins with the module name, add a colon after it as demonstrated in the AC. Also capitalise words within the label unless they form a part of a sentence of phrase.
Test Coverage
No new tests required.
QA Brief
Visit the Site Health info tab and verify the ACs.
Changelog entry
Update Sign in with Google descriptions in Site Health.
Feature Description
This came up while testing The AC lists one of the fields to appear under SK's site health as: 'The absolute number of users who have authenticated using Sign in with Google'
Current implementation is: 'Sign in with Google Number of users who have authenticated using Sign in with Google'
There are 2 potential options from here.
OPTION 1: Should we change the current implementation to 'The absolute number of users who have authenticated using Sign in with Google' ?
OPTION 2: Or should we maintain the current implementation and just add a semi-colon after the module name for all the relevant fields in the attached screenshot?
Expectation: Sign in with Google: Client ID Sign in with Google: Shape Sign in with Google: Text Sign in with Google: Theme Sign in with Google: One-tap Enabled Sign in with Google: Number of users who have authenticated using Sign in with Google
Do not alter or remove anything below. The following sections will be managed by moderators only.
Acceptance criteria
Implementation Brief
methods within all module classes that implement theModule_With_Debug_Fields
interface (i.e.Ads.php
, if thelabel
begins with the module name, add a colon after it as demonstrated in the AC. Also capitalise words within the label unless they form a part of a sentence of phrase.Test Coverage
QA Brief
Changelog entry