google / slo-generator

SLO Generator computes SLIs, SLOs, Error Budgets and Burn Rates from supported backends, then exports an SLO report to supported targets.
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🐛 [BUG] - incorrect calculation for prometheus provider #319

Open maksim-paskal opened 1 year ago

maksim-paskal commented 1 year ago

SLO Generator Version


Python Version


What happened?

I am using ServiceLevelObjective in with this spec

  backend: prometheus
  method: good_bad_ratio
    filter_good: envoy_cluster_external_upstream_rq{app="x",envoy_cluster_name="y",kubernetes_namespace="z",envoy_response_code!~"5.."}
    filter_valid: envoy_cluster_external_upstream_rq{app="x",envoy_cluster_name="y",kubernetes_namespace="z"}

calculation ends with SLI is not between 0 and 1 (value = 1.000091)

with DEBUG=1 it seems that for 100% SLI prometheus returns sometime filter_good > filter_valid the DEBUG logs

slo_generator.backends.prometheus - DEBUG - Query: sum(increase(envoy_cluster_external_upstream_rq{app="x",envoy_cluster_name="y",kubernetes_namespace="z",envoy_response_code!~"5.."}[3600s]))
slo_generator.backends.prometheus - DEBUG - {'data': {'result': [{'metric': {},
                      'value': [1674577674.326, '44.197872287004095']}],
          'resultType': 'vector'},
 'status': 'success'}
slo_generator.backends.prometheus - DEBUG - Query: sum(increase(envoy_cluster_external_upstream_rq{app="x",envoy_cluster_name="y",kubernetes_namespace="z"}[3600s]))
slo_generator.backends.prometheus - DEBUG - {'data': {'result': [{'metric': {},
                      'value': [1674577674.959, '44.193849641808484']}],
          'resultType': 'vector'},
 'status': 'success'}
slo_generator.backends.prometheus - DEBUG - Good events: 44.197872287004095 | Bad events: -0.004022645195611574 - DEBUG - paket-static-availability        | 1 hour   | Backend response: (44.197872287004095, -0.004022645195611574)

What did you expect?

calculation of SLI return 1

Code of Conduct

lvaylet commented 1 year ago

Hi @maksim-paskal, thanks for raising this issue.

Any chance you could export the timeseries that generated these results and share them here (assuming there is nothing confidential) so I can reproduce the issue on my machine?

Then can you also confirm the filter_good query has a double quote after envoy_cluster_name="y, just before ,kubernetes_namespace="z"? Otherwise I am afraid the query might not give the expected results.

Finally, I am a bit surprised by the values returned by Prometheus. An SLI is usually computed by dividing the number of good events by the number of valid (= good + bad) events. These two numbers are usually integers. Here the logs show floating-point values. I am not a Prometheus expert but is it possible a count or sum is missing?

maksim-paskal commented 1 year ago

@lvaylet, thanks for quick responce.

Sory for typo in filter_good, change it in issue description, this is a real promQL they are works sometime, sometime return this error.

My example data from Prometheus (we actualy using Thanos Query v0.26.0)


envoy_cluster_external_upstream_rq{app="x", envoy_cluster_name="y",kubernetes_namespace="z"} 

253117 @1674638934.622
253125 @1674638940.809
253127 @1674638955.809
253162 @1674638970.809
253197 @1674638985.809



It's some time int, sometime float in different windows, increase and rate in PromQL is calculating per-second metrics I think it maybe float

lvaylet commented 1 year ago

Thanks @maksim-paskal. I need to investigate.

For the record, what type of SLI are you computing here? Availability? Also, what does envoy_cluster_external_upstream_rq represent? Requests with response class or response code, as hinted in this documentation?

maksim-paskal commented 1 year ago

envoy_cluster_external_upstream_rq is a upstream counter of specific HTTP response codes (e.g., 201, 302, etc.), we plan to use it to calculate availability of our service. You can simulate this environment with this files, you need Docker:

docker-compose.yml ```yaml version: '3.7' services: prometheus: image: prom/prometheus:v2.36.2 volumes: - ./prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml:ro ports: - 9090:9090 command: - '--config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml' envoy: image: envoyproxy/envoy:v1.21.5 volumes: - ./envoy.yml:/etc/envoy/envoy.yaml:ro ports: - 10000:10000 ```
prometheus.yml ```yaml global: scrape_interval: 5s evaluation_interval: 5s scrape_configs: - job_name: 'prometheus' static_configs: - targets: ['localhost:9090'] - job_name: 'envoy' metrics_path: /stats/prometheus static_configs: - targets: ['envoy:9901'] ```
envoy.yml ```yaml admin: address: socket_address: { address:, port_value: 9901 } static_resources: listeners: - name: listener_0 address: socket_address: { address:, port_value: 10000 } filter_chains: - filters: - name: typed_config: "@type": stat_prefix: ingress_http codec_type: AUTO route_config: name: local_route virtual_hosts: - name: local_service domains: ["*"] routes: - match: { prefix: "/" } route: { cluster: some_service } http_filters: - name: envoy.filters.http.router typed_config: "@type": clusters: - name: some_service connect_timeout: 0.25s type: STATIC lb_policy: ROUND_ROBIN load_assignment: cluster_name: some_service endpoints: - lb_endpoints: - endpoint: address: socket_address: address: port_value: 9901 ```
# run prometheus and envoy
docker-compose up

# generate some records, for example with
echo "GET http://localhost:10000/ready" | vegeta attack -duration=60s -output=/dev/null

open Prometheus

mveroone commented 1 year ago

I think the issue is that if a new datapoint is added to prometheus' TSDB between the Good & the Valid query, you get an offset between them, leading to this kind of behaviour. You would need to send a finite timeframe to prometheus and make sure that this timeframe is further from "now" than the scrape interval of these metrics.

The only alternative is to make Prometheus perform the division and only query an SLI from it, to ensure consistency. (which may require developpement, depending on the backend current implementation.) But the downside from that is you cannot export good & bad event metrics anymore, by doing so.

In my opinion, this issue is probably similar to #343 (although with different backends)

bkamin29 commented 1 year ago

a workaround could be use good/bad instead of good/valid

lvaylet commented 1 year ago

@maksim-paskal I just discussed the issue with @bkamin29 and @mveroone.

We are pretty sure this behavior is caused by the tiny delay between the two requests (one for good and another one for valid). They are called and executed a few milliseconds apart, resulting in the same window length but slightly different start/end times. As a consequence, as we are looking at two different time horizons, the most recent one might have a slightly different number of good/valid events. Also note that the backend itself can be busy ingesting and persisting "old" data points between the two calls, and account for more data points during the second call.

Two options to mitigate this behavior: