google / spatial-media

Specifications and tools for 360º video and spatial audio.
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Inaccuracy in VR180 Specification document #263

Closed lordscales91 closed 1 year ago

lordscales91 commented 2 years ago

Hi there! I've noticed an inaccuracy in the specification for VR180 metadata

I'm aware that reporting this is probably useless because this project has been dead for about 2-3 years. Still, figuring this out took me a few hours, so I just wanted to report so that other people might find this information useful and I also wanted to rant a bit about it.

According to the doc:

Among the allowed projection types by Spherical Metadata V2, the VR180 Video format requires a mesh projection, which is most generic and works for fisheye projection.

In that sentence, the requires bit is wrong. Mesh projection is not a requirement, as proven by your own VR 180 Cre... Wait a sec! It's now just gone! Holy Cow! What did you with your Google VR180 Creator!? I was using it just a few weeks ago, thankfully the Web Archive still hosts a copy of the site as it was in June

What the hell is going on? Is VR 180 being deprecated? Will VR 180 videos stop working on YouTube!? Damn it!

I just wanted to share some piece of information, but it turned out that now I'm the one who wants information...

Anyway, the now officially defunct VR 180 Creator used the Equirectangular projection setting the values for the left and right bounds to 0.25 (or so I think, I don't understand this fixed-point format, the raw bytes are 40 00 00 00).

That tool also inserted metadata for the v1 spec, and it did something really funny there, but there's no point in discussing it now since the v1 is deprecated and the tool itself has been yeeted out of existence without warning.

That's it. I hope you at least laughed a bit while reading this. Bye now.