google / swissgl

SwissGL is a minimalistic wrapper on top of WebGL2 JS API. It's designed to reduce the amount of boilerplate code required to manage GLSL shaders, textures and framebuffers when making procedural visualizations or simulations.
Apache License 2.0
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viability to port? #9

Open nanjizal opened 1 year ago

nanjizal commented 1 year ago

Just looking at the code and it is only 600 lines so would seem viable to port to Haxe and then more viable to also compile for webgl and also opengl in a possible future. Features that would be ideal - to split up the code a little, adding proper typing. I guess in haxe it is easy to split up files cleanly without horrible webpack stuff.

While haxe supports module level functions

might be worth having the odd class and abstract type.

But certainly a lot of the magic strings could be abstract enums making it cleaner.

It is a little daunting to port in it's current form. Do you have any thoughts or opinions or cut down versions. certainly is would atleast be easier to port if each function had a comment above on it's input and output types.

I am not too sure on the gls_template stuff workings is that like a shader string so effectively c/c++.

things like vec3 could be implemented in haxe as @:structInit class with abstract type over the top?

nanjizal commented 1 year ago

To give you an idea what level module haxe js can look like. Recently I ported some simple JS. to something similar in haxe here, not tested it with actual drawing on canvas but should give you more idea on a style of haxe that is more like your JS.

nanjizal commented 1 year ago

something line vec3 in haxe could be done like my geom lib, but maybe that is not a suitable form for the webgl. But what is nice that with abstracts most of it will melt away in the compiled code even when using lots of operator expressions, especially when using number and you will just get the result.

package geom.structure;
   { x, y, z }
class Mat1x3 {
    public var x = 0.; 
    public var y = 0.;
    public var z = 0.; 
    function new( x: Float, y: Float, z: Float ){
        this.x = x; 
        this.y = y;
        this.z = z;
    // for rough debug, perhaps remove later.
    public function values(){
        return x + ' ' + y + ' ' + z;
    public function clone(): Mat1x3 {
        return { x: this.x, y: this.y, z: this.z };
package geom.matrix;
typedef Vec3 = Matrix1x3;
   { x, y, z }
   try to use 1x4 for 3D vectors.
abstract Matrix1x3( geom.structure.Mat1x3 ) from geom.structure.Mat1x3 to geom.structure.Mat1x3 {
    public static inline 
    final rows = 1;
    public static inline
    final columns = 3;
    public inline
    function new( m: geom.structure.Mat1x3 ){ this = m; }
                    // Common Functionality  
     * <pre><code>
     * >>> Matrix1x3.counting == Matrix1x3.counting.clone() 
     * </code></pre>
    public inline
    function clone():Matrix1x3 {
        return new Matrix1x3( { x: this.x
                              , y: this.y
                              , z: this.z } );
     * <pre><code>
     * >>> ({ 
     * ... var m = Matrix1x3.counting;
     * ... var arr = new Array<Float>();
     * ... for( i in m ){
     * ...   arr.push(i); 
     * ... }
     * ... [1.,2.,3.].toString() == arr.toString(); }) == true
     * </code></pre>
    public inline
    function iterator() {
        return [ this.x, this.y, this.z ].iterator();

    public var self( get, never ):Matrix1x3;
    function get_self() return (cast this : Matrix1x3);
                    // Common Magnitude  
     * <pre><code>
     * >>> ({ trace('"magnitude" untested'); true; }) == true
     * </code></pre>
    public var magnitude( get, set ): Float;
    private inline
    function get_magnitude(): Float {
        return Math.sqrt( magnitudeSquared() );
    private inline
    function set_magnitude( length: Float ): Float {
        var currentLength = get_magnitude();
        return if( currentLength == 0. ){ 
        } else {
            var mul = length / currentLength;
            this.x *= mul;
            this.y *= mul;
            this.z *= mul;
    public inline
    function normalize(): Matrix1x3 {
        magnitude = 1.; 
        return this;
                    // Common Constants  
     * <pre><code>
     * >>> == new Matrix1x3({ x: 0., y: 0., z: 0. })
     * </code></pre>
    public static var zero( get, never ): Matrix1x3;
    static inline
    function get_zero(): Matrix1x3 {
        return new Matrix1x3( { x: 0., y: 0., z: 0. } );
    var nought( get, never ): Matrix1x3;
    function get_nought(): Matrix1x3 {
        return zero;
     * <pre><code>
     * >>> Matrix1x3.unit == new Matrix1x3({ x: 1., y: 1., z: 1. })
     * </code></pre>
    public static var unit( get, never ): Matrix1x3;
    public static inline
    function get_unit(): Matrix1x3 {
        return new Matrix1x3( { x: 1., y: 1., z: 1. } );
    var one( get, never): Matrix1x3;
    function get_one(): Matrix1x3 {
        return unit;
     * <pre><code>
     * >>> Matrix1x3.minus1 == new Matrix1x3({ x: -1., y: -1., z: -1. })
     * </code></pre>
    public static var minus1( get, never ): Matrix1x3;
    static inline
    function get_minus1(): Matrix1x3 {
        return -Matrix1x3.unit;
     * <pre><code>
     * >>> Matrix1x3.counting == new Matrix1x3({ x: 1., y: 2., z: 3. })
     * </code></pre>
    public static var counting( get, never ): Matrix1x3;
    static inline
    function get_counting(): Matrix1x3 {
        return new Matrix1x3( { x: 1., y: 2., z: 3. } );
    var testCount( get, never ): Matrix1x3;
    function get_testCount(): Matrix1x3 {
        return counting;
                    // Unique functionality
     * <pre><code>
     * >>> Matrix1x3.identity( ) == new Matrix1x3({ x: 1., y: 1., z: 1. })
     * </code></pre>
    public static inline
    function identity( out: Matrix1x3 ):Matrix1x3 {
            out.x = 1.;
            out.y = 1.;
            out.z = 1.;
            return out;
     * <pre><code>
     * >>> ({ 
     * ... var a = new Matrix1x3({ x: 1., y: 2., z: 3. });
     * ... var b =;
     * ... var c = Matrix1x3.copy( a, b ); 
     * ... a == c; }) == true
     * </code></pre>
    public inline static
    function copy( pin: Matrix1x3, pout: Matrix1x3 ): Matrix1x3 {
        pout.x = pin.x;
        pout.y = pin.y;
        pout.z = pin.z;
        return pout;
     * <pre><code>
     * >>> ({ trace('"magnitude" untested'); true; }) == true
     * </code></pre>
    public inline 
    function magnitudeSquared(): Float {
        return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z;
    Not sure this is useful - need some consideration.  see Matrx1x4 as taken commented out direct
    @:op(A * B) public static inline 
    function dot( a: Matrix1x3, b: Matrix1x3 ): Matrix1x3 {
        return new Matrix1x3({ x: a.x * b.x, y: a.y * b.y, z: a.z * b.z });
    // dot product
    public static inline
    function scalarProduct( a: Matrix1x3, b: Matrix1x3 ):Float {
        return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z;
    public inline
    function dotProd( b: Matrix1x3 ):Float {
        return this.x * b.x + this.y * b.y + this.z * b.z;
    public inline
    function transformPoint( t: Matrix4x3 ): Matrix1x3 {
        return new Matrix1x3({  x: t.a * this.x + t.b * this.y + t.c * this.z + t.d
                              , y: t.e * this.x + t.f * this.y + t.g * this.z + t.h
                              , z: t.i * this.x + t.j * this.y + t.k * this.z + t.l  
    public inline 
    function cross(v: Matrix1x3): Matrix1x3 {
        return new Matrix1x3( { x: this.y * v.z - this.z * v.y
                              , y: this.z * v.x - this.x * v.z
                              , z: this.x * v.y - this.y * v.x } );
                    // static operators
    @:op(A / B) public static inline
    function divide( a: Matrix1x3, v: Float ): Matrix1x3 {
        return a * ( 1 / v );
    @:op( A / B ) public static inline
    function divide2( v: Float, a: Matrix1x3 ): Matrix1x3 {
        return new Matrix1x3( { x: v/a.x, y: v/a.y, z: v/a.z } );
     * <pre><code>
     * >>> ({ 
     * ... var a = new Matrix1x3({ x: 1., y: 2., z: 3. });
     * ... var b = new Matrix1x3({ x: 1., y: 2., z: 4. });
     * ... a != b; }) == true
     * </code></pre>
    @:op(A != B) public static inline
    function notEqual( a: Matrix1x3, b:Matrix1x3 ): Bool {
        return !a.isEqual( b );
                    // Common operators  
                    // ones that have a instance method
     * <pre><code>
     * >>> ({ 
     * ... var a = new Matrix1x3({ x: 1., y: 2., z: 3. });
     * ... var b = -a;
     * ... b == new Matrix1x3({ x: -1., y: -2., z: -3. }); }) == true
     * </code></pre>
    @:op(-A) public static inline
    function negating( a: Matrix1x3 ):Matrix1x3 {
        return a.negate();
    public inline
    function negate(): Matrix1x3 {
        return new Matrix1x3( { x: -this.x
                              , y: -this.y
                              , z: -this.z
                              } );
     * <pre><code>
     * >>> ({ 
     * ... var a = Matrix1x3.unit;
     * ... a - a ==;
     * ... }) == true
     * </code></pre>
    @:op(A - B) public static inline
    function subtracting( a: Matrix1x3, b: Matrix1x3 ): Matrix1x3 {
        return a.subtract( b );
    public inline
    function subtract( b: Matrix1x3 ): Matrix1x3 {
        return new Matrix1x3({ x: this.x - b.x
                             , y: this.y - b.y
                             , z: this.z - b.z });
     * <pre><code>
     * >>> ({ 
     * ... var a = Matrix1x3.unit;
     * ... a + a == new Matrix1x3({ x: 2., y: 2., z: 2. }); 
     * ... }) == true
     * </code></pre>
    @:op(A + B) public static inline
    function adding( a: Matrix1x3, b: Matrix1x3 ): Matrix1x3 {
        return a.add( b );
    public inline
    function add( b: Matrix1x3 ): Matrix1x3 {
        return new Matrix1x3({ x: this.x + b.x
                             , y: this.y + b.y
                             , z: this.z + b.z });

     * <pre><code>
     * >>> ({ 
     * ... var a = new Matrix1x3({ x: 1., y: 2., z: 3. });
     * ... var b = a * 2;
     * ... b == new Matrix1x3({ x: 2., y: 4., z: 6. }); }) == true
     * </code></pre>
    @:op(A * B) @:commutative
    public static inline 
    function scaleMultiplying( a: Matrix1x3, v: Float ): Matrix1x3 {
        return a.scaleMultiply( v );
    public inline
    function scaleMultiply( v: Float ): Matrix1x3 {
        return new Matrix1x3({ x: this.x * v
                             , y: this.y * v
                             , z: this.z * v });
     * <pre><code>
     * >>> ({ 
     * ... var a = new Matrix1x3({ x: 1., y: 2., z: 3. });
     * ... var b = new Matrix1x3({ x: 1., y: 2., z: 3. });
     * ... a == b; }) == true
     * </code></pre>
    @:op( A == B )
    public static inline
    function isEqualling( a: Matrix1x3, b: Matrix1x3 ): Bool {
        return a.isEqual( b );
    public inline
    function isEqual( b: Matrix1x3 ): Bool {
        var delta = 0.0000001;
        return !(
               Math.abs( this.x - b.x ) >= delta
            || Math.abs( this.y - b.y ) >= delta
            || Math.abs( this.z - b.z ) >= delta
                    // Conversions  
     * <pre><code>
     * >>> ({ 
     * ... var a = Matrix1x3.unit;
     * ... var b = haxe.ds.Vector.fromArrayCopy([ 1., 1., 1. ]);
     * ... var c: Matrix1x3 = b;
     * ... a == b; }) == true
     * </code></pre>
    public static inline
    function fromVec( vec: haxe.ds.Vector<Float> ): Matrix1x3 return Conversion.Vectorto1x3( vec );
    public inline
    function staticFromVec( vec: haxe.ds.Vector<Float> ): Matrix1x3 return Matrix1x3.fromVec( vec );

     * <pre><code>
     * >>> ({ 
     * ... var a = Matrix1x3.unit;
     * ... var b: haxe.ds.Vector<Float> = a;
     * ... var c = haxe.ds.Vector.fromArrayCopy([ 1., 1., 1. ]);
     * ... Equal.equals( b, c ); }) == true
     * </code></pre>
    public inline
    function toVector(): haxe.ds.Vector<Float> return Conversion._1x3toVector( this );
     * <pre><code>
     * >>> ({ 
     * ... var a = Matrix1x3.unit;
     * ... var b: Matrix1x3 = [ 1., 1., 1. ];
     * ... Equal.equals( a, b ); }) == true
     * </code></pre>
    public static inline
    function fromArray( arr: Array<Float> ): Matrix1x3 return Conversion.Arrayto1x3( arr );
    public inline
    function staticFromArray( arr: Array<Float> ): Matrix1x3 return Matrix1x3.fromArray( arr );
     * <pre><code>
     * >>> ({ 
     * ... var a = Matrix1x3.unit;
     * ... var b: Array<Float> = a;
     * ... Equal.equals( b, [ 1., 1., 1. ] ); }) == true
     * </code></pre>
    public inline
    function toArray():Array<Float> return Conversion._1x3toArray( this );
    @:op([]) //@:arrayAccess
    public inline
    function readItem( k: Int ): Float {
      return switch( k ){
            case 0:
            case 1:
            case 2:
                throw( 'index needs to be below 4');
    @:op([]) //@:arrayAccess
    public inline
    function writeItem( k: Int, v: Float ): Float {
        switch( k ){
            case 0:
                this.x = v;
            case 1:
                this.y = v;
            case 3:
                this.z = v;
                throw( 'index needs to be below 4');
        return v;
znah commented 1 year ago

Porting is a great idea! I didn't know about haxe, but I was thinking about, .c and may be .zig. I also think that switching to WebGPU once it becomes available.

jarmitage commented 1 year ago

Are you thinking about implemented in Taichi by any chance?

jarmitage commented 1 year ago

@znah, any more recent thoughts on porting to Python / WebGPU etc?