google / syzygy

Syzygy Transformation Toolchain
Apache License 2.0
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syzygy has serveral problems in WinSDK 17134 and clang compiler builds project #65

Open chengshulei opened 5 years ago

chengshulei commented 5 years ago



if (!AddBlock(BlockGraph::DATA_BLOCK,
                  //common::AlignUp(import_name.size() + 1, 2),
                  // if use above,there will be many block overlap error
                  // so i just uses import_name.size() + 1
                  // maybe it's clang compiler's special Alignup style
                  import_name.size() + 1,
                  base::StringPrintf("Delay import DLL Name \"%s\"",
                                     import_name.c_str()).c_str())) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to create import name block.";
      return NULL;

Other AddBlock functions have the same problem when parse clang PE file.

2,in pe_structs.h

it just supports 15063 SDK,if use 17134 SDK,it needs modify here:

struct LoadConfigDirectory

// need to append the 2 DWORD at last of the struct

DWORD   Reserved3;
DWORD   EnclaveConfigurationPointer;    // VA

and it needs to modify in enum LoadConfigDirectoryVersion related above struct.



    DWORD rva = 0;
    DWORD length = 0;
    DWORD section_id = 0;
    BOOL code = FALSE;
    ScopedComPtr<IDiaSymbol> compiland;
    ScopedBstr bstr_compiland_name;
    if ((hr = section_contrib->get_relativeVirtualAddress(&rva)) != S_OK ||
        (hr = section_contrib->get_length(&length)) != S_OK ||
        (hr = section_contrib->get_addressSection(&section_id)) != S_OK ||
        (hr = section_contrib->get_code(&code)) != S_OK ||
        (hr = section_contrib->get_compiland(compiland.Receive())) != S_OK ||
        (hr = compiland->get_name(bstr_compiland_name.Receive())) != S_OK) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get section contribution properties: "
                 << common::LogHr(hr) << ".";
      return false;

sometimes,i get length is 0,then it will cause CreateBlockOrFindCoveringPeBlock ERROR. How to fix the issue?

4,also in


  if (name == "* Linker *" && block_addr == addr && size > block->size()) {
      if (!image_->ResizeBlock(block, size)) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to extend PE-parsed "
                   << BlockInfo(block, block_addr) << " with linker "
                   << "section contribution of size " << size << ".";
        // Get the conflicting block and output additional information about
        // it.
        Block* conflict = image_->GetFirstIntersectingBlock(
            block_addr + block->size(), size - block->size());
        if (conflict) {
          RelativeAddress conflict_addr;
          CHECK(image_->GetAddressOf(conflict, &conflict_addr));
          LOG(ERROR) << "Conflicts with existing "
                     << BlockInfo(conflict, conflict_addr) << ".";

        return NULL;

      // Update the data in the extended block.
      const uint8_t* data = image_file_.GetImageData(addr, size);
      block->SetData(data, size);
      return block;

    // If this is not a PE parsed or COFF group block that covers us entirely,
    // then this is an error.
    static const BlockGraph::BlockAttributes kCoveringAttributes =
        BlockGraph::PE_PARSED | BlockGraph::COFF_GROUP;
    RelativeRange existing_block(block_addr, block->size());
    if ((block->attributes() & kCoveringAttributes) == 0 ||
        !existing_block.Contains(addr, size)) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to create block \"" << name.as_string() << "\" at "
                 << addr.value() << " with size " << size << " that conflicts "
                 << "with existing " << BlockInfo(block, block_addr) << ".";
      return NULL;

Here,the name is " Linker ",too.But block_addr != addr && size < block->size(),then it goto existing_block.Contains(addr, size),then ERROR. How it occurs?

The PDB file of clang maybe can't use the syzygy,it has so many different.