google / traceur-compiler

Traceur is a compiler
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Feature test Collections Set.js fails on node 0.10.38 #2024

Open johnjbarton opened 8 years ago

johnjbarton commented 8 years ago

1) Feature Tests Collections Set.js:

AssertionError: expected '[\n  0,\n  42.24,\n  null,\n  {},\n  {\n    "__$127662951$405202073$__": 2813\n  },\n  "keykeykey",\n  null,\n  true,\n  null\n]' to equal '[\n  0,\n  42.24,\n  null,\n  {\n    "__$127662951$405202073$__": 2813\n  },\n  {},\n  "keykeykey",\n  null,\n  true,\n  null\n]'
      at assertArrayEquals (test/asserts.js:31:8)
      at test/feature/Collections/Set.js:60:1
      at NodeLoaderCompiler.evaluateCodeUnit (src/node/NodeLoaderCompiler.js:46:18)
      at LoadCodeUnit.HookedCodeUnit.evaluate (src/runtime/InternalLoader.js:174:30)
      at InternalLoader.evaluate (src/runtime/InternalLoader.js:568:25)
      at InternalLoader.handleCodeUnitLoaded (src/runtime/InternalLoader.js:454:12)
      at loader_.fetch.then.then.then.catch.codeUnit.state (src/runtime/InternalLoader.js:286:9)
      at src/runtime/polyfills/Promise.js:120:56
      at promiseHandle (src/runtime/polyfills/Promise.js:226:18)
      at src/runtime/polyfills/Promise.js:219:7
arv commented 8 years ago

Once I fix this we should add more node versions to travis. Testing on 0.10 is good because it lacks WeakMap and Symbol.