google / traceur-compiler

Traceur is a compiler
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Upgrade semver to 4.3.3 #2090

Closed johnjbarton closed 8 years ago

johnjbarton commented 8 years ago


UltCombo commented 8 years ago

Kinda odd to not use a semver range to depend on semver. :sweat_smile:

arv commented 8 years ago


@johnjbarton What was the motivation for this change?

johnjbarton commented 8 years ago

I guess you are suggesting 4.3.x? Or?

I'm trying to update to minimize changes in another system.

UltCombo commented 8 years ago

I would suggest ^4.3.3 (that means "compatible with 4.3.3", which is equivalent to >= 4.3.3 < 5), or ~4.3.3 (equivalent to >= 4.3.3 < 4.4.0) if you don't want to pull in minor version releases (that is, versions that include new features in a backwards-compatible way) automatically.

Accepting minor version updates is usually a good idea as these tend to also include bug fixes, but some paranoid people fear that these may have a bigger chance of containing accidental backwards-incompatible breaking changes (which I hope wouldn't happen to the semver package itself! :smile:).