google / transitfeed

A Python library for reading, validating, and writing transit schedule information in the GTFS format.
Apache License 2.0
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The program threw an unexpected exception #479

Open Franky2019 opened 5 years ago

Franky2019 commented 5 years ago

We have been using the feedvalidator for many years with no issue. However, today we have encountered with an issue of not running with an unexpected exception. Can anyone help? Thanks!

Franky2019 commented 5 years ago

Below are the error messages: Yikes, the program threw an unexpected exception!

Hopefully a complete report has been saved to transitfeedcrash.txt, though if you are seeing this message we've already disappointed you once today. Please include the report in a new issue at or an email to the public group Sorry!

transitfeed version 1.2.15

File "", line 609, in main feed = C:\GTFSTools\ options = {'check_duplicate_trips': False, 'manual_entry': True, 'extension': None, 'error_types_ignore_list': None, 'memory_db': False, 'service_gap_interval': 13, 'latest_version': '', 'limit_per_type': 5, 'performance': None, 'output': 'validation-results.html'}

File "", line 704, in RunValidationFromOptions feed = C:\GTFSTools\ options = {'check_duplicate_trips': False, 'manual_entry': True, 'extension': None, 'error_types_ignore_list': None, 'memory_db': False, 'service_gap_interval': 13, 'latest_version': '', 'limit_per_type': 5, 'performance': None, 'output': 'validation-results.html'}

File "", line 507, in RunValidationOutputFromOptions feed = C:\GTFSTools\ options = {'check_duplicate_trips': False, 'manual_entry': True, 'extension': None, 'error_types_ignore_list': None, 'memory_db': False, 'service_gap_interval': 13, 'latest_version': '', 'limit_per_type': 5, 'performance': None, 'output': 'validation-results.html'}

File "", line 514, in RunValidationOutputToFilename feed = C:\GTFSTools\ output_file = <open file 'validation-results.html', mode 'w' at 0x02FD5CD8> options = {'check_duplicate_trips': False, 'manual_entry': True, 'extension': None, 'error_types_ignore_list': None, 'memory_db': False, 'service_gap_interval': 13, 'latest_version': '', 'limit_per_type': 5, 'performance': None, 'output': 'validation-results.html'} output_filename = validation-results.html

File "", line 532, in RunValidationOutputToFile feed = C:\GTFSTools\ accumulator = <main.HTMLCountingProblemAccumulator object at 0x02FCB2F0> output_file = <open file 'validation-results.html', mode 'w' at 0x02FD5CD8> problems = <transitfeed.problems.ProblemReporter object at 0x03035BF0> options = {'check_duplicate_trips': False, 'manual_entry': True, 'extension': None, 'error_types_ignore_list': None, 'memory_db': False, 'service_gap_interval': 13, 'latest_version': '', 'limit_per_type': 5, 'performance': None, 'output': 'validation-results.html'}

File "", line 565, in RunValidation feed = C:\GTFSTools\ problems = <transitfeed.problems.ProblemReporter object at 0x03035BF0> options = {'check_duplicate_trips': False, 'manual_entry': True, 'extension': None, 'error_types_ignore_list': None, 'memory_db': False, 'service_gap_interval': 13, 'latest_version': '', 'limit_per_type': 5, 'performance': None, 'output': 'validation-results.html'}

File "transitfeed\util.pyc", line 195, in CheckVersion problems = <transitfeed.problems.ProblemReporter object at 0x03035BF0> request = <urllib2.Request instance at 0x030550F8> latest_version = timeout = 20

File "urllib2.pyc", line 127, in urlopen url = <urllib2.Request instance at 0x030550F8> data = None timeout = <object object at 0x02878058>

File "urllib2.pyc", line 404, in open protocol = https self = <urllib2.OpenerDirector instance at 0x03055120> req = <urllib2.Request instance at 0x030550F8> meth_name = https_request fullurl = <urllib2.Request instance at 0x030550F8> timeout = <object object at 0x02878058> meth = <bound method HTTPSHandler.dorequest of <urllib2.HTTPSHandler instance at 0x0305BDF0>> data = None processor = <urllib2.HTTPSHandler instance at 0x0305BDF0>

File "urllib2.pyc", line 422, in _open data = None self = <urllib2.OpenerDirector instance at 0x03055120> req = <urllib2.Request instance at 0x030550F8> protocol = https result = None

File "urllib2.pyc", line 382, in _call_chain kind = https chain = {'unknown': [<urllib2.UnknownHandler instance at 0x03055378>], 'http': [<urllib2.HTTPHandler instance at 0x0305BBE8>], 'https': [<urllib2.HTTPSHandler instance at 0x0305BDF0>], 'file': [<urllib2.FileHandler instance at 0x0305BD28>], 'ftp': [<urllib2.FTPHandler instance at 0x0305BCD8>]} handlers = [<urllib2.HTTPSHandler instance at 0x0305BDF0>] self = <urllib2.OpenerDirector instance at 0x03055120> args = (<urllib2.Request instance at 0x030550F8>,) meth_name = https_open handler = <urllib2.HTTPSHandler instance at 0x0305BDF0> func = <bound method HTTPSHandler.https_open of <urllib2.HTTPSHandler instance at 0x0305BDF0>>

File "urllib2.pyc", line 1222, in https_open self = <urllib2.HTTPSHandler instance at 0x0305BDF0> req = <urllib2.Request instance at 0x030550F8>

File "urllib2.pyc", line 1187, in do_open h = <httplib.HTTPSConnection instance at 0x0305BE90> self = <urllib2.HTTPSHandler instance at 0x0305BDF0> req = <urllib2.Request instance at 0x030550F8> headers = {'Host': '', 'Connection': 'close', 'User-Agent': 'Python-urllib/2.7'} host = http_class = httplib.HTTPSConnection

File "httplib.pyc", line 1067, in getresponse self = <httplib.HTTPSConnection instance at 0x0305BE90> buffering = True args = (<ssl.SSLSocket object at 0x030611B0>,) response = <httplib.HTTPResponse instance at 0x0306A260> kwds = {'strict': 0, 'buffering': True, 'method': 'GET'}

File "httplib.pyc", line 409, in begin self = <httplib.HTTPResponse instance at 0x0306A260>

File "httplib.pyc", line 373, in _read_status line = self = <httplib.HTTPResponse instance at 0x0306A260>

BadStatusLine: ''