google / transitfeed

A Python library for reading, validating, and writing transit schedule information in the GTFS format.
Apache License 2.0
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Inconsistency documentation #519

Open sven4all opened 2 years ago

sven4all commented 2 years ago

The documentation in is not consistent with the documentation in the .proto files and

On IN_TRANSIT_TO is described as "the referenced stop is the next stop for the vehicle - default" while in the .proto file it's described the following:

enum VehicleStopStatus {
    // The vehicle is just about to arrive at the stop (on a stop
    // display, the vehicle symbol typically flashes).
    INCOMING_AT = 0;

    // The vehicle is standing at the stop.
    STOPPED_AT = 1;

    // The vehicle has departed and is in transit to the next stop.
    IN_TRANSIT_TO = 2;
  // The exact status of the vehicle with respect to the current stop.
  // Ignored if current_stop_sequence is missing.
  optional VehicleStopStatus current_status = 4 [default = IN_TRANSIT_TO];

current_stop_sequence is described:

// The stop sequence index of the current stop. The meaning of
  // current_stop_sequence (i.e., the stop that it refers to) is determined by
  // current_status.
  // If current_status is missing IN_TRANSIT_TO is assumed.
  optional uint32 current_stop_sequence = 3;

What is the correct way to interpreted it? Should the current_stop_sequence be updated directly after the bus is departed from the previous stop (what IN_TRANSIT_TO suggests) or should it be updated when the vehicle arrives at the next stop what the .proto file and are suggesting.

barbeau commented 2 years ago

@sven4all Thanks for raising this issue! is the best place to have this discussion so I would suggest opening this issue there. To my knowledge this repo is mostly unmonitored.

sven4all commented 2 years ago

Ok thanks!

Then we continue here