google / uuid

Go package for UUIDs based on RFC 4122 and DCE 1.1: Authentication and Security Services.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Use a custom error type for invalid lengths, replacing `fmt.Errorf` #69

Closed joewreschnig closed 3 years ago

joewreschnig commented 3 years ago

This significantly improves the speed of failed parses due to wrong lengths. Previously the fmt.Errorf call dominated, making this the most expensive error and more expensive than successfully parsing:

BenchmarkParse-4                 29226529        36.1 ns/op
BenchmarkParseBadLength-4         6923106       174 ns/op
BenchmarkParseLen32Truncated-4   26641954        38.1 ns/op
BenchmarkParseLen36Corrupted-4   19405598        59.5 ns/op

When the formatting is not required and done on-demand, the failure per se is much faster:

BenchmarkParse-4                 29641700        36.3 ns/op
BenchmarkParseBadLength-4        58602537        20.0 ns/op
BenchmarkParseLen32Truncated-4   30664791        43.6 ns/op
BenchmarkParseLen36Corrupted-4   18882410        61.9 ns/op

Add benchmarks for different kinds of invalid UUIDs, and a test case for too-short UUIDs to ensure visible behavior doesn’t change.

pborman commented 3 years ago

Thank you. I will cut release v1.1.3 to include these changes.

inliquid commented 3 years ago

This is micro optimization by the cost of worse readibility with absolutely zero sense.

joewreschnig commented 3 years ago

@inliquid I can provide some additional background as to how this is helpful for me, but 8x in a package's top-level entry point is usually not considered a "micro"optimization by any measure.

I have two services this helps in a major way. One is a batch importer of records by ID, which contains a lot of garbage IDs. Parsing the ID is a substantial, maybe 20%, part of handling each record (there are 3-4 other pieces of data about the size / complexity as the ID). But x% of the IDs are garbage for various reasons; one thing our customers are paying us for is to filter these out for them. So this is nearly a x% speedup. For some batches that's significant; in fact it was the top of the profile. In this case we don't need the error message (it would be millions of lines line); we just report how many were invalid. Secondly, we generate an internal 128 bit ID associated with lots of events in our system. If the trigger for that event was also a UUID, we generate the secondary ID differently (to handle varying case and dash placement as different third-party implementations have different opinions on this) - conceptually something like if IsValidUUID(v) { return genFromUUID(v); } else { return genFromArbitraryID(v); }. Well, genFromUUID is just going to parse it anyway; if the validation function differs in any way we have a big problem. And a failed parse is as cheap as any validation, except for this one specific case. Currently I optimize this with a len check before attempting to parse, which hurts readability even more. Again, we don't need the error message - just the result if it parsed successfully or we take the other path if not.

UUID handling often sits at a very low level in systems that need to handle high throughput / low latency. I really appreciate this package's focus on performance and compatibility, thanks @pborman.

inliquid commented 3 years ago

@joewreschnig it's easy to measure some Xes when you benchmark a particular function, it can be 8x or even 800x, it's just a relation of two values. What makes it a micro optimization is the lack of a problem as it is. This package has quite decent performance and no one ever complained about it. You see, there is always some room for some small "improvement" everywhere. Don't use fmt.Errorf - get "better performance", don't use interfaces, same, what's next avoid using fmt package at all? Avoid writing functions, because "function" is an overhead as well? This road leads to nowhere. You're getting just some damn nanoseconds per call. In order to see negligible microseconds you'll have to have a thousands of invocations per call, to have an order of milliseconds (still negligible in most cases) - millions of invocations per run. So unless you're writing some very special application, this enhancement is absolutely nothing. And in that case you'll probably use math or rand packages directly. On the other hand what you get is

return uuid, fmt.Errorf("invalid UUID length: %d", len(s))


return uuid, &invalidLengthError{len(s)}


type invalidLengthError struct{ len int }

func (err *invalidLengthError) Error() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("invalid UUID length: %d", err.len)

which is bad, less readable code with redundant entities.

pborman commented 3 years ago

I approved this change because it has identifiable impact on a use case I had not considered. Normally I see the error path as not performance critical, but if using this package to determine if something is or is not a UUID this reduces the time by quite a bit on the failure side. Further, with the second patch of going from a pointer to the direct value eliminates memory allocations. If all your input is valid it will not make a difference, however, if you have a large amount of non-valid data this will help both in CPU time as well as reduced GC load.

Just because something is micro doesn't mean it is useless. I disagree that the code is less readable in any meaningful way.

The truth is, return uuid, errors.New("invalid UUID format") should also be replaced with a predeclared error, e.g. var invalidFormat = errors.New("Invalid UUID format") and then return the global invalidFormat.

inliquid commented 3 years ago

@pborman what would happen with this performance improvement, if caller actually was interested about what the error is? I mean in that case it would call Error method on that type to get actual error? Right now you see some (still just a nanoseconds and in some cases) gains just because returned error in benchmark is totally dropped, which is far from real life.