google / vim-coverage

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Add commands & keymappings for jumping to the next uncovered line #46

Open jwodder opened 2 years ago

jwodder commented 2 years ago

Feature request: This plugin should define commands and keymappings for jumping to the next uncovered and/or partially-covered line so that navigating a coverage-annotated file becomes easier. The vim-signjump plugin is related prior art, but I believe that combining it with vim-coverage would just lead to jumping between each & every line of code.

dbarnett commented 2 years ago

What about if vim-signjump had an option to restrict to certain sign names? Then you could switch it into "coverage-only" mode and hop between only relevant coverage signs.

Actually, it looks like signjump has partially-implemented support for that, just currently doesn't offer any user-friendly way to access it. AFAICT you could override their \ mappings to pass in your own configurable list of names:

let g:signjump_sign_names = ['uncovered']
" Put this in after/ if necessary so you can override their mapping.
noremap <silent> <Plug>SignJumpNextSign  @=signjump#next_sign(g:signjump_sign_names, 1)<CR>
" ...and similarly for the other <Plug> mappings

and then you could set up your own fancy helpers or mappings to easily toggle that set of names signjump should use.