google / vkb

Build scripts to build many bits of Vulkan together in one place.
Apache License 2.0
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Rolling 13 dependencies #99

Closed dj2 closed 4 years ago

dj2 commented 4 years ago

Roll third_party/glslang/ 08328fea5..051c6fed8 (14 commits)

$ git log 08328fea5..051c6fed8 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s' 2020-06-16 cepheus Build: use better MSVC subfolder names for the previous build changes. 2020-06-16 cepheus Bump version numbers. 2020-06-16 bclayton Move hlsl/ source to glslang/HLSL/ 2020-06-16 cepheus Bump version. 2020-06-15 bclayton CMake: Fold HLSL source into glslang 2020-06-15 dj2 Remove unused variable. (#2273) 2020-06-15 rharrison Remove unused function, BaseTypeName (#2272) 2020-06-15 cepheus HLSL: Remove support for having GLSL versions of HLSL intrinsics. 2020-06-15 rdb HLSL: Fix incorrect case in name of DX9-style cube sampler type (#2265) 2020-06-10 bclayton C Interface: Split SPIR-V C interface to own file 2020-06-11 bclayton Fix signed / unsigned mismatch warning (#2266) 2020-06-10 cepheus Bump code gen version, due to removal of OpEntryPoint operands. 2020-06-10 cepheus Fix #2264: OpEntryPoint incorrectly including function parameters. 2020-06-09 rharrison Use correct type for var storing returned value (#2263)

Roll third_party/googletest/ 4fe018038..549c5d061 (6 commits)

$ git log 4fe018038..549c5d061 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s' 2020-06-15 absl-team Googletest export 2020-06-12 dmauro Googletest export 2020-06-10 absl-team Googletest export 2020-06-08 absl-team Googletest export 2020-06-08 absl-team Googletest export 2020-06-05 dmauro Googletest export

Roll third_party/re2/ 2b25567a8..e6613e91b (4 commits)

$ git log 2b25567a8..e6613e91b --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s' 2020-06-16 junyer Distinguish between missing ')' and unexpected ')'. 2020-06-16 junyer Make RE2::Set and FilteredRE2 movable. 2020-06-15 junyer Herp derp. It's actually constant-time append. 2020-06-14 junyer Implement linear-time append for patch lists.

Roll third_party/shaderc/ d8eca133b..caa519ca5 (8 commits)

$ git log d8eca133b..caa519ca5 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s' 2020-06-17 rharrison Add support for different default/trunks in roll-deps (#1086) 2020-06-15 rharrison Rolling 5 dependencies (#1085) 2020-06-15 31453424+iraiter2 Add minimum buffer size for dawn reflection (#1084) 2020-06-10 dneto Update for Glslang generator version number 9 (#1083) 2020-06-10 rharrison Rolling 5 dependencies and update expectations (#1081) 2020-06-10 rharrison Remove infrastructure for and references to VS2013 (#1082) 2020-06-09 rharrison Start shaderc v2020.2 2020-06-09 rharrison Finalize shaderc v2020.1

Roll third_party/spirv-cross/ 92fcd7d2b..a64484f62 (3 commits)

$ git log 92fcd7d2b..a64484f62 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s' 2020-06-13 cdavis MSL: Fix up input variables' vector lengths in all stages. 2020-06-16 post HLSL: Fix texProj in legacy HLSL. 2020-06-12 git GLSL: Require GL_ARB_draw_instanced for gl_InstanceID in GLSL < 1.40

Roll third_party/spirv-tools/ 7c213720b..99651228b (11 commits)

$ git log 7c213720b..99651228b --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s' 2020-06-17 vasniktel Add RemoveParameter method (#3437) 2020-06-17 vasniktel Fix return type (#3435) 2020-06-16 ehsannas Eliminate branches with condition of OpConstantNull (#3438) 2020-06-16 andreperezmaselco.developer spirv-fuzz: Implement vector shuffle fuzzer pass (#3412) 2020-06-16 andreperezmaselco.developer spirv-fuzz: Add replace linear algebra instruction transformation (#3402) 2020-06-15 dj2 Update access control lists. (#3433) 2020-06-13 vasniktel Fix operand access (#3427) 2020-06-12 jaebaek Debug info preservation in ccp pass (#3420) 2020-06-10 dneto Fix round trip tests that weren't instantiated (#3417) 2020-06-10 vasniktel spirv-fuzz: Add a test (#3238) 2020-06-10 vasniktel spirv-fuzz: Add support for OpSpecConstant* (#3373)

Roll third_party/tinyxml2/ bfbcc0333..fc8967074 (11 commits)

$ git log bfbcc0333..fc8967074 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s' 2020-06-13 leethomason update the docs 2020-06-13 leethomason make printer functions virtual 2020-06-13 leethomason minor changes to hex parsing 2020-05-13 lunkov Suppress UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer warnings 2020-04-23 amai2012 Rename action 2020-04-23 amai2012 Try to install 2020-04-15 amai2012 Add macos-latest 2020-04-14 amai2012 Remove distcheck 2020-04-14 amai2012 Add github action 2020-03-26 hyperair XMLPrinter: Fix first line indentation 2020-02-15 1469709759 support IntText(),UnsignedText(),Int64Text() for hex value

Roll third_party/vulkan-docs/ f6a10a5af..2b2528c7e (3 commits)

$ git log f6a10a5af..2b2528c7e --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s' 2020-06-16 caramelli.devel Reserve extension 347 for VK_EXT_directfb_surface (#1293) 2020-06-15 oddhack Change log for June 8, 2020 Vulkan 1.2.144 spec update: 2020-06-15 oddhack Ignore scripts/ in github branches, since VUIDs aren't assigned there, only internally.

Roll third_party/vulkan-guide/ b243b64b4..7836a71a3 (2 commits)

$ git log b243b64b4..7836a71a3 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s' 2020-06-16 46493288+sfricke-samsung Add sparse resources chapter (#49) 2020-06-14 46493288+sfricke-samsung Add c++ code syntax highlighting (#48)

Roll third_party/vulkan-headers/ 9d2dfca53..f31524575 (1 commit)

$ git log 9d2dfca53..f31524575 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s' 2020-06-15 oddhack Update for Vulkan-Docs 1.2.144

Roll third_party/vulkan-hpp/ 52dc8eb2f..8c2d6d7d0 (6 commits)

$ git log 52dc8eb2f..8c2d6d7d0 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s' 2020-06-17 asuessenbach Add cast operator to reference of UniqueHandle of ResultValue. 2020-06-16 asuessenbach Resolve deprecated-warnings on cpp_type. 2020-06-16 asuessenbach Use memcmp instead of operator==() to compare unknown types from external headers, as they might not support that operator. 2020-06-15 asuessenbach Support optional ArrayProxy as function arguments 2020-06-15 asuessenbach Extend check against protect attribute for types that are required by multiple extensions. 2020-06-15 asuessenbach Update and adjustments to VK_VULKAN_HEADER 143

Roll third_party/vulkan-loader/ 006586926..24a17f5fe (2 commits)

$ git log 006586926..24a17f5fe --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s' 2020-06-11 lenny loader: Fix crash in vkGetDeviceQueue2 2020-06-09 dsinclair scripts: Use named params for generator options

Roll third_party/vulkan-validationlayers/ 236f1f090..04f0b691e (28 commits)

$ git log 236f1f090..04f0b691e --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s' 2020-06-15 jmadill Fix GN header dependencies. 2020-06-15 mark tests: Add correct vuid for mem-use-after-free 2020-06-09 dorian.apanel tests: Add invalid FB image mem test 2020-06-09 dorian.apanel corechecks: Validate img mem at CreateFramebuffer time 2020-06-15 mark corechecks: Add new unassigned vuid for freed memory access 2020-06-11 s.fricke tests: Add VkImageResolve VUIDs 2020-06-05 s.fricke layers: Add VkImageResolve VUIDs 2020-06-11 mark tests: Add tests for duplicate BeginQuery calls 2020-06-11 mark corechecks: Check for active queries with same type in CB 2020-06-11 mark corechecks: Move all CmdBeginQuery vuids into struct 2020-06-11 mark corechecks: Move CmdBeginQuery vuid parameters into struct 2020-06-11 s.fricke tests: Add VUID 00827 2020-06-11 s.fricke layers: Add VUID 00827 2020-06-10 jzulauf tests: Add test case for EXTERNAL release/acquire 2020-06-10 jzulauf layers: Allow EXTERNAL release acquire in same CB 2020-06-10 souravp tests:for BuildGeometryInfoKHR 2020-06-09 souravp layers:Add missing KHR build info tracker 2020-06-09 brucedawson layers: Adjust shared_mutex usage 2020-06-09 mark chassis: Add layer settings file info to layer status message 2020-06-09 mark layers: Add collection of info for layer settings file 2020-06-10 dsinclair scripts: Use named params for generator options 2020-06-10 mark tests: Remove vk_layer_settings.txt file 2020-06-06 s.fricke tests: Add VUID 01946 2020-06-06 s.fricke layers: Add VUID 01946 2020-06-07 souravp tests:Handles new rayTracing VUID 2020-06-07 souravp layers:Misc RayTracing VUID 2020-06-06 s.fricke tests: Add VUID 00336 2020-06-06 s.fricke layers: Add VUID 00336

Created with: roll-dep third_party/effcee third_party/glm third_party/glslang third_party/googletest third_party/re2 third_party/shaderc third_party/spirv-cross third_party/spirv-headers third_party/spirv-tools third_party/tinyxml2 third_party/vulkan-docs third_party/vulkan-extensionlayer third_party/vulkan-guide third_party/vulkan-headers third_party/vulkan-hpp third_party/vulkan-loader third_party/vulkan-validationlayers