google / vpn-libraries

The VPN client libraries provide a reference implementation for a secure, encrypted tunnel for connected devices. Full Public report:
Apache License 2.0
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Linux support? #18

Closed mystilleef closed 1 month ago

mystilleef commented 1 year ago

Is a Linux client in the works? It's ironic Linux isn't currently supported. Is it also possible to provide authentication details for OpenVPN clients that already ship with most Linux Desktop environments?

anefabo commented 1 year ago

Hi Lateef, thanks for your inquiry. No, we don't have a Linux client currently in the works. We do appreciate your inquiry though and might consider it in the future.

mystilleef commented 1 year ago

Why no love for Linux? I imagine this product was built on Linux using open source libraries. Am I missing something?

vlgs7 commented 1 year ago

I don't think there should be a Linux side, it will undoubtedly be abused

MeesJ commented 1 year ago

I second that. The Google One VPN works great, Linux users should be allowed to use it too, without using workarounds. Please add native Linux support to the Google One VPN!

I don't think there should be a Linux side, it will undoubtedly be abused

I see no reason why the VPN would be abused more on Linux than on other operating systems.

vlgs7 commented 1 year ago

If Linux can use it, there will be a large number of proxy servers applying Googleonevpn, which will affect the experience of subscribers. Unfortunately, the official recently give the VPN to 100g subscriptions. This again lowers the barrier to entry.

MeesJ commented 1 year ago

First of all, not all Linux users do these malicious things. Second, the Google One VPN should be able to deal with that. For comparison, Cloudflare's (free) VPN called WARP also has Linux support and still works fine.

vlgs7 commented 1 year ago

I love Linux, Using Arch sometimes. Cloudflare free warp was already abused. I hope Google One Vpn group can handle the problem in the future. bro, I trust you don`t,but someone else will apply it to their proxy server to earn money.You konw, in some countries, not even Google, YouTube ... can be accessed. They will find any ways to get good experience. I run the g1vpn on a old android and run a socks proxy on the phone to give all my devices.

MeesJ commented 1 year ago

I run the g1vpn on a old android and run a socks proxy on the phone to give all my devices

Malicious users could do the same. Offering a VPN service always attracts abusers. The only real solution to this is ensuring the VPN service can handle this. It's a regrettable decision by Google if they decide to not support Linux for the Google One VPN just because of the potential abusers. Don't forget that the Google One VPN for Windows or Android could be reverse engineered in order to make them usable on Linux.

ptr1337 commented 1 year ago

Little Bump. Using Google VPN since a bunch of time and really like it on my MacBook and iPhone.

I really would like to see to get also Linux Support, so my Desktop can be also covered from it. Also Google One would be for a quite big user base on on more system available. Please consider it to implement.

guiodic commented 1 year ago

Dears, please support Linux, thank you!

bwiltse commented 1 year ago

+1 for Linux support

Nardol commented 1 year ago

Google have never really considered Linux, for example there is no official Google Drive for Linux so I am not surprised it is the same for VPN, no need to speculate about malicious Linux users :wink: there is Chrome but that's all we could expect IMHO.

mystilleef commented 1 year ago

unfortunately google will make up excuses because they suck ass. jokes on them because ill just use warp.

Warp isn't a VPN though.

It just baffles me that Google uses Linux for everything and makes money of the community, but refuses to provide first class support for the same community it thrives off.

This VPN client is written uses FLOSS libraries, yet nobody can tell us why it isn't available for Linux.

If Mozilla can provide a VPN client for Linux, it's absurd that Google won't. But they claim they love FLOSS though.

bermudi commented 1 year ago

+1 for Linux support

paolosantarsiero commented 1 year ago

+1 for Linux support

ArcCal commented 1 year ago

+1 for Linux support

installation-scripts commented 1 year ago

+1 for Linux support

revellion commented 1 year ago

+1 for linux support aswell

balister commented 1 year ago

+1 for linux

7HE-W0R1D commented 12 months ago

+1 for linux

achandi commented 11 months ago

+1 for linux

ckdarby commented 11 months ago

+1 for Linux or just provide CLI instructions for openconnect

jh-devv commented 11 months ago

+1 for Linux support

mguzmann commented 11 months ago

+1 for Linux support

robang74 commented 11 months ago

+1 for Linux support

gleisonmalheiros commented 11 months ago

+1 for Linux support

codechipped commented 11 months ago

I would also like to see Linux support.

AnAlligatorPear commented 11 months ago

+1 for Linux support

onyxcode commented 11 months ago

+1 Why has Google ignored this for so long???

danawitha commented 11 months ago

1+ for Linux support!

Euro-pol commented 11 months ago


ShoeUnited commented 10 months ago

for the love of shit cakes cover the fucking os

all tests geniuses and Linux porting is above your skill level?

it's a vpm ffs

kiozen commented 10 months ago


ThatBlockyPenguin commented 10 months ago


PenguThePenguin commented 10 months ago

+1 for openvpn protocol support / access to add to windows without the app (in settings)

angelimartinez commented 10 months ago



BitesizedLion commented 10 months ago

I really see no reason why a single google employee can't take on this task, it's just IPSEC/IKE? I tried getting a connection running myself but had no luck (assuming I probably got IKE proposals wrong)

Theinatorinator commented 9 months ago


lots0logs commented 9 months ago

As others have stated, we don't need an app. Just give us the connection details we can use with openvpn client. 🙏

jh-devv commented 9 months ago

As others have stated, we don't need an app. Just give us the connection details we can use with openvpn client. 🙏

@lots0logs This is so true!!

BitesizedLion commented 9 months ago

As others have stated, we don't need an app. Just give us the connection details we can use with openvpn client. 🙏

Not possible, it does not use OpenVPN, the way they implemented this is not as easy as just giving connection details

MeesJ commented 9 months ago

As others have stated, we don't need an app. Just give us the connection details we can use with openvpn client. 🙏

Not possible, it does not use OpenVPN, the way they implemented this is not as easy as just giving connection details

A simple CLI tool like Cloudflare WARP has would certainly be appreciated by most people here as well

rafaeldrs commented 9 months ago

I just wana say that I agree with most of u. A linux client is needed. I feel like Linux is the most "Google" OS. If Linux support is not possible, at least a Chrome extension to connect to the VPN.

flatmax commented 9 months ago

+1 for linux support

larsaars commented 9 months ago

+1 for linux support

Cpyrighted commented 9 months ago

+1 for linux support, linux is the future at this point with great OS'es like Nobara and Pop!_Os, been using Pop!_Os for 7 months now have no intention of ever returning to Windows.

We need major companies to make basic paid features available on all devices, especially linux.

xzaz commented 8 months ago

After careful consideration....

+1 for linux support.

nomadfh commented 8 months ago

You could at the very least allow for openvpn support. We don't even really need a client. I mean jeez maybe a chrome extension? Literally anything?

jehov4 commented 8 months ago

Might as well:

+1 for Linux Support

skoogh00 commented 8 months ago
