google / vulncode-db

Vulncode-DB project
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Replace the irritating continuous progress bar with a discrete steps timeline #73

Closed evonide closed 4 years ago

evonide commented 4 years ago

The progress bar which is visible when you view your proposals is irritating as it shows values like 12.5%, 25%, 50% etc..

We should replace this with something like a checkout process which has clear discrete steps. I'm thinking of something like a timeline with circles that highlights how far the progress is.

bluec0re commented 4 years ago

Something like steppers in vuetify or angular material could work.

But we're probably too constrained by the size of the column. Using a full width row above the two cards should be better in this case.

evonide commented 4 years ago

I've used a simple Bootstrap stepper to resolve this :). Fixed with