google / web-starter-kit

Web Starter Kit - a workflow for multi-device websites
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How to handle the reference differences between src and dist? #901

Open aahoo opened 7 years ago

aahoo commented 7 years ago

In the gulpfile > script task:

      // Note: Since we are not using useref in the scripts build pipeline,
      //       you need to explicitly list your scripts here in the right order
      //       to be correctly concatenated
      // Other scripts

We can add scripts to be concatenated and optimized which means that I should references a single main.min.js file in index.html. But then, I cannot use gulp serve for development because the script file in src/scripts is named main.js (not main.min.js) and there are a bunch of other scripts that are not referenced.

My workaround for now is to serve from dist directory with some watches added to the serve:dist gulp task. I am sure this is not the way WSK meant to be used. So please enlighten me :)

vorburger commented 7 years ago is somewhat related to this.