google / web-starter-kit

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gulp serve is working but gulp or gulp serve:dist is not #917

Closed anshap1719 closed 9 months ago

anshap1719 commented 7 years ago

Output of running gulp (with or without sudo):

[22:22:03] Requiring external module babel-register [22:22:05] Using gulpfile ~/Desktop/REEF/gulpfile.babel.js [22:22:05] Starting 'clean'... [22:22:05] Finished 'clean' after 37 ms [22:22:05] Starting 'default'... [22:22:05] Starting 'styles'... [22:22:06] styles all files 100.52 kB [22:22:06] Finished 'styles' after 1.71 s [22:22:06] Starting 'lint'... [22:22:06] Starting 'html'... [22:22:07] Starting 'scripts'... [22:22:07] Starting 'images'... [22:22:07] Starting 'copy'... (node:22998) DeprecationWarning: os.tmpDir() is deprecated. Use os.tmpdir() instead. [22:22:08] html index.html 1.23 kB [22:22:10] Finished 'html' after 3.87 s ^C

It is stuck and is not proceeding after Finished HTML. Before adding scripts other than main.js to the gulp file, it was working fine. I checked everything and can't seem to find the issue here.

sbarfurth commented 7 years ago

Well we would need a little more information. Can you give me the outputs of npm -v and node -v. I would probably also need your gulpfile, or at least the task you think may be responsible - if you wanna go for the whole thing please use gist.

bpobocha commented 7 years ago

@anshap1719 do you fix it? I have the same problem right now