google / webcrypto.dart

Cross-platform implementation of Web Cryptography APIs
Apache License 2.0
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chore: Update actions #89

Closed koji-1009 closed 3 months ago

koji-1009 commented 3 months ago

Action updated because Node 16 is now deprecated.

jonasfj commented 3 months ago

I suspect the iOS failure is an intermittent error, I'll retry it once or twice. Probably we should work to figure it out why it fail sometimes (or rather why it only succeeds sometimes :see_no_evil:)

jonasfj commented 3 months ago

Thanks for cleaning this up. I see the iOS finally passed :see_no_evil:

It seems like it's doing everything right, but somehow it gets stuck and the test has a timeout. Not sure if it's waiting somewhere in integration_test/webcrypto_test.dart, or how this happens.