google / xarray-beam

Distributed Xarray with Apache Beam
Apache License 2.0
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Rechunk memory usage seems over `max_mem` limit #96

Closed norlandrhagen closed 2 months ago

norlandrhagen commented 3 months ago

Hi there 👋

I'm trying out xarray-beam to do some Zarr rechunking. I'm wondering if anyone has any tips to control max_mem used in the rechunk operation.

I first tried rechunking a 128GB Cmip6 dataset and ran into an OOM error around 120GB of ram.

Failing 128GB Zarr store image

Next, I tried rechunking a much smaller dataset (~10GB) and the memory consumption climbed to about 34GB before finishing.

Completing 10GB Zarr store (with high memory usage) image

I'm basing my rechunking pipeline off of the example in the docs, using the local runner and using the max_mem default of 1 GB.

Small dataset example:

import apache_beam as beam
import xarray_beam as xbeam

store = ''
# store = ''
output_store = 'eobs_test.zarr'

source_dataset, source_chunks = xbeam.open_zarr(store)
template = xbeam.make_template(source_dataset)

target_chunks = {'time':80, 'latitude':350, 'longitude':511}
itemsize = max(variable.dtype.itemsize for variable in template.values())

with beam.Pipeline(runner="DirectRunner", options=beam.pipeline.PipelineOptions(["--num_workers", '2'])) as root:
    | xbeam.DatasetToChunks(source_dataset, source_chunks, split_vars=True)
    | xbeam.Rechunk(  
    | xbeam.ChunksToZarr(output_store, template, zarr_chunks=target_chunks)


shoyer commented 3 months ago

I think this is probably an issue with the DirectRunner, which stores all data in memory rather than writing to disk.

norlandrhagen commented 2 months ago

Thanks @shoyer! I tried with a pyspark runner and the OOM issues disappeared.