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XLS: Accelerated HW Synthesis
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Optimization opportunity: predetermine known outcomes of bit operations #1218

Open hzeller opened 7 months ago

hzeller commented 7 months ago

Consider the following function in /tmp/foo.x

fn foo(x: u32, b: u1) -> u32 {
  x & (b as u32)

We expect that the last bit is whatever is b & x[0] and the remaining bits zero.

Let's generate code from this

${IR_CONVERTER} foo.x | ${IR_OPT} --top=__foo__foo - | ${CODEGEN} --module_name=foo --generator=combinational -


The generated code does not see any optimization opportunity and essentially emits the code similar to the input, that ANDs 32 bits:

module foo(
  input wire [31:0] x,
  input wire b,
  output wire [31:0] out
  assign out = x & {31'h0000_0000, b};

Expected Result

It would be good if the optimizer would recognize that we only actually need to AND one bit, while all the other bits are known to be zero already:

module foo(
  input wire [31:0] x,
  input wire b,
  output wire [31:0] out
  assign out = {31'h0000_0000, x[0] & b};


This is essentially a generalization of #1217

Maybe this actually does not make any difference as synthesis-tools might figure this out anyway. However, if this is done in the intermediate representation optimization, there might be follow-up optimization opportunities that currently might be left on the table ?

This example was with AND, but of course this is true for all bit-wise operations that do not depend on neighbors and have one known bit:

hzeller commented 5 months ago

(edit: changed name of function from top to foo as the former is a keyword now)