google / yamlfmt

An extensible command line tool or library to format yaml files.
Apache License 2.0
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Multiline syntax with pipe (`|`) not retained #185

Open tamird opened 6 months ago

tamird commented 6 months ago

I see this diff:

       - name: Start PostgreSQL
         # We start PostgreSQL as a docker step instead of the GH `services` because it allows us to pass in custom flags (and seems to be faster to spin up?)
-        run: |
-          set -euo pipefail
-          args=(
-            -d
-            --name postgres 
-            --env POSTGRES_USER=postgres 
-            --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres 
-            --publish 5432:5432 
-            --health-cmd pg_isready 
-            --health-interval 10s 
-            --health-timeout 5s 
-            --health-retries 5 
-            # This is to allow many connections from xdist - we run as many DBs in parallel as CPUs on the box
-            -c max_locks_per_transaction=1000 
-            -c max_connections=1000
-          )
-          docker run "${args[@]}"
+        run: "set -euo pipefail\nargs=(\n  -d\n  --name postgres \n  --env POSTGRES_USER=postgres \n  --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres \n  --publish 5432:5432 \n  --health-cmd pg_isready \n  --health-interval 10s \n  --health-timeout 5s \n  --health-retries 5 \n \n      #magic___^_^___line\n  # This is to allow many connections from xdist - we run as many DBs in parallel as CPUs on the box\n  -c max_locks_per_transaction=1000 \n  -c max_connections=1000\n)\ndocker run \"${args[@]}\"\n      #magic___^_^___line\n"

This was previously discussed in

braydonk commented 6 months ago

Hi @tamird thanks for opening an issue. Not sure whether this will work, but does adding scan_folded_as_literal: true fix this?

tamird commented 6 months ago

No, the behavior is unchanged.

kachick commented 6 months ago

I have the same problem and it is reproduced when an included line has whitespace just before a line feed.

yamlfmt -version

cat <<'EOF' | yamlfmt -in
a: |

cat <<'EOF' | yamlfmt -in
a: |

This script outputs as follows.

a: |
a: "b \nc\n"

Actually used 0.12.1, 0.12.0 is the wrong displayed version from known problem

Ah, this problem looks an known issue 🙇‍♂️

seastco commented 5 months ago

seeing this as well

19ngaddam commented 5 months ago

the "fix" that worked for me was ensuring that there were no trailing spaces anywhere in the multiline block (including after the |). yamlfmt was able to preserve the format in that case. Ideally, there should be an option to ignore the format for multiline literal style strings.

braydonk commented 5 months ago

Right I remember this now. I was trying to solve this in the yaml library and got stuck.

An interim fix could be to add a feature that trims the whitespace at the end of every string; that's doable without parsing. It would probably be a relatively useful feature anyway.

My time to work on this project over the next couple weeks is unfortunately quite limited so I can't give an estimate for when that will get done, but next time I have time I will get this done.

thiagowfx commented 5 months ago

Just noting that something similar happens with >- (it's likely the same root cause).

To add another future test case idea:


diff --git ansible/ ansible/
index 08b5f893..1c9549be 100644
--- ansible/
+++ ansible/
@@ -44,12 +44,7 @@

 - name: Issue cert for domain via DNS challenge mode
   command: >-
-    ./ --issue -d {{ acme_sh_domain }}
-    --challenge-alias {{ acme_sh_challenge_domain }}
-    --dns {{ acme_sh_dns_provider }}
-    --accountemail {{ acme_sh_mail }}
-    {{ "--staging" if acme_sh_use_staging is defined  else "" }}
-    {{ "--debug" if acme_sh_debug is defined else "" }}
+    ./ --issue -d {{ acme_sh_domain }} --challenge-alias {{ acme_sh_challenge_domain }} --dns {{ acme_sh_dns_provider }} --accountemail {{ acme_sh_mail }} {{ "--staging" if acme_sh_use_staging is defined  else "" }} {{ "--debug" if acme_sh_debug is defined else "" }}
     chdir: "~/"

Desired / expected: Newlines should have been preserved.

braydonk commented 5 months ago

I did add trim_trailing_whitespace as an option to the formatter. With this turned on, this bug shouldn't get tripped since it's caused by trailing whitespace. Not a perfect fix, but a stopgap at least.

nikaro commented 4 months ago

I did add trim_trailing_whitespace as an option to the formatter. With this turned on, this bug shouldn't get tripped since it's caused by trailing whitespace. Not a perfect fix, but a stopgap at least.

This does not work for with >, only with |.

# cat .yamlfmt.yaml
trim_trailing_whitespace: true
# cat hello.yaml
multiline_without_trailing_whitspaces: >-
# yamlfmt -debug=all -dry hello.yaml
[DEBUG]: No config path specified in -conf
[DEBUG]: Found config at /var/folders/pz/wn2sts951hbdjx0nzdr1c_h40000gp/T/tmp.J6M98dAOmk/.yamlfmt.yaml
[DEBUG]: Found config at /var/folders/pz/wn2sts951hbdjx0nzdr1c_h40000gp/T/tmp.J6M98dAOmk/.yamlfmt.yaml
[DEBUG]: using file path matching. include patterns: [hello.yaml]
[DEBUG]: found paths: [hello.yaml]
[DEBUG]: paths to format: map[hello.yaml:{}]
  multiline_without_trailing_whitspaces: >-  multiline_without_trailing_whitspaces: >-
-   hello                                      hello world
-   world
braydonk commented 4 months ago

Hi @nikaro,

Two things:

  1. Is the example in cat .yamlfmt.yaml your exact config file? If so, that will not work. trim_trailing_whitespace goes under a formatter.
  2. Folded scalar style (>) are a separate issue. For those, you will also need to set the formatter option scan_folded_as_literal: true. This is because when the underlying YAML parser reads the YAML and reproduces it, it tries to respect the > (which means to fold all newlines and produce the string as a single line). That option circumvents that behaviour.

Applying both of those suggestions, I expect it will start to work. If it doesn't, please open a new issue with similar reproduction steps.

EDIT: I corrected my suggestion in 2

nikaro commented 4 months ago

Hi @braydonk

  1. No it wasn't my exact config, I tried to reproduce a minimal config/environment, my bad.
  2. Ah, I didn't knew this bit.

It works with your suggestion. Thanks.

powerman commented 2 weeks ago

I'm not sure is it the same issue or not, please let me know if it's better to open a new issue for this.

The problem is I'm unable to control "block chomping". No matter what I've inside a block and which config options I use it always replaces | and |+ with |-, and replaces > and >+ with >-. Is there any workaround for this?

powerman commented 2 weeks ago

Oops, sorry, actually modification of "block chomping" symbol happens because of both some config options and block content.