googleads / googleads-mobile-unity

Official Unity Plugin for the Google Mobile Ads SDK
Apache License 2.0
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Can't build GoogleMobileAds-v6.1.0 + AdColonyUnityAdapter-2.3.0 #1761

Closed Volodymyr-13 closed 1 year ago

Volodymyr-13 commented 2 years ago

[REQUIRED] Step 2: Describe the problem

Steps to reproduce:

Just download latest unitypackages and try to build Xcode project.

Relevant Code:

Firstly, this GoogleMobileAds-v6.1.0 has another bug, which is can be fixed like that:

We skipping this, just OK, we fixed, moving next, trying to build iOS:

Screenshot 1

Sample project:

haru-sudo commented 2 years ago

This can be solved.

Step 1 Select Assets-> External Dependency Manager-> iOS Resolver-> Settings.

スクリーンショット 2021-09-03 21 25 39

Step 2 Enable Link frameworks statically.

スクリーンショット 2021-09-03 21 25 51
Volodymyr-13 commented 2 years ago

Okay, this is fixing issue with compiling in the Xcode. But next, when I started it on the device via Xcode - it works. Then, just tap icon on the main screen, without Xcode - it's crashing.

If you then open logs on the device you will found that it's due to app inactivity:

Screenshot 1
Volodymyr-13 commented 2 years ago

So, yes, when I just trying to integrate AdColony - my game is crashing if I'm launching it without Xcode. Please help!

NCoso commented 2 years ago

same issue here working fine when launching from Xcode but hanged if open directly from iOS device

hokamakaho commented 2 years ago

Assets > GoogleMobileAds > Editor > AdColonyMediationDependencies Open with VSCode etc.

<iosPod name = "GoogleMobileAdsMediationAdColony" version = “”> Edit, version = “”> “”

Then save and build.

reference AdColony iOS Mediation Adapter Changelog

Unity-2019.4.22 Google Mobile Ads Unity plugin version: 6.1.0 AdColonyUnityAdapter-2.3.0

Volodymyr-13 commented 2 years ago

@hokamakaho same issue - game won't launch without Xcode.

haru-sudo commented 2 years ago

I found a solution. I was able to solve it with the solution of @hokamakaho. If you can't do that, edit the version Try version = “”> “”.

Volodymyr-13 commented 2 years ago

Please share test project, so I can try it, if you was able to fix this.

Volodymyr-13 commented 2 years ago

@HAL-JP Have no idea about what you're talking now, I asked for a complete project, which is working for you. Can you please share zip file here, so I can build it on my device? And then run it without Xcode, so it will NOT crash then, as you told me that it's not crashing for you already. By the way on which iOS device(iOS version, model) you're testing this?

Volodymyr-13 commented 2 years ago

If you were able to solve it, as you told me here please share me a full working project for Unity, so I'll just publish it to iOS and run/test it on the device.

Volodymyr-13 commented 2 years ago

Again - main issue now - build crashes at launch with 0x8BAdf00d error, if launching without Xcode.

NCoso commented 2 years ago

Still same issue, crashing when not running from XCode I see the app loads quickly if I have AppLovin adapter only (Adcolony adapter removed) However I see huge app-load time if AdColony adapter is added (Applovin + Adcolony)

Volodymyr-13 commented 2 years ago

Yep and I really wondering why this is not in highest priority.

NVentimiglia commented 2 years ago

Hi there, I was unable to replicate the issue. Here are my steps.

This said, I have seen this issue before when running UnityEditor 2021. This is a known issue

Known issue: iOS Resolver library cannot be loaded in Unity 2021.1.11 and 2021.1.12. It can be loaded properly with Unity 2021.1.10. See googlesamples/unity-jar-resolver#441 for more information.

If you are still having issues, the next step would be a sample project.

Volodymyr-13 commented 2 years ago

@NVentimiglia How it runs without Xcode?

NCoso commented 2 years ago

I was able to run the project too, but only via xCode running from xCode the app laoded and worked as expected then if xCode is closed and app started from devie directly -> the app crashes at startup also crashing at startup if installed via IPA export

for now we will remove ADColony adapter, since prevents us from testing and releasing iOS; hoping to get it back once fixed

Volodymyr-13 commented 2 years ago

then if xCode is closed and app started from devie directly -> the app crashes at startup


for now we will remove ADColony adapter, since prevents us from testing and releasing iOS; hoping to get it back once fixed

Me too.

This is why I am asking again: why this is not in highest priority?

chkuang-g commented 2 years ago

Hey folks, regarding the know issue with iOS Resolver not loading in Unity 2021.1.11+, I have made a workaround and released 1.2.167.

Google Ads Mobile SDK can include the newer version of EDM4U. If you need it right away, you can download either .unitypackage version or .tgz version (for Unity Package Manager) here


Volodymyr-13 commented 2 years ago

@NVentimiglia this bug(another user commented same situation here is still same with v6.1.2 release, when you run without Xcode - build hangs and crashes. So there is no way to integrate AdColony for iOS with any latest version, this bug should be live priority, but it's already not been fixed for months, this is really sad.

mariopintoappgeneration commented 2 years ago

I've managed to build this with version 4.7.0, as mentioned by @hokamakaho earlier, here

Volodymyr-13 commented 2 years ago

"to build" - yea, it's builds but it's not runs without Xcode. Please read all thread and comments.

mariopintoappgeneration commented 2 years ago

@KAMIKAZEUA, my mistake, I've managed to run it through test flight with that change.

dhamelin commented 2 years ago

@NVentimiglia this bug(another user commented same situation here #1761 (comment)) is still same with v6.1.2 release, when you run without Xcode - build hangs and crashes. So there is no way to integrate AdColony for iOS with any latest version, this bug should be live priority, but it's already not been fixed for months, this is really sad.

Hello, have you found a solution finally? I'm having the same issue but with Facebook mediation.

Northwind877 commented 2 years ago

I have the same issue, also the older versions (, are not working for me.

kunny commented 1 year ago

Since there were no recent activities for this issue, we are therefore reluctantly going to close this bug for now.

If you are still experiencing the problem, please file a new issue with the same description, what happens and system / network tracing / Charles logs.

All system setups can be slightly different, so it's always better to open new issues and reference the related ones. Thanks for your contribution.