googleads / googleads-mobile-unity

Official Unity Plugin for the Google Mobile Ads SDK
Apache License 2.0
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Update googleads 9.1.0 iOS GADMediationAdapterFacebook not ready. #3355

Open YianChen75 opened 1 month ago

YianChen75 commented 1 month ago

[REQUIRED] Step 1: Describe your environment

[REQUIRED] Step 2: Describe the problem

Steps to reproduce:

What happened? How can we make the problem occur?

Update to: AdMob SDK 9.1.0 Mediation: GoogleMobileAdsMediationFacebook 6.15.0

Encountering the issue "Adapter: GADMediationAdapterFacebook not ready." on iOS. Could you please assist in resolving this?

in debugging message Failed: Adapter failed to initialize. Adapter raised an exception during setup. Adapter: GADMediationAdapterFacebook, Exception: FBAdInitSettings is a final class and cannot be subclassed. FBAdInitSettings

Please share a downloadable sample project that reproduces the bug, if available. This greatly helps us to diagnose and fix the issue faster.

Relevant Code:

// TODO(you): code here to reproduce the problem
public void MobileAdsInit()
    MobileAds.Initialize((initStatus) =>
                Dictionary<string, AdapterStatus> map = initStatus.getAdapterStatusMap();
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, AdapterStatus> keyValuePair in map)
                    string className = keyValuePair.Key;
                    AdapterStatus status = keyValuePair.Value;
                    switch (status.InitializationState)
                        case AdapterState.NotReady:
                                // The adapter initialization did not complete.
                                Debug.LogErrorFormat("[Log] AdMobProxy Adapter: {0} not ready.", className);

                        case AdapterState.Ready:
                                // The adapter was successfully initialized.
                                Debug.LogFormat("[Log] AdMobProxy Adapter: {0} is initialized.", className);

NVentimiglia commented 1 month ago


Thank you, I verified that this is an issue and we are looking into fixing this.