googleads / googleads-mobile-unity

Official Unity Plugin for the Google Mobile Ads SDK
Apache License 2.0
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RewardVideo cannot show in iPhone Xs and Xs Max #768

Closed ha-quang-vu closed 5 years ago

ha-quang-vu commented 5 years ago

Description: Both of my project and sample project with name HelloWord cannot show rewardVideo in iPhone Xs(iOS 12.1) and Xs Max(iOS 12.0). It run well when I tested in iPhone 7Plus(iOS12.1), iPhone X (11.3.1), iPhone 6s (iOS 11.3). Other services like: Banner, Interstitial work well without error.

I tried to do something but it seem not successful.

  1. Update Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK from ver 7.31.0 to 7.34.0 by hand in Pod File.
  2. In Privacy -> Advertising of both devices: Limit Ad Tracking -> Off, Reset Advertising Identifier

This is log in Xcode:

2018-09-28 13:17:15.552827+0900 admob[552:82536] WF: _WebFilterIsActive returning: NO
2018-09-28 13:17:21.422798+0900 admob[552:82354] I/UnityAds: +[UnityAds initialize:delegate:testMode:] (line:68) :: Initializing Unity Ads 2.3.0 (2300) with game id 1780391 in production mode
2018-09-28 13:17:21.436337+0900 admob[552:82443] [NetworkInfo] Could not successfully update network info for descriptor <CTServiceDescriptor 0x2804288a0, domain=1, instance=2> during initialization.
2018-09-28 13:17:21.446738+0900 admob[552:82443] [NetworkInfo] Could not successfully update network info for descriptor <CTServiceDescriptor 0x2804363c0, domain=1, instance=2> during initialization.
2018-09-28 13:17:21.449340+0900 admob[552:82541] I/UnityAds: -[UADSInitializeStateConfig execute] (line:159) :: Unity Ads init: load configuration from
2018-09-28 13:17:21.504896+0900 admob[552:82541] I/UnityAds: -[UADSInitializeStateLoadCache execute] (line:197) :: Unity Ads init: webapp loaded from local cache
2018-09-28 13:17:21.702248+0900 admob[552:82354] I/UnityAds: +[UADSApiSdk WebViewExposed_logInfo:callback:] (line:59) :: Requesting configuration from
2018-09-28 13:17:22.391753+0900 admob[552:82354] I/UnityAds: +[UADSApiSdk WebViewExposed_logInfo:callback:] (line:59) :: Received configuration with 4 placements for token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWMiOjE3MCwiY3BpIjoxNjMsImlhcCI6MzUsImx0diI6MjQ5LCJwcm8iOjE0NiwieHByIjo2NCwic3ViIjoiWnZCd2NUbld4Zlc4SnJDSWRTdTk5V2FkTnI2SFFOWHZ4UWxvY2FZL1NyMzZkUXBSK3BXekFIZGMySkhEblM5cmo2N0R0Zz09IiwiaWF0IjoxNTM4MTA4MjQyLCJleHAiOjE1MzkzMTc4NDIsImlzcyI6ImNvbWV0LnVuaXR5YWRzLnVuaXR5M2QuY29tIn0.XOeRotHcP0BEp9GwNcalWkGwatZL2DhcZa-KRd8XiCU (A/B group [object Object])
2018-09-28 13:17:22.396544+0900 admob[552:82354] E/UnityAds: +[UADSApiSdk WebViewExposed_logError:callback:] (line:49) :: Purchase initialization failed
2018-09-28 13:17:22.403791+0900 admob[552:82354] [avas] Unknown selected data source for Port スピーカー (type: Speaker)
2018-09-28 13:17:22.419535+0900 admob[552:82354] [avas] Unknown selected data source for Port スピーカー (type: Speaker)
2018-09-28 13:17:22.431295+0900 admob[552:82354] I/UnityAds: +[UADSApiSdk WebViewExposed_logInfo:callback:] (line:59) :: Requesting ad plan from
2018-09-28 13:17:24.136201+0900 admob[552:82354] I/UnityAds: +[UADSApiSdk WebViewExposed_logInfo:callback:] (line:59) :: AdPlan received with 0 campaigns and refreshDelay 3600
HandleRewardBasedVideoFailedToLoad event received with message: Failed to receive ad with error: No ad returned from any ad server.

(Filename: /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)

Reward based video ad is not ready yet

(Filename: /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)

Thank you very much.

Environment Google Mobile Ads Unity Plugin v3.15.1 Unity 2017.1.3f1 iOS

rampara commented 5 years ago

@ha-quang-vu Did a quick test on my end as was able to load rewarded video ads on a iPhone XS running iOS 12.0. As this doesn't seem like an issue caused by this plugin, I would recommend you reach out on the Google Mobile Ads Technical Support Forum for further support.