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cleanUrlTracker temperamental #254

Open LouiseReid opened 4 years ago

LouiseReid commented 4 years ago

I'm using cleanUrlTracker to remove dynamic url props from the url in my React single page app which uses reach router for navigation.

I have this within the script tag in index.html

      ga("create", "UA-xxxxx-xx", "auto");
      ga("require", "cleanUrlTracker", {
        stripQuery: true,
        queryDimensionIndex: 1,
        indexFilename: "index.html",
        trailingSlash: "remove",
        urlFieldsFilter(fieldsObj, parseUrl) {
          const path = parseUrl(;
          const withUsrAndId = /(\/user\/)(?=.*\d)(?=.*[A-Z])[A-Z0-9]{8}(\/id\/)(\{){0,1}[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}(\}){0,1}/;
          const withUsr = /(\/user\/)(?=.*\d)(?=.*[A-Z])[A-Z0-9]{8}/;
          if (path.match(withUsrAndId)) {
   = path.replace(
          } else if (path.match(withUsr)) {
   = path.replace(withUsr, "$1<user>");
          return fieldsObj;
      ga("send", "pageview");

The user param is an 8 digit alpha numeric code and the id is a guid.

I also have this code attached to reach routers history

  const reachHistory = createReachHistory(store);

  reachHistory.listen(page => {"set", "page", page.location.pathname);"send", "pageview", {
      page: page.location.pathname

This code works, but only sometimes and I can't seem to alienate what is causing it to work sometimes and not others. I can sometimes navigate through the whole app where the urls are being replaced and other times it will show the ids half way through.

Is this the correct implementation?