googleapis / gax-nodejs

Google API Extensions for Node.js
Apache License 2.0
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Vulnerability issue in used "node-fetch" version 2.6.1 #1624

Open devashish-s opened 2 weeks ago

devashish-s commented 2 weeks ago

Hi there,

We are using google-gax in our project deployed on GCP account. in our yearly report we are getting issue with npm package node-fetch (^2.6.1) that should be update version 2.6.7 or higher.

Environment details

"The library node-fetch version 2.6.1 was detected in NPM library manager located at package-lock.json and is vulnerable to CVE-2022-0235, which exists in versions < 2.6.7.

The vulnerability was found in the Github Security Advisory with vendor severity: High (NVD severity: Medium).

The vulnerability can be remediated by updating the library to version 2.6.7 or higher."
