googleapis / google-api-php-client

A PHP client library for accessing Google APIs
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setOrgUnitId replies success but fails to change anything #2506

Open jwpegram opened 9 months ago

jwpegram commented 9 months ago

I'm trying to change the orgUnitId of a shared drive. Everything I can find suggests the below code should work but it doesn't. The drive api doesn't throw any errors, the update call returns a 200 but the org is never changed. Any thoughts?

// Create a Google Drive service instance
$service = new Google_Service_Drive($client);

// Specify the shared drive ID you want to modify

// Specify the new orgUnitId
$newOrgUnitId = 'new_org_unit_id';

// Build the request to update the shared drive's orgUnitId
$updateDrive = new Google_Service_Drive_Drive();

$optParams = array(
     'useDomainAdminAccess' => true

// Update the shared drive with the new orgUnitId
try {
    $drive = $service->drives->update($driveId, $updateDrive);
    echo "Shared drive updated with new orgUnitId: {$drive->getOrgUnitId()}";
} catch (Google_Service_Exception $e) {
    echo "Error updating shared drive: " . $e->getMessage();