googleapis / google-api-ruby-client

REST client for Google APIs
Apache License 2.0
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HTTPClient is no longer maintained, switch to Faraday #2348

Open mohamedhafez opened 3 years ago

mohamedhafez commented 3 years ago

The generated libraries (or at least google-apis-calendar_v3) rely on HTTPClient, which hasn't had a release since 2016 and has a ton of ignored issues. Especially since it seems to re-implement the low level socket details of Net::HTTP, including establishing SSL connections, it's not really secure to be relying on something that's been abandoned.

It also uses Timeout.timeout in several places instead of using socket timeout options, which is inefficient and inherently unsafe (see and

googleauth and signet already depend on Faraday, which is actively maintained. It would be great to switch over to that, even if just so as not to pull in an extra dependency, let alone an unmaintained one.

dazuma commented 3 years ago

Yes, good call, we need to do this.

mohamedhafez commented 2 years ago

Just a little bump on this. I've been using a monkey patch that works seamlessly, except for some reason large file uploads if I remember correctly don't work correctly. Perhaps we could use the HTTPClient Faraday backend just for those, and the net-http Faraday backend for everything else, if nobody has the time to properly fix this?

mohamedhafez commented 2 years ago

Just another bump on this as something that needs to be done, depending on abandonware that hasn't been touched since 2016 that handles establishing SSL connections is not secure at all

matthewford commented 2 years ago

Any update on this? @mohamedhafez could you share you're patch?

mohamedhafez commented 2 years ago

@matthewford this basic monkey patch has worked just fine for my needs for the last year and a half, a bit more work would need to be done on BaseService#new_client to support all the options.

module Google
  module Apis
    module Core
      class HttpCommand
        def execute_once(client)
          if body.respond_to?(:rewind)
            body_str = ""
            size = body.size
            raise "buffer and body aren't same size!\nsize: #{size}, body_str.bytesize: #{body_str.bytesize}\n\n#{body_str}" if size != body_str.bytesize
          elsif body.nil? || body.is_a?(String)
            body_str = body
            raise "unexpected body class: #{body.class}"

            logger.debug { sprintf('Sending HTTP %s %s', method, url) }
            request_header = header.dup

            @http_res = client.run_request(method,

            logger.debug { @http_res.status }
            logger.debug { safe_response_representation @http_res }

            response = process_response(@http_res.status.to_i, @http_res.headers, @http_res.body)
          rescue => e
            logger.debug { sprintf('Caught error %s', e) }
            error(e, rethrow: true)

        def process_response(status, header, body)
          check_status(status, header, body)

          content_type = header['Content-Type']
          content_type = content_type.first unless content_type.is_a?(String)

          decode_response_body(content_type, body)

        def error(err, rethrow: false, &block)
          logger.debug { sprintf('Error - %s', PP.pp(err, '')) }
          if err.is_a?(Faraday::Error)
            err =
, err) if block_given?
          fail err if rethrow || block.nil?

      class BaseService
        def new_client

catlee commented 2 years ago

I've been working on a PR to switch over to Faraday here:

One of the main challenges I've had with the tests are handling interrupted responses with redirects. Faraday doesn't provide a good (any?) mechanism to capture partial response content while also handling redirects.

I've reported this issue to Faraday here:

iMacTia commented 2 years ago

Thank you for considering faraday for this! Following @catlee's input, we've just released v2.5.1 which supports a new API to access response codes while streaming responses 👍 I hope that helps unblock the migration, but feel free to reach out if you need anything else!

runephilosof-karnovgroup commented 8 months ago

@dazuma Isn't this a security issue? Maybe add a priority label.

Also, we know it is a next major: breaking change

hbontempo-cw commented 4 weeks ago

Just adding information here:

I received a warning today when installing a projects dependencies:

/Users/xxx/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.3.4/lib/ruby/gems/3.3.0/gems/httpclient-2.8.3/lib/httpclient/auth.rb:11: warning: mutex_m was loaded from the standard library, but will no longer be part of the default gems since Ruby 3.4.0. Add mutex_m to your Gemfile or gemspec. Also contact author of httpclient-2.8.3 to add mutex_m into its gemspec.

Checking my Gemfile.lock I saw this dependency comes from Google's gem:

    google-apis-core (0.15.0)
      addressable (~> 2.5, >= 2.5.1)
      googleauth (~> 1.9)
      httpclient (>= 2.8.1, < 3.a)
      mini_mime (~> 1.0)
      representable (~> 3.0)
      retriable (>= 2.0, < 4.a)

This needs to be at least addressed (migrate to Faraday or dependency added explicitly) or this gem will be incompatible with ruby 3.4.