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Google Cloud Client Library for Node.js
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Error: Endpoint read failed at /user_code/node_modules/@google-cloud/logging/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:569:15 #2438

Closed deremer closed 5 years ago

deremer commented 7 years ago

We are using Stack Driver to log errors for Firebase functions. We unpredictably get the error in the title. Typically it happens the first to we try to log an error after a function re-deploys. Subsequent error log writes will go through to StackDriver without issue, but occasionally we'll get the error again.

We're using "@google-cloud/logging": "^1.0.2", and deployed via Firebase Functions.

Below is our module that implements the logging...

Anybody have any idea what is causing this?

const Logging = require('@google-cloud/logging');

// To keep on top of errors, we should raise a verbose error report with Stackdriver rather
// than simply relying on console.error. This will calculate users affected + send you email
// alerts, if you've opted into receiving them.
const logging = Logging();

// This is the name of the StackDriver log stream that will receive the log
// entry. This name can be any valid log stream name, but must contain "err"
// in order for the error to be picked up by StackDriver Error Reporting.
const logName:string = 'errors-fb-func';

// Enum of StackDriver severities
enum Severities {
  ERROR = 500, // ERROR (500) Error events are likely to cause problems.
  CRITICAL = 600, // CRITICAL   (600) Critical events cause more severe problems or outages.
  ALERT = 700, // ALERT (700) A person must take an action immediately.
  EMERGENCY = 800 // EMERGENCY  (800) One or more systems are unusable.

// Provide an error object and and optional context object
export function log(err:Error, logLevel:number=Severities.ERROR, user?:string): Promise<any> {

  const FUNCTION_NAME = process.env.FUNCTION_NAME;
  const log = logging.log(logName);

  const metadata = {
    // MonitoredResource
    // See
    resource: {
      // MonitoredResource.type
      type: 'cloud_function',
      // MonitoredResource.labels
      labels: {
       function_name: FUNCTION_NAME
    severity: logLevel

  const context:any = {};
  if (user && typeof user === 'string') {
    // ErrorEvent.context.user
    context.user = user;

  // ErrorEvent
  // See
  let structPayload:any = {
    // ErrorEvent.serviceContext
    serviceContext: {
      // ErrorEvent.serviceContext.service
      service: `cloud_function:${FUNCTION_NAME}`,
      // ErrorEvent.serviceContext.version
      resourceType: 'cloud_function'


  if (context) {
    // ErrorEvent.context
    structPayload.context = context;

  structPayload.message = getMsgForError(err);

  return writeLog(log, metadata, structPayload);

function getMsgForError(error:Error): string {
  // ErrorEvent.message
  if (error instanceof Error && typeof error.stack === 'string') {
    return error.stack;
  } else if (typeof error === 'string') {
    return error;
  } else if (typeof error.message === 'string') {
    return error.message;
  } else {
    logFatalError(error, "Error message type not supported");
    return "";

function writeLog(log:any, metadata:any, structPayload:any): Promise<any> {
  // Write the error log entry
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    try {
      log.write(log.entry(metadata, structPayload), (error:any) => {
        if (error) {
    } catch(error) {

// Utility function to log error if Logger fails
function logFatalError(error:Error, msg?:string): void {
  console.error(error, msg);
  throw error;

// error, crtical, alert, emergency, accept an Error object
// And then set error.stack as the message
export function error(error:Error, user?:string): Promise<any> {
  return log(error, Severities.ERROR, user);

export function critical(error:Error, user?:string): Promise<any> {
  return log(error, Severities.CRITICAL, user);

export function alert(error:Error, user?:string): Promise<any> {
  return log(error, Severities.ALERT, user);

export function emergency(error:Error, user?:string): Promise<any> {
  return log(error, Severities.EMERGENCY, user);
stephenplusplus commented 7 years ago

@ofrobots ever run into anything like this before?

deremer commented 7 years ago

As an update, it seems to be more of an issue the first time a call is made to Stackdriver after a Firebase function is updated and restarted. Subsequent requests seem to go through ok. Although it does re-emerge sporadically. We really haven't been able to get to the bottom of it.

Unfortunately, this causes the functions to timeout and throw an "Unhandled Exception", which is not going to work for us in production. So unless we can resolve this issue, we will have to replace Stackdriver with another logger.

lukesneeringer commented 7 years ago

I too am hoping @ofrobots will have an idea. :-)

@deremer Can you provide the actual stack trace?

deremer commented 7 years ago

Here is one log entry where we see this...

 insertId:  "000000-6ca1de21-3818-4c66-a620-a8a02227e1a7"   
 labels: {
  execution_id:  "134720017564250"    
 logName:  "projects/REDACTED/logs/"   
 receiveTimestamp:  "2017-07-10T00:12:20.477133425Z"   
 resource: {
  labels: {
   function_name:  "LotteryActions"     
   project_id:  "REDACTED"     
   region:  "us-central1"     
  type:  "cloud_function"    
 severity:  "ERROR"   
 textPayload:  "{ Error: Endpoint read failed
    at /user_code/node_modules/@google-cloud/logging/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:569:15 code: 14, metadata: Metadata { _internal_repr: {} } } undefined"   
 timestamp:  "2017-07-10T00:12:14.178Z"   
deremer commented 7 years ago

I've been wondering if we're setting metadata incorrectly or something because of the metadata: Metadata { _internal_repr: {} } } undefined

But here's another one where it doesn't have that...

 insertId:  "000001-901cb19e-a4cb-4c78-a339-360408edb7d8"   
 labels: {
  execution_id:  "134720017564250"    
 logName:  "projects/REDACTED/logs/"   
 receiveTimestamp:  "2017-07-10T00:12:20.477133425Z"   
 resource: {
  labels: {
   function_name:  "LotteryActions"     
   project_id:  "REDACTED"     
   region:  "us-central1"     
  type:  "cloud_function"    
 severity:  "ERROR"   
 textPayload:  "Error: Endpoint read failed
    at /user_code/node_modules/@google-cloud/logging/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:569:15"   
 timestamp:  "2017-07-10T00:12:14.179Z"   
ofrobots commented 7 years ago

/cc @GoogleCloudPlatform/node-team @murgatroid99

ofrobots commented 7 years ago

The error indicates a TCP read error – which suggests that sporadically there are some network issues in the environment?

ofrobots commented 7 years ago

@swalkowski @jasonpolites: any ideas if this could be an issue on Functions?

deremer commented 7 years ago

@ofrobots Just so future readers are 100% clear on this... This code is being run as Firebase Functions, so it's 100% within the Google Cloud environment.

murgatroid99 commented 7 years ago

Note: the part with the metadata is probably irrelevant. That is trailing response metadata, which is often empty.

murgatroid99 commented 7 years ago

It seems like the gRPC client successfully establishes a TCP connection (if it didn't, the error would say "Connect failed"), then the first attempt to read from that TCP connection fails for some reason, and the request it was a part of failed.

It might help to see more details of the TCP error, but that doesn't propagate far enough up the stack. It is possible to see it (along with a torrent of other information) by setting the environment variables GRPC_TRACE=tcp GRPC_VERBOSITY=DEBUG. The trace information from that gets dumped to stderr, so if you have access to that, that could help (though it could also expose too much information).

deremer commented 7 years ago

@murgatroid99 any idea how to set an env var like that with Firebase Functions...or through the Cloud Function console?

Put it in runtime.config.json?

murgatroid99 commented 7 years ago

I am not familiar with Cloud Functions, but you should just be able to do process.env.GRPC_TRACE='tcp'; and process.env.GRPC_VERBOSITY=DEBUG'; in the JS file before loading the logging module.

deremer commented 7 years ago

We were experimenting with a few things and one thing we try is moving const logging = Logging(); inside the log() function. Since we've done that we haven't seen the error.

If ok, can we leave this open for a couple of days so that I can report back on if that fixed it or not?

If that is in fact the issue, then Firebase may want to update their docs:

deremer commented 7 years ago

Update: since we moved const logging = Logging(); inside the log() function, we have not seen this error.

So I believe we have enough sample data to declare that a fix. Now whether or not that TCP error should in fact happen, is up to you guys to determine :-)

I'm good to close this, but I'll let you guys at Google decide if it should be closed, since you probably want to get the Firebase guys to update their docs ( and their sample (

I also logged an issue pointing to this issue for firebase:

jasonpolites commented 7 years ago

There are some related issues with other GCP node modules related to auth tokens expiring, which fits with the "fix" of moving initialization to function-scope, but does not fit with the "we only see if after re-deploy". On the other hand, network issues experienced at startup only might be related to slower-than-expected spool up of network resources, but that doesn't fit with the behavior of the "fix". More investigation on our (Google) end needed methinks.

ghost commented 7 years ago

For me 'Error: "Endpoint read failed"' is often reported in Stackdriver when I call the Spanner API from a GCP Function which has been erroneously deployed with local node_modules from my computer (instead of allowing GCP to create the dependencies).

deremer commented 7 years ago

We are deploying via Firebase and accoriding to this link, "If you are deploying through the Firebase CLI, the local node_modules folder will be ignored, and you must specify your dependencies in package.json"

ghost commented 7 years ago

I get the error occasionally even with the correct deps. Yesterday was especially bad. This morning the error has been replaced with '"Function execution took 242 ms, finished with status: 'connection error'"' and the last log before that is the call to database.runTransaction. I do some more investigation and post the results here

ghost commented 7 years ago

I have issues using GCP Functions and Spanner with JS client 0.7.1. I sometimes receive errors invoking GCP Functions through Postman or using the testing screen from within the GCP Functions web console. The same Function works fine if I invoke it locally during periods when errors are occurring with the remote code. This happens around 5-10% of the time but it is not consistent, sometimes there are periods of no errors. I am initializing the JS client using these instructions "". At the moment the error seems to happen when the Function is cold i.e. after running it a few times with no errors, wait for 10min or so, run it again and see the errors, run it a few more times and see no errors.

The errors are: Error: Endpoint read failed\",\"errorcode\":14,\"query\":\"SELECT Error: Session not found: projects/REDACTED/instances/lc-data/databases/lc-data-uat/sessions/AFZejKDAPJhREDACTEDYnFRwi7iMjT0","error_code":5,"query":"SELECT

database.runTransaction Error: Endpoint read failed","error_code":14 connection error'"

stephenplusplus commented 7 years ago

Thanks to all for explaining their situations in great detail. Please correct any mistakes I might make in my assumptions:

@8357753 -- you elaborated on your situation further in #2489, and a few others are involved in a discussion, so we'll pursue the specifics there.

@jasonpolites -- do you still think there needs to be an investigation? Without much experience with GCF, my best interpretation of the situation now is that GCF is doing some type of caching of either old code or stale gRPC connections. If that's the case, I don't think we can solve much from GCN. If that's not the case, any help getting me up to speed on how I might be looking at this wrong would be appreciated. Thanks!

cristiano-belloni commented 7 years ago

@stephenplusplus FIY I'm currently experiencing the issue even instantiating within the function and deploying with Firebase. It happens every time after I redeploy my functions. Something like:

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub')
exports.endpoint = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
  const pubsubClient = pubsub()
  // ...
  pubsubClient.createTopic(name, (err, topic) => {
    topic.publish({ .... })

Bit of a showstopper :/

stephenplusplus commented 7 years ago

cc @lukesneeringer @bjwatson I'm not sure how to proceed on this one.

deremer commented 7 years ago

I've also discovered that in our cloud functions write.log() is taking about 15s to log to StackDriver... If I revert to console.error it is almost instantaneous. I've zeroed the delay in precision on to the call of log.write. If I print to console just before that line and then just after it is routinely 10-15s.

We thought degraded performance of our functions was related to load, when in fact it seems to just be this method call...

ofrobots commented 7 years ago

@deremer: Does the execution of your cloud function completion callback depend upon the settling of the promise returned by your writeLog function?

deremer commented 7 years ago

@ofrobots generally our functions complete by returning a promise, and occasionally we do return the function log() as shown above which in turn returns the promise to write the log.

I should also note that we have since updated the writeLog function as shown below because we realized it returns a promise if no callback is provided...

function writeLog(syslog:any, metadata:any, structPayload:any): Promise<any> {
  // Write the error log entry
  return syslog.write(syslog.entry(metadata, structPayload));
deremer commented 7 years ago

@ofrobots To clarify more, in our function we were writing to the error log in some situations before continuing on to do other work. Our functions get very high traffic at certain times and we thought the increased latency was just the functions getting overloaded... but it turns out that the increased latency only affected calls that were trying to write to StackDriver...

As mentioned... log.write() takes 10-15s every time. So if a function was waiting for the promise to resolve before continuing it was just sitting there waiting.

ofrobots commented 7 years ago

@deremer 10-15s to settle the log.write promise is unexpected for me. Let me take a look into this.

deremer commented 7 years ago

No problem, please let me know if you want more info or to reach out to me directly. I modified our code to use console.error instead of our StackDriver logger and our spike today ran beautifully with nearly all of the latency spike removed... so more evidence that our problem was this log write.

ofrobots commented 7 years ago

One more question: Are there any other log.write operations in your cloud function? Or the only single write operation happens to be the very last thing that the function does?

deremer commented 7 years ago

@ofrobots We wrap log.write in the module posted at the top of this issue (note that it has evolved from what is posted, but generally the same), and then we import it as "Logger".

Throughout our code we do conditionally call Logger.error(error, userId) in some situations. So, yes it is possible that our function may write more than once in a single invocation. As far as I can tell, these always have the latency issue.

I should note that if we call Logger.error, etc. we always await it before continuing (we use typescript and webpack)

deremer commented 7 years ago

@ofrobots Also, I don't know if the excessive log write time is a different issue or not...happy to move it out to not pollute this issue.

ofrobots commented 7 years ago

I do believe it is a different issue. I have split it out here:

As for the original issue with tcp timeouts / endpoint read failures: those are due to the fact that cloud functions get aggressively throttled once you call the completion callback. This means that any background work still pending once you call the completion callback is not guaranteed to be able to execute.

The solution is to ensure that you make sure out outstanding work that you care about (e.g. log.write as above) is done before you call the completion callback.

bjwatson commented 7 years ago

FYI @timburks

stephenplusplus commented 7 years ago

To all who can help;

Does anyone have a surefire way to reproduce this issue?

stephenplusplus commented 6 years ago

Without a clear path on how to reproduce, I'm stuck on how to resolve. This seems like an issue either with GRPC or the GCF environment. I don't believe there is much we can do from our library.

@lukesneeringer please advise and re-open if necessary.

stephenplusplus commented 6 years ago

More reports coming in, let's reopen until we have more certainty we cannot resolve this from our codebase.

lc-chrisbarton commented 6 years ago

@stephenplusplus I have pinned to version 0.14.0 of the PubSub client library and the issue described here does not occur so somewhere between that version and 0.14.5 CloudFunction support has broken. BTW issue #2438/#2489 are > 3 months old and PubSub was working a month ago so this may or may not be related. I think it is odd to close #2728 and and #2489 in preference to this issue because they all seem different to me.

lc-chrisbarton commented 6 years ago

If it helps I can test later versions of the PubSub client, just let me know which you want me to test

stephenplusplus commented 6 years ago

I have pinned to version 0.14.0 of the PubSub client library and the issue described here #2728 does not occur so somewhere between that version and 0.14.5 CloudFunction support has broken.

@callmehiphop Anything you can think of? I still think this will trace back to the problem that you originally identified @ChrisBartonLC ( -- GCF + gRPC can be a problem, which is what this issue is meant to track.

callmehiphop commented 6 years ago

Actually yes, there was one PR specifically ( where we updated the gRPC version from 1.3 to 1.6 and started observing the gRPC channel state when opening streams.

bricktownseo commented 6 years ago

In case anyone is waiting to hear back ;) It still is having these issues with cloud functions. When I use the same code but inside of an App Engine instance - no issues.

kanagunbr commented 6 years ago

I was able to reproduce the issue after enabling the grpc debug output. My observation is that, if the channel is idle for 4 minutes, we get the "End Point read Failed". If the idle time is less than 4 min, its not an issue.

In my case, I am trying to access Spanner from my GCE instance using gRPC. I just upgraded the gRPC to latest version available as on today Dec-29-2017. Here is the sequence I tried.

  1. At 18:21:35.292165061 (time), the request to spanner is successful.
  2. At 18:26:44.676780444, I get the "Endpoint read failed" error. In the GRPC trace, I can see the following. "Socket Closed" error

D1229 18:26:44.677266881 5399 tcp_posix.c:184] read: error={"created":"@1514597204.677255710","description":"Socket closed","fd":19,"file":"src/core/lib/iomgr/tcp_posix.c","file_line":250,"target_address":"ipv4:"}

  1. Issued another request at 18:27:38.348023815. It is successful at this time.

  2. Waited 3 minutes, and tried another request at 18:30:50.006342607. It is successful as well.

  3. Waited 4 minutes and tried at 18:34:59.179743317. This time, I got the "Endpoint read failed" error.

  4. Tried immediately another request at 18:35:11.271402277, this time it is successful.

  5. Then the request at 18:39:31.524507462. That is after 4 min idle, I got the same error.

Although I didn't try many times, whatever I tested so far suggests that somewhere there is a 4 min idle timeout. Not sure, if it is at the spanner server side or at the gRPC side.

Here is the full trace

D1229 18:34:59.179743317 5399 tcpposix.c:457] WRITE 0x1c8bdf0 (peer=ipv4: 17 03 03 06 1c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 b1 db f1 25 8f d8 88 10 b3 60 97 e7 ad 30 63 f2 cb 7f f1 b2 a8 d3 03 d9 71 87 87 04 39 e4 50 09 b1 4e 4f 82 b8 96 ea 4e 97 5e a4 f5 34 b6 f6 2b f6 8b fb 87 95 6a 79 a2 47 18 7d 4e 70 5b 42 72 37 0b c5 f3 94 13 c0 3a 7b d7 0f 2c 03 81 ef dd a6 90 99 e1 e5 3a 46 3e 4c 0e 2c 01 c0 33 d2 6a 68 c3 a2 a3 80 01 1d 48 82 b6 34 d0 16 5f b6 29 ec 53 39 ee 64 8b 0e 2c e8 84 bc 74 17 75 d5 e0 ff ee cf 58 47 b0 13 fa a6 72 3b 16 3b 2f b7 84 84 96 f0 16 f9 24 00 f9 43 4b 56 a6 9a 60 31 3e b8 90 f2 39 65 07 42 cc 0f 19 a3 f5 3f e3 bd e5 a8 7a ed 6b 07 7f 55 df 18 9a 60 c8 40 0c df fb ee 24 1a df 8b 35 2f 83 37 fc ec b2 14 f7 90 6e 9f 6d ee 95 f9 fd e2 31 16 d4 01 e2 ab 68 79 ab 79 97 4e 96 d8 e3 a7 f8 55 84 1f 16 b8 f9 4d 51 b3 11 42 74 db 32 c8 78 30 88 c5 f2 c7 78 41 88 2e 96 14 a9 a4 d2 81 ba 32 67 60 8d 85 87 45 27 22 d2 41 01 3e 1a 8e 85 54 bd 69 c5 e7 78 3c 28 77 3b 24 b7 54 a6 18 25 93 c1 57 57 84 a8 16 8d 59 5c 4f dc 76 9a 6a 47 c5 42 4c a1 ee 07 06 d8 88 1e de 98 51 4b 7b d8 a2 12 f0 03 95 a6 61 9f a8 70 86 cc 5b 35 4e 5e 25 22 79 4e 4a 35 49 3e 9c 6e 90 12 4a 3a d4 8a 8d 03 8a a8 61 bb 56 b9 ab ac 15 6b be 8b 32 9e dd a3 48 62 4e 38 4f e5 58 98 e1 1b 60 89 db e0 8e 69 0b 0a 7d 53 28 72 db 40 2e 6d 4d 31 d3 fe 8a 69 95 7f 1f 37 7e b8 61 cc 47 70 aa 0c 66 4b fe 26 ad d1 8e 1b 96 e3 93 aa 82 6b db ca 11 79 ba c8 0e 95 7f 5d 52 56 90 8b f8 5f 7f 27 9c 7f d8 e2 8d d9 9b d3 9b 6c d1 44 bf 8c c7 b0 e8 f2 8f 45 ad 9f 3b 5e 07 42 2d ea 5f 16 92 76 a7 28 6c dc f8 c8 db 2b d0 fe 6f 47 ae 1e cc 9b 5f fd 6b 38 75 6d d5 01 48 4f d8 5a 38 92 5c 29 1f be 78 87 d0 86 3a 1d 49 0d ff 86 b0 ba ff 9d 2a f5 d3 2f 51 8a f3 2f 8d 4f 25 dd 78 52 a5 91 02 a6 d3 b9 02 2a cb cb 2b ff 2c b0 0b 14 02 37 f3 f5 30 a0 74 19 8e 63 bc 83 e2 63 e8 a9 c2 e5 ef 37 ac a7 e7 33 ba b2 14 88 b2 6a 6f fa 8c 64 58 75 0f e8 6b b7 ed 6a 9e aa 53 64 d4 35 f8 b0 c2 60 0f 70 19 9d 2f 23 10 1b 8e ce f0 55 7b 65 19 b3 8d c2 fe f5 d3 b6 71 35 d8 84 30 05 36 e9 32 de 04 68 58 f2 07 b4 f4 52 92 91 8f 68 1f fe 28 ea 08 55 df 59 d9 88 80 ed fc 32 18 69 3c 59 52 69 6a b1 c2 db ee 69 ad 3c 85 cb 9a cc c5 c2 62 99 92 97 f2 65 74 31 7e 74 0a cb fb ca a0 ed a6 26 61 69 85 b9 3b 36 eb 8b 53 e6 b7 1c 59 16 fd 0a 26 a0 89 5f c0 73 2b ad b4 0b 25 42 f5 be 66 d0 97 80 c8 23 85 c9 09 0e 20 54 f7 44 b3 f8 a5 db 7f 22 91 d1 f9 fb 0f a9 31 d4 8b 47 89 b0 5e 71 2a df 33 62 31 46 5c 2c 99 f0 49 ca dc 3d 41 33 b1 b0 7d db 62 8e 07 28 01 7b e8 39 78 30 1f e3 9c 5b d0 d2 a2 60 60 66 aa 2c 87 9c 7c 16 86 47 6e 64 03 11 4c ab db f8 ab 69 62 f8 79 f6 a7 ab 2d 25 c6 fd 35 ea 9c f5 2c 3e e4 8b 68 37 71 5a 77 7f 10 0d 4f b2 f1 c9 84 b2 0f 58 cf fd fe 1c 68 ed 5e b6 7c 57 10 07 32 8a 76 c0 1c 6b 9f 41 0e 8b b4 58 a8 97 31 dd 35 0c bf 25 3e ac b0 34 77 77 8b 64 53 76 ba 92 ca eb b3 b0 a9 30 3c 77 12 7e 3f 9f 99 35 ce 82 ca 0c 78 3f 37 b7 25 e8 39 e5 a1 e0 86 4d 8e 90 fb c0 ab 8e a2 2d e6 bd 6a 6a 8a 4c 8a 31 7b da 5f 55 0d 0f 04 e4 c7 ab 30 33 33 f7 cf 95 00 c9 58 6f 69 5b 06 08 b4 e0 4b 3b cb 90 b1 4d 58 c5 2f fb 90 1f b4 4f c1 b3 78 4f c6 90 21 45 12 d9 57 ec 5e ee 06 0e 3e 21 29 65 5a 5f ee 25 27 bf 87 f7 33 39 ef 1d 8e 37 f3 55 e8 2f 33 67 15 7b d7 c4 34 7e 63 78 38 e5 d8 ce 9c dc d0 02 93 65 ef 19 21 91 8b 67 67 ba bb 97 68 a7 b4 c8 41 cd 32 cc 86 33 27 09 92 b4 6f 0c ba 9d 0a e8 52 1f 2d 5e 17 64 5e 40 07 f9 2c 1e 3a 1b 1a 00 a1 97 01 30 f4 90 82 90 95 26 12 b4 e5 51 10 2b 39 e1 9a 1d 00 7a 12 f3 f9 3b d5 fc 28 32 79 67 8e 43 af 71 8b 10 f5 5b 22 4c d7 d9 71 8d e8 ba 43 1d db 66 9a ff 0e 43 67 fd c4 ce cc ba f9 00 05 e5 f1 2e bb f2 37 0e 6d 26 72 92 f0 da b5 25 8d 85 bb 7f cb e1 ff 86 c4 f2 9d 10 90 aa 10 c1 62 82 4b 87 83 e2 d1 f6 f0 cd ee ef 84 48 1c c9 46 26 3c f5 e3 ab c3 64 98 69 2a 8f 22 29 c9 bd f7 16 9c 1c 4e 61 ad de 1d 74 d7 84 3d ef fb b8 3c 2e b1 56 1d a5 1d 88 73 2a 0f 73 c3 d7 e2 71 b3 36 f3 73 4d b7 82 05 78 fa 52 e6 1b 88 a8 ea 9a e6 0e 2f fa 00 a9 4d 7e be 63 b7 50 1e 6f 1d 16 88 cf c5 81 d7 c1 ff 8e 0c 1e 60 10 f3 1e 91 f9 3f 5e e0 2c fb 2b b4 ae c9 60 4e d7 31 bd 96 5e 3e a4 e6 ca 8e 65 e3 9a 36 0c 3c ec 7e 5d e5 71 74 05 5d d2 00 4e b8 33 b2 83 63 aa bb 42 f8 9b 1b 5c d0 35 b3 9c b9 36 7c f1 63 5f e1 3f 9a 4f 24 80 8b 9e b8 83 23 06 f0 91 74 1f 27 81 47 5a 7c b3 d2 0b 9f 4b 4c 01 4b b5 ca dc 0c 02 b7 48 69 e4 61 23 89 2e ad 83 8e 09 c6 57 a3 86 9e 94 ba a0 e4 70 4b e1 20 9a 1b bf 71 e7 a5 02 4f 30 88 1c 4c ec 46 bb 24 0a 48 5c 3d 9d 5a a8 d1 cb ff 9e b3 4f e3 17 20 b4 cc 29 39 53 ca fe f9 02 5e 27 da 40 8e 26 27 c8 17 4e 45 54 09 41 8b eb 9f ea bb 8b da b6 21 65 6f bb 2c 75 9e 65 fe 89 35 81 52 80 06 f5 15 f2 bd 24 cd 0f 1b 83 e6 34 7c 44 f9 e4 b6 9c ca af 0e 0f 48 f5 47 ab 28 d0 26 af 4d 1b ab f1 df 0f 10 3c 6d 24 d1 07 9c 56 cb 3f b2 1f 18 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D1229 18:34:59.179839433 5399 tcp_posix.c:487] write: "No Error" D1229 18:34:59.179864081 5399 tcp_posix.c:184] read: error="No Error" D1229 18:34:59.179873202 5399 tcp_posix.c:189] READ 0x1c8bdf0 (peer=ipv4: 17 03 03 00 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0d c7 3f 08 02 79 ca 87 a1 dd 16 e3 74 14 c2 65 e4 bb 23 41 e7 c4 2a c0 91 d8 17 03 03 00 3a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0e 0a ed 7b 68 c2 36 9e e6 d7 37 36 0b 7b f1 2c d9 bc 0c 03 13 3e dc 70 c6 bf 48 ad 68 40 e1 f6 f3 e8 66 df 19 da 08 b2 f1 b5 ef c6 34 30 1e 77 91 41 5c '....!.........?..y......t..e..#A.........:..........{h.6...76.{.,.....>.p..H.h@....f.........40.w.A\' D1229 18:34:59.179915521 5399 tcp_posix.c:184] read: error={"created":"@1514597699.179906456","description":"Socket closed","fd":19,"file":"src/core/lib/iomgr/tcp_posix.c","file_line":250,"target_address":"ipv4:"} D1229 18:34:59.179944839 5399 tcp_posix.c:457] WRITE 0x1c8bdf0 (peer=ipv4: 17 03 03 00 27 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 f4 c2 6c d2 54 87 a6 4d 47 65 db 0c 4f a8 58 41 b5 05 25 2c db 85 02 5e 56 61 a0 73 08 61 eb '....'..........l.T..MGe..O.XA..%,...^Va.s.a.' D1229 18:34:59.179964997 5399 tcp_posix.c:487] write: "No Error" Error {"is_success":false,"success_value":null,"error_obj":{"error_code":20000,"error_category":1,"error_params":["ExecuteSql","Endpoint read failed","{\"sql\":\"\n SELECT shard_id,\n xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@zip \",\"query_mode\":0,\"session\":\"projects/xxxxxx/instances/my-instance/databases/my-database/sessions/ABuzUfGrOsZsrZJl9yGzbUwy4TXQPkjgfvJUCsValBnv2FzFdMsiDic7Zm4O\",\"params\":{\"strNumber\":\"3411\",\"strName\":\"16TH ST NW\",\"city\":\"WASHINGTON\",\"state\":\"DC\",\"zip\":\"20010\"},\"param_types\":{}}"]}}

stephenplusplus commented 6 years ago

Thanks for that information. @murgatroid99 -- what seems like the correct solution, given this pattern described above? Is there a setting we need to change when we instantiate the gRPC client? Or is this something the GCF team needs to handle from their end? Thanks!

lc-chrisbarton commented 6 years ago

Is this comment relevant from!topic/cloud-functions-beta-testers/TR3G99q2mIs

"It appears that Cloud Functions can keep themselves warm to some extent. I use Spanner and do:

const database = instance.database(databaseId, {keepAlive : 0.1}); // keepAlive in minutes

This causes the Spanner client library to ping the Spanner server every 6 seconds; without this, the Spanner server will drop the connection after a timeout, and then the next command may fail instead of automatically reconnect. The end-user code should be robust enough to retry failed commands, but it seems like not many people bother. Keeping these background connections open is important with Spanner, because just establishing the server connection takes ~3 seconds, so you couldn't really do that for each Cloud Function invocation.

When a "warm" Cloud Function instantiation is not handling a request, it does still have the ability to use a tiny bit of CPU.

I don't use Pub/Sub, but I wonder if your initial issue arose because the Pub/Sub connection was broken, but this didn't get reported because of this CPU throttling, and the "connection lag" got interpreted as "no outstanding messages"."

artemiusgreat commented 6 years ago

Also having this issue with FireStore and PHP client. The first request after ~5 minutes returns an error, the second goes fine.

$store = new FirestoreClient([ 
    'keyFile' => ['permissions']

$document = $store->document('records/1');

    "message": "OS Error",
    "code": 14,
    "status": "UNAVAILABLE",
    "details": []

Surprisingly, this method works fine.

$collection = $store->collection('records');

stephenplusplus commented 6 years ago

Ping @murgatroid99 -- can you check out

murgatroid99 commented 6 years ago

I would recommend testing this again with grpc 1.8.4. We changed the status codes of some errors to "UNAVAILABLE", which the Google Cloud libraries retries, and I think this might be one of those errors.

vincenzodibiaggio commented 6 years ago

This error also occurs using the '@google-cloud/datastore' api. Should I open another issue?

stephenplusplus commented 6 years ago

For now, we are downgraded to grpc@1.7.x due to another bug: