googleapis / google-cloud-python

Google Cloud Client Library for Python
Apache License 2.0
4.83k stars 1.52k forks source link

Storage.Client() looking for _http? #3813

Closed bw4sz closed 7 years ago

bw4sz commented 7 years ago

I can see several issues related to http requests, but its difficult to tell if this is the same root causes. Opening new issue

I was working on an older version of google-cloud on a compute engine, and there was no problem. Installing locally os brand new osx/python 2.7 I get the odd behavior.

from import storage

#set service account credentials
os.environ["GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"] = "/Users/Ben/Dropbox/Google/MeerkatReader-9fbf10d1e30c.json"

Traceback (most recent call last):
  Python Shell, prompt 10, line 1
  File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/google/cloud/storage/", line 59, in __init__
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument '_http'

Previously, I did not need to generate my own authenticated http request.

Bens-MBP:DeepMeerkat ben$ pip show google-cloud
Name: google-cloud
Version: 0.27.0
Summary: API Client library for Google Cloud
Author: Google Cloud Platform
License: Apache 2.0
Location: /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages
Requires: google-cloud-error-reporting, google-cloud-runtimeconfig, google-cloud-spanner, google-cloud-vision, google-cloud-bigtable, google-cloud-monitoring, google-cloud-pubsub, google-cloud-videointelligence, google-cloud-dns, google-cloud-speech, google-cloud-bigquery, google-cloud-resource-manager, google-cloud-translate, google-cloud-datastore, google-cloud-storage, google-cloud-core, google-cloud-logging, google-cloud-language
dhermes commented 7 years ago

@bw4sz Can you do a pip show google-cloud-storage google-cloud-core requests httplib2?

bw4sz commented 7 years ago
Bens-MBP:DeepMeerkat ben$ pip show google-cloud-storage google-cloud-core requests httplib2
Name: google-cloud-storage
Version: 1.3.1
Summary: Python Client for Google Cloud Storage
Author: Google Cloud Platform
License: Apache 2.0
Location: /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages
Requires: requests, google-cloud-core, google-auth, google-resumable-media
Name: google-cloud-core
Version: 0.26.0
Summary: API Client library for Google Cloud: Core Helpers
Author: Google Cloud Platform
License: Apache 2.0
Location: /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages
Requires: protobuf, tenacity, requests, google-auth, googleapis-common-protos, six
Name: requests
Version: 2.18.3
Summary: Python HTTP for Humans.
Author: Kenneth Reitz
License: Apache 2.0
Location: /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages
Requires: idna, certifi, urllib3, chardet
Name: httplib2
Version: 0.10.3
Summary: A comprehensive HTTP client library.
Author: Joe Gregorio
License: MIT
Location: /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages
dhermes commented 7 years ago

@bw4sz ISTM you have all the correct versions.

My current best guess is that you're getting a version of google-cloud-core somewhere up higher on your import path. Try the following:

>>> from import client
>>> print(client.__file__)
bw4sz commented 7 years ago

is this not the expected behavior?

from import client
dhermes commented 7 years ago

There isn't really any "expected behavior" here (packaging set-ups vary widely). However, this looks like it's coming from the right place, so my current best guess is debunked.

bw4sz commented 7 years ago

Alright, but your sense is that I somehow have an older version? Let me pip uninstall and use the curl method.

bw4sz commented 7 years ago

Reverting to 0.26.0 seems to work, I will reopen if needed. Thank you.

after: sudo pip install --upgrade google-cloud==0.26.0

from import storage
import os
from import storage

#set service account credentials
os.environ["GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"] = "/Users/Ben/Dropbox/Google/MeerkatReader-9fbf10d1e30c.json"


< object at 0x1112db610>
Bens-MBP:DeepMeerkat ben$ pip show google-cloud-storage google-cloud-core requests httplib2
Name: google-cloud-storage
Version: 1.3.1
Summary: Python Client for Google Cloud Storage
Author: Google Cloud Platform
License: Apache 2.0
Location: /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages
Requires: requests, google-cloud-core, google-auth, google-resumable-media
Name: google-cloud-core
Version: 0.25.0
Summary: API Client library for Google Cloud: Core Helpers
Author: Google Cloud Platform
License: Apache 2.0
Location: /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages
Requires: protobuf, httplib2, google-auth, googleapis-common-protos, google-auth-httplib2, six
Name: requests
Version: 2.18.3
Summary: Python HTTP for Humans.
Author: Kenneth Reitz
License: Apache 2.0
Location: /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages
Requires: urllib3, idna, certifi, chardet
Name: httplib2
Version: 0.10.3
Summary: A comprehensive HTTP client library.
Author: Joe Gregorio
License: MIT
Location: /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages
dhermes commented 7 years ago

@bw4sz As a coda to this, I would recommend against using google-cloud unless you really want 14+ packages. Instead depend on the explicit packages you want, e.g. google-cloud-storage.

RubensZimbres commented 3 years ago

Same problem here:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "/home/rubens_/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/google/cloud/storage/", line 73, in __init__ environment. TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument '_http'

Pip show:

`WARNING: pip is being invoked by an old script wrapper. This will fail in a future version of pip. Please see for advice on fixing the underlying issue. To avoid this problem you can invoke Python with '-m pip' instead of running pip directly. Name: google-cloud-storage Version: 1.36.2 Summary: Google Cloud Storage API client library Home-page: Author: Google LLC Author-email: License: Apache 2.0 Location: /home/rubens_zimbres_intellimetricom/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages Requires: google-auth, google-cloud-core, requests, google-resumable-media Required-by: fairing

Name: google-cloud-core Version: 1.6.0 Summary: Google Cloud API client core library Home-page: Author: Google LLC Author-email: License: Apache 2.0 Location: /home/rubens_zimbres_intellimetricom/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages Requires: google-api-core, google-auth, six Required-by: google-cloud-vision, google-cloud-translate, google-cloud-trace, google-cloud-storage, google-cloud-speech, google-cloud-spanner, google-cloud-runtimeconfig, google-cloud-resource-manager, google-cloud-pubsub, google-cloud-monitoring, google-cloud-logging, google-cloud-language, google-cloud-firestore, google-cloud-error-reporting, google-cloud-dns, google-cloud-datastore, google-cloud-bigtable, google-cloud-bigquery

Name: requests Version: 2.25.1 Summary: Python HTTP for Humans. Home-page: Author: Kenneth Reitz Author-email: License: Apache 2.0 Location: /home/rubens_zimbres_intellimetricom/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages Requires: chardet, certifi, urllib3, idna Required-by: transformers, python-resize-image, moviepy, huggingface-hub, Google-Images-Search, google-gax, google-colab, google-cloud-storage, google-api-core, datasets, torchtext, tensorflow-datasets, tensorboard, Sphinx, spacy, smart-open, requests-oauthlib, pytorch-pretrained-bert, papermill, pandas-datareader, notebook-executor, nbdime, kubernetes, jupyter-aihub-deploy-extension, gcsfs, fastai, fairing, docker, datalab, cookiecutter, conda, anaconda-project, anaconda-client

Name: httplib2 Version: 0.19.0 Summary: A comprehensive HTTP client library. Home-page: Author: Joe Gregorio Author-email: License: MIT Location: /home/rubens_zimbres_intellimetricom/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages Requires: pyparsing Required-by: oauth2client, google-api-python-client, google-auth-httplib2, fairing, datalab`

Pip list:

absl-py 0.9.0 aiohttp 3.7.4 alabaster 0.7.12 anaconda-client 1.7.2 anaconda-project 0.8.3 ansiwrap 0.8.4 arrow 0.15.2 asn1crypto 0.24.0 astor 0.8.0 astroid 2.4.2 astropy 3.2.1 async-timeout 3.0.1 atomicwrites 1.3.0 attrs 19.1.0 audioread 2.1.8 Babel 2.7.0 backcall 0.1.0 backports.os 0.1.1 backports.shutil-get-terminal-size 1.0.0 bcolz 1.2.1 beautifulsoup4 4.8.0 bert 2.2.0 binaryornot 0.4.4 bitarray 1.0.1 bkcharts 0.2 bleach 3.1.0 blinker 1.4 blis 0.2.4 bokeh 1.3.4 boto 2.49.0 boto3 1.10.16 botocore 1.13.16 Bottleneck 1.2.1 bz2file 0.98 cachetools 3.1.1 certifi 2020.12.5 cffi 1.12.3 chardet 3.0.4 Click 7.0 cloudpickle 1.2.2 clyent 1.2.2 colorama 0.4.1 conda 4.9.2 conda-package-handling 1.3.11 configparser 4.0.2 confuse 1.0.0 contextlib2 0.6.0 cookiecutter 1.6.0 crepe 0.0.11 cryptography 2.7 cycler 0.10.0 cymem 2.0.2 Cython 0.29.13 cytoolz 0.10.0 dask 2.5.0 dataclasses 0.6 datalab 1.1.5 datasets 1.4.1 DateTime 4.3 de-core-news-sm 2.1.0 decorator 4.4.0 defusedxml 0.6.0 dialogflow 1.1.0 dill 0.2.9 distributed 2.5.1 dlib 19.20.0 docker 4.1.0 docutils 0.15.2 en-core-web-sm 2.1.0 entrypoints 0.3 enum34 1.1.6 erlastic 2.0.0 et-xmlfile 1.0.1 fairing 0.5.3 fastai 1.0.59 fastcache 1.1.0 fastprogress 0.1.21 filelock 3.0.12 Flask 1.1.1 fsspec 0.5.1 future 0.16.0 fuzzywuzzy 0.17.0 gapic-google-cloud-datastore-v1 0.15.3 gapic-google-cloud-error-reporting-v1beta1 0.15.3 gapic-google-cloud-logging-v2 0.91.3 gapic-google-cloud-pubsub-v1 0.15.4 gapic-google-cloud-spanner-admin-database-v1 0.15.3 gapic-google-cloud-spanner-admin-instance-v1 0.15.3 gapic-google-cloud-spanner-v1 0.15.3 gapic-google-cloud-speech-v1 0.15.3 gapic-google-cloud-speech-v1beta1 0.15.3 gapic-google-cloud-vision-v1 0.90.3 gast 0.2.2 gcsfs 0.3.0 gensim 3.8.0 gevent 1.4.0 gitdb2 2.0.6 GitPython 3.0.3 glob2 0.7 gmpy2 2.0.8 google-api-core 1.26.2 google-api-python-client 1.11.0 google-auth 1.28.0 google-auth-httplib2 0.0.3 google-auth-oauthlib 0.4.1 google-cloud 0.34.0 google-cloud-bigquery 0.25.0 google-cloud-bigquery-datatransfer 0.1.1 google-cloud-bigtable 0.25.0 google-cloud-container 0.1.1 google-cloud-core 1.6.0 google-cloud-dataproc 0.5.0 google-cloud-datastore 1.4.0 google-cloud-dns 0.25.0 google-cloud-error-reporting 0.25.1 google-cloud-firestore 0.28.0 google-cloud-language 0.25.0 google-cloud-logging 1.4.0 google-cloud-monitoring 0.25.0 google-cloud-natural-language 0.24.0 google-cloud-pubsub 0.26.0 google-cloud-resource-manager 0.25.0 google-cloud-runtimeconfig 0.25.0 google-cloud-spanner 0.25.0 google-cloud-speech 0.26.0 google-cloud-storage 1.36.2 google-cloud-trace 0.17.0 google-cloud-translate 0.25.0 google-cloud-videointelligence 0.25.0 google-cloud-vision 0.25.1 google-colab 1.0.0 google-crc32c 1.0.0 google-gax 0.15.16 google-images-download 2.8.0 Google-Images-Search 1.1.2 google-pasta 0.1.8 google-resumable-media 1.2.0 googleapis-common-protos 1.51.0 graphviz 0.13.2 greenlet 0.4.15 grpc-google-iam-v1 0.11.4 grpcio 1.31.0 h5py 2.8.0 HeapDict 1.0.1 hmmlearn 0.2.4 html5lib 1.0.1 htmlmin 0.1.12 httplib2 0.19.0 huggingface-hub 0.0.2 hyperopt 0.2.2 idna 2.8 imageio 2.5.0 imageio-ffmpeg 0.4.3 imagesize 1.1.0 imbalanced-learn 0.6.2 importlib-metadata 0.23 imutils 0.5.3 inflect 4.1.0 install 1.3.1 ipykernel 4.6.1 ipython 5.5.0 ipython-genutils 0.2.0 ipython-sql 0.3.9 ipywidgets 7.5.1 isort 4.3.21 itsdangerous 1.1.0 jdcal 1.4.1 jedi 0.15.1 jeepney 0.4.1 Jinja2 2.10.1 jinja2-time 0.2.0 jiwer 2.2.0 jmespath 0.9.4 joblib 0.13.2 json5 0.8.5 jsonschema 3.0.2 jupyter 1.0.0 jupyter-aihub-deploy-extension 0.1 jupyter-client 5.3.3 jupyter-console 6.0.0 jupyter-contrib-core 0.3.3 jupyter-contrib-nbextensions 0.5.1 jupyter-core 4.5.0 jupyter-highlight-selected-word 0.2.0 jupyter-http-over-ws 0.0.6 jupyter-latex-envs 1.4.6 jupyter-nbextensions-configurator 0.4.1 jupyterlab 1.1.4 jupyterlab-git 0.8.1 jupyterlab-server 1.0.6 Keras 2.3.1 Keras-Applications 1.0.8 Keras-Preprocessing 1.1.0 keyring 18.0.0 kiwisolver 1.1.0 kubernetes 10.0.1 langdetect 1.0.8 lazy-object-proxy 1.4.2 libarchive-c 2.8 libcst 0.3.11 librosa 0.7.2 libsixel-python 0.4.0 lief 0.9.0 llvmlite 0.29.0 locket 0.2.0 lxml 4.4.1 Markdown 3.1.1 MarkupSafe 1.1.1 matplotlib 3.1.1 mccabe 0.6.1 missingno 0.4.2 mistune 0.8.4 mkl-fft 1.0.14 mkl-random 1.1.0 mkl-service 2.3.0 mock 3.0.5 more-itertools 7.2.0 moviepy 1.0.3 mpmath 1.1.0 msgpack 0.6.1 multidict 5.1.0 multipledispatch 0.6.0 multiprocess murmurhash 1.0.2 mypy-extensions 0.4.3 mysql-connector-python 8.0.20 mysqlclient 2.0.1 nb-conda 2.2.1 nb-conda-kernels 2.2.2 nbconvert 5.6.0 nbdime 1.1.0 nbformat 4.4.0 nbpresent 3.0.2 networkx 2.3 nltk 3.4.5 nose 1.3.7 notebook 5.2.2 notebook-executor 0.1 numba 0.45.1 numexpr 2.7.0 numpy 1.17.4 numpydoc 0.9.1 oauth2client 3.0.0 oauthlib 3.1.0 olefile 0.46 opencv-python openpyxl 3.0.0 opt-einsum 3.1.0 packaging 19.2 pandas 0.24.2 pandas-datareader 0.9.0 pandas-profiling 2.3.0 pandocfilters 1.4.2 papermill 1.2.0 parso 0.5.1 partd 1.0.0 12.0.1 pathlib2 2.3.5 patsy 0.5.1 pep8 1.7.1 pexpect 4.7.0 phik 0.9.8 pickleshare 0.7.5 Pillow 6.1.0 Pillow-SIMD 6.0.0.post0 pip 20.2.4 pkginfo plac 0.9.6 plotly 4.1.1 pluggy 0.13.0 ply 3.8 portpicker 1.2.0 poyo 0.5.0 preshed 2.0.1 prettytable 0.7.2 proglog 0.1.9 prometheus-client 0.7.1 promise 2.2.1 prompt-toolkit 1.0.18 proto-google-cloud-datastore-v1 0.90.4 proto-google-cloud-error-reporting-v1beta1 0.15.3 proto-google-cloud-logging-v2 0.91.3 proto-google-cloud-pubsub-v1 0.15.4 proto-google-cloud-spanner-admin-database-v1 0.15.3 proto-google-cloud-spanner-admin-instance-v1 0.15.3 proto-google-cloud-spanner-v1 0.15.3 proto-google-cloud-speech-v1 0.15.3 proto-google-cloud-speech-v1beta1 0.15.3 proto-google-cloud-vision-v1 0.90.3 proto-plus 1.10.0 protobuf 3.13.0 psutil 5.6.3 pt-core-news-sm 2.1.0 ptyprocess 0.6.0 py 1.8.0 py4j 0.10.7 pyarrow 3.0.0 pyasn1 0.4.8 pyasn1-modules 0.2.7 pycodestyle 2.5.0 pycosat 0.6.3 pycparser 2.19 pycrypto 2.6.1 pycurl pydot 1.4.1 pyfiglet 0.8.post1 pyflakes 2.1.1 Pygments 2.4.2 PyJWT 1.7.1 pylint 2.6.2 pymongo 3.10.1 pymssql 2.1.5 PyMySQL 0.9.3 pyodbc 4.0.27 pyOpenSSL 19.0.0 pyparsing 2.4.2 pyrsistent 0.15.4 PySocks 1.7.0 pyspark 2.4.6 pytest 5.2.0 pytest-arraydiff 0.3 pytest-astropy 0.5.0 pytest-doctestplus 0.4.0 pytest-openfiles 0.4.0 pytest-pylint 0.14.1 pytest-remotedata 0.3.2 python-dateutil 2.8.0 python-docx 0.8.10 python-Levenshtein 0.12.0 python-resize-image 1.1.19 pytorch-pretrained-bert 0.6.2 pytz 2019.2 PyWavelets 1.0.3 PyYAML 5.3.1 pyzmq 18.1.0 QtAwesome 0.6.0 qtconsole 4.5.5 QtPy 1.9.0 regex 2019.8.19 requests 2.25.1 requests-oauthlib 1.3.0 resampy 0.2.2 retrying 1.3.3 rope 0.14.0 rsa 4.0 ruamel-yaml 0.15.46 s3transfer 0.2.1 sacremoses 0.0.35 scikit-image 0.15.0 scikit-learn 0.22.1 scipy 1.3.1 seaborn 0.9.0 SecretStorage 3.1.1 selenium 3.141.0 Send2Trash 1.5.0 sentencepiece 0.1.91 setuptools 50.3.2 simplegeneric 0.8.1 singledispatch six 1.15.0 smart-open 1.8.4 smmap2 2.0.5 snowballstemmer 1.9.1 sortedcollections 1.1.2 sortedcontainers 2.1.0 SoundFile 0.10.2 soupsieve 1.9.3 spacy 2.1.8 Sphinx 2.2.0 sphinxcontrib-applehelp 1.0.1 sphinxcontrib-devhelp 1.0.1 sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp 1.0.2 sphinxcontrib-jsmath 1.0.1 sphinxcontrib-qthelp 1.0.2 sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.3 sphinxcontrib-websupport 1.1.2 spyder 3.3.6 spyder-kernels 0.5.2 SQLAlchemy 1.3.8 sqlparse 0.3.0 srsly 0.1.0 statsmodels 0.10.1 sympy 1.4 tables 3.4.4 tblib 1.4.0 tenacity 4.12.0 tensorboard 2.1.0 tensorflow 2.0.0 tensorflow-datasets 1.2.0 tensorflow-estimator 2.0.0 tensorflow-hub 0.7.0 tensorflow-metadata 0.14.0 termcolor 1.1.0 terminado 0.8.2 testpath 0.4.2 text2num 2.2.0 textwrap3 0.9.2 thinc 7.0.8 tokenizers 0.10.1 toml 0.10.2 toolz 0.10.0 torch 1.8.0 torchaudio 0.8.0 torchtext 0.6.0 torchvision 0.4.0a0+6b959ee tornado 4.5.3 tqdm 4.36.1 traitlets 4.3.2 transformers 4.4.0 typed-ast 1.4.0 typing-extensions typing-inspect 0.6.0 unicodecsv 0.14.1 Unidecode 1.1.1 uritemplate 3.0.0 urllib3 1.24.2 virtualenv 16.7.5 wasabi 0.2.2 wcwidth 0.1.7 webencodings 0.5.1 websocket-client 0.56.0 Werkzeug 0.16.0 wheel 0.33.4 whichcraft 0.6.1 widgetsnbextension 3.5.1 word2number 1.1 wrapt 1.11.2 wurlitzer 1.0.3 xlrd 1.2.0 XlsxWriter 1.2.1 xlwt 1.3.0 xxhash 2.0.0 yarl 1.6.3 zict 1.0.0 zipp 0.6.0 zope.interface 5.1.0