The command IN UNNEST does not work for columns with type NUMERIC the same way it works with INT64 or FLOAT64.
The in_ operator on python-bigquery-sqlalchemy uses the IN UNNEST(@PARAM1) syntax. Therefore it is unable to run an in operation for columns with the NUMERIC type.
Note: IN (@PARAM_1) works well with NUMERIC. And when compiling with compile_kwargs "literal_binds"=True it uses that syntax. But for normal compile it uses IN UNNEST.
Environment details
OS type and version: Ubuntu 20.04.6
Python version: 3.12.4
pip version: 24.2
sqlalchemy-bigquery version: 1.11.0
Steps to reproduce
Create a sample BigQuery table with different types. Go to the the consoles, editor and run the code example.
Run in the console different versions on the test query to see what works and doesn't work.
Populate the table with some values.
Run an SQLAlchemy query with the in_ operator on the numeric column and it will raise an error.
--Tests for syntax that works and doesn't work with numeric
FROM my_dataset.test_table`
numeric_col IN UNNEST([1]) -- Doesn't work
int_col IN UNNEST([1]) -- Works
numeric_col IN (1) -- Works
numeric_col IN UNNEST([1.1]) -- Doesn't work
float_col IN UNNEST([1.1]) -- Works
numeric_col IN (1.1) -- Works
--Populate the table with some values
INSERT my_dataset.test_table (numeric_col , int_col , float_col)
VALUES(1, 1, 1.1), (2.2, 2, 2.2)
# Set-up the ORM of the table
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, select
from sqlalchemy.orm import DeclarativeBase, Mapped, Session, mapped_column
class Base(DeclarativeBase):
class TestTable(Base):
__tablename__ = "test_table"
__table_args__ = {"schema": "my_dataset"}
numeric_col: Mapped[float] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
int_col: Mapped[int]
float_col: Mapped[float]
bq = create_engine("bigquery://")
conn = bq.connect()
session = Session(conn)
stmt_numeric = select(TestTable).where(TestTable.numeric_col.in_([1]))
stmt_int = select(TestTable).where(TestTable.int_col.in_([1]))
stmt_float = select(TestTable).where(TestTable.float_col.in_([1.1]))
session.execute(stmt_int) # Works
session.execute(stmt_float) # Works
session.execute(stmt_numeric) # Doesn't work
Seeing as the syntax
WHERE numeric_col IN (1)
actually works it is counter intuitive seeing it doesn't work with sqlalchame-bigquery.
The command IN UNNEST does not work for columns with type NUMERIC the same way it works with INT64 or FLOAT64.
The in_ operator on python-bigquery-sqlalchemy uses the IN UNNEST(@PARAM1) syntax. Therefore it is unable to run an in operation for columns with the NUMERIC type.
Note: IN (@PARAM_1) works well with NUMERIC. And when compiling with compile_kwargs "literal_binds"=True it uses that syntax. But for normal compile it uses IN UNNEST.
Environment details
version: 1.11.0Steps to reproduce
Code example
Seeing as the syntax
actually works it is counter intuitive seeing it doesn't work with sqlalchame-bigquery.