googleapis / release-please-action

automated releases based on conventional commits
Apache License 2.0
1.55k stars 197 forks source link

Error: release-please failed: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'replace') #795

Open drstrangelooker opened 11 months ago

drstrangelooker commented 11 months ago


Getting Error: release-please failed: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'replace')

Expected behavior

Release-please completes successfully.

This is the end of the log for a working run...

✔ Updating exising candidate pull request for sdk-codegen-all, path: .
✔ Updating sdk-codegen-all to 23.11.0
✔ Post-processing 6 in-scope candidates
❯ running plugin: LinkedVersions
✔ found 0 linked-versions candidates
❯ running plugin: Merge
✔ Merging 6 pull requests
✔ Looking for open release pull requests
✔ found 1 open release pull requests.
✔ Looking for snoozed release pull requests
✔ found 0 snoozed release pull requests.
❯ Fetching packages/api-explorer/package.json from branch main
❯ Fetching packages/api-explorer/ from branch main
❯ Fetching .release-please-manifest.json from branch main
❯ Fetching packages/extension-api-explorer/package.json from branch main
❯ Fetching packages/extension-api-explorer/ from branch main
❯ Fetching packages/extension-utils/package-lock.json from branch main
⚠ file packages/extension-utils/package-lock.json did not exist
❯ Fetching packages/extension-utils/npm-shrinkwrap.json from branch main
⚠ file packages/extension-utils/npm-shrinkwrap.json did not exist
❯ Fetching packages/extension-utils/samples/package.json from branch main
⚠ file packages/extension-utils/samples/package.json did not exist
❯ Fetching packages/extension-utils/ from branch main
❯ Fetching packages/extension-utils/package.json from branch main
⚠ file changelog.json did not exist
❯ Fetching changelog.json from branch main
❯ Fetching packages/hackathon/package.json from branch main
❯ Fetching packages/hackathon/ from branch main
❯ Fetching packages/run-it/package.json from branch main
❯ Fetching packages/run-it/ from branch main
❯ Fetching package-lock.json from branch main
⚠ file package-lock.json did not exist
❯ Fetching npm-shrinkwrap.json from branch main
⚠ file npm-shrinkwrap.json did not exist
❯ Fetching samples/package.json from branch main
⚠ file samples/package.json did not exist
❯ Fetching from branch main
❯ Fetching package.json from branch main
✔ Starting GitHub PR workflow...
✔ Successfully found branch HEAD sha "8076b8f5d24c74e3[491](".
✔ Skipping branch creation step...
✔ Got the latest commit tree
✔ Successfully created a tree with the desired changes with SHA dc41dd09cea310a3a2cf74f79f16226ad4a62634
✔ Successfully created commit. See commit at
✔ Updating reference heads/release-please--branches--main to 9433d5790a19f3b81d6dfcf2d2227c1166deb82b
✔ Successfully updated reference release-please--branches--main to 9433d5790a19f3b81d6dfcf2d2227c1166deb82b
✔ Found existing pull request for reference looker-open-source:release-please--branches--main. Skipping creating a new pull request.
✔ Successfully opened pull request: 1332.

Observed behavior

release-please is failing.

This is the end of the log for a failing run...

✔ Updating exising candidate pull request for sdk-codegen-all, path: .
✔ Updating sdk-codegen-all to 23.12.0
✔ Post-processing 16 in-scope candidates
❯ running plugin: LinkedVersions
✔ found 7 linked-versions candidates
Error: release-please failed: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'replace')

Action YAML

name: release-please
      - main
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: google-github-actions/release-please-action@v3
          command: manifest
          monorepo-tags: true
          token: ${{ secrets.LOS_AUTO_BOT_RP_TOKEN }}

Log output

Run google-github-actions/release-please-action@v3
    command: manifest
    monorepo-tags: true
    token: ***
    fork: false
    clean: true
    bump-minor-pre-major: false
    bump-patch-for-minor-pre-major: false
❯ Fetching release-please-config.json from branch main
❯ Fetching .release-please-manifest.json from branch main
✔ Building releases
✔ Building strategies by path
❯ .: node
❯ packages/api-explorer: node
❯ packages/code-editor: node
❯ packages/extension-api-explorer: node
❯ packages/extension-playground: node
❯ packages/extension-sdk: node
❯ packages/embed-components: node
❯ packages/embed-services: node
❯ packages/extension-sdk-react: node
❯ packages/extension-utils: node
❯ packages/hackathon: node
❯ packages/run-it: node
❯ packages/sdk: node
❯ packages/sdk-codegen: node
❯ packages/sdk-codegen-scripts: node
❯ packages/sdk-codegen-utils: node
❯ packages/sdk-node: node
❯ packages/sdk-rtl: node
❯ packages/wholly-artifact: node
❯ packages/wholly-sheet: node
❯ python: python
❯ Fetching release-please-config.json from branch main
❯ Fetching .release-please-manifest.json from branch main
✔ Building pull requests
✔ Building strategies by path
❯ .: node
❯ packages/api-explorer: node
❯ packages/code-editor: node
❯ packages/extension-api-explorer: node
❯ packages/extension-playground: node
❯ packages/extension-sdk: node
❯ packages/embed-components: node
❯ packages/embed-services: node
❯ packages/extension-sdk-react: node
❯ packages/extension-utils: node
❯ packages/hackathon: node
❯ packages/run-it: node
❯ packages/sdk: node
❯ packages/sdk-codegen: node
❯ packages/sdk-codegen-scripts: node
❯ packages/sdk-codegen-utils: node
❯ packages/sdk-node: node
❯ packages/sdk-rtl: node
❯ packages/wholly-artifact: node
❯ packages/wholly-sheet: node
❯ python: python
❯ Fetching package.json from branch main
❯ Fetching packages/api-explorer/package.json from branch main
❯ Fetching packages/code-editor/package.json from branch main
❯ Fetching packages/extension-api-explorer/package.json from branch main
❯ Fetching packages/extension-playground/package.json from branch main
❯ Fetching packages/extension-utils/package.json from branch main
❯ Fetching packages/hackathon/package.json from branch main
❯ Fetching packages/run-it/package.json from branch main
❯ Fetching packages/sdk-codegen/package.json from branch main
❯ Fetching packages/sdk-codegen-scripts/package.json from branch main
❯ Fetching packages/sdk-codegen-utils/package.json from branch main
❯ Fetching packages/sdk-rtl/package.json from branch main
❯ Fetching packages/wholly-artifact/package.json from branch main
❯ Fetching packages/wholly-sheet/package.json from branch main
✔ Collecting release commit SHAs
❯ release search depth: 400
❯ Fetching releases with cursor undefined
❯ Found release for path python, looker_sdk-v23.10.0
❯ Found release for path packages/wholly-sheet, wholly-sheet-v0.5.45
❯ Found release for path packages/wholly-artifact, wholly-artifact-v0.1.7
❯ Found release for path packages/sdk-rtl, sdk-rtl-v21.6.1
❯ Found release for path packages/sdk-node, sdk-node-v23.10.0
❯ Found release for path packages/sdk-codegen-scripts, sdk-codegen-scripts-v21.5.6
❯ Found release for path packages/sdk-codegen, sdk-codegen-v21.8.1
❯ Found release for path packages/sdk, sdk-v23.10.0
❯ Found release for path packages/run-it, run-it-v0.9.49
❯ Found release for path packages/hackathon, hackathon-v22.21.8
❯ Found release for path packages/extension-utils, extension-utils-v0.1.26
❯ Found release for path packages/extension-sdk-react, extension-sdk-react-v23.10.0
❯ Found release for path packages/embed-services, embed-services-v23.10.0
❯ Found release for path packages/embed-components, embed-components-v23.10.0
❯ Found release for path packages/extension-sdk, extension-sdk-v23.10.0
❯ Found release for path packages/extension-playground, extension-playground-v1.0.6
❯ Found release for path packages/extension-api-explorer, extension-api-explorer-v22.21.6
❯ Found release for path packages/code-editor, code-editor-v0.1.29
❯ Found release for path packages/api-explorer, api-explorer-v0.9.49
❯ Found release for path ., sdk-codegen-all-v23.10.0
❯ Fetching releases with cursor Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK5MjAyMy0wNS0xMVQxMzozNzozMi0wNDowMM4GHsYZ
❯ Fetching releases with cursor Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK5MjAyMy0wNS0xMVQwOTozMjoyNS0wNDowMM4GHo8h
❯ Fetching releases with cursor Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK5MjAyMy0wNC0wM1QxNToyNDozMC0wNDowMM4F1dO6
❯ Fetching releases with cursor Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK5MjAyMy0wMy0wMVQxOTo0MTozNS0wNTowMM4FnNa_
❯ Fetching releases with cursor Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK5MjAyMi0xMi0wOFQxOTo1OTo1Mi0wNTowMM4FGKia
❯ Fetching releases with cursor Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK5MjAyMi0xMS0xMFQwMTowODozNy0wNTowMM4E7OcX
❯ Fetching releases with cursor Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK5MjAyMi0wOS0yMVQxNzowNDoyMi0wNDowMM4Eo2U0
❯ Fetching releases with cursor Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK5MjAyMi0wOS0yMFQyMjo0NTo1Ni0wNDowMM4EodxU
❯ Fetching releases with cursor Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK5MjAyMi0wNy0xM1QyMTowODoyMi0wNDowMM4ESfD0
❯ Fetching releases with cursor Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK5MjAyMi0wNy0xM1QxNToyMTo0NS0wNDowMM4ESaKH
⚠ Found release tag with component 'go', but not configured in manifest
❯ Fetching releases with cursor Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK5MjAyMi0wNC0wN1QxNDo0MDo0Ni0wNDowMM4DzxHI
❯ Fetching releases with cursor Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK5MjAyMi0wMy0yNFQxNTozNDozMS0wNDowMM4DvPZb
❯ Fetching releases with cursor Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK5MjAyMi0wMi0yM1QxMToyNDo1Mi0wNTowMM4Dl0S7
❯ Fetching releases with cursor Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK5MjAyMi0wMS0yN1QxODoyMzoyMC0wNTowMM4Dd0HN
❯ Fetching releases with cursor Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK5MjAyMS0xMi0wNlQxOToxMDoyMC0wNTowMM4DQ3Of
❯ Fetching releases with cursor Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK5MjAyMS0xMC0yN1QwOToxOTozNy0wNDowMM4DG5n5
⚠ Expected 21 releases, only found 20
⚠ Missing 1 paths: packages/sdk-codegen-utils
❯ looking for tagName: sdk-codegen-utils-v21.0.11
❯ found: sdk-codegen-utils-v21.0.11 1bcec1cbf44bba8d4dd438f8daa4f02e1e04c85b
❯ release for path: python, version: 23.10.0, sha: 03f443d0eedb8cd7b06f6e501bd4f28a37db5069
❯ release for path: packages/wholly-sheet, version: 0.5.45, sha: 03f443d0eedb8cd7b06f6e501bd4f28a37db5069
❯ release for path: packages/wholly-artifact, version: 0.1.7, sha: 03f443d0eedb8cd7b06f6e501bd4f28a37db5069
❯ release for path: packages/sdk-rtl, version: 21.6.1, sha: 03f443d0eedb8cd7b06f6e501bd4f28a37db5069
❯ release for path: packages/sdk-node, version: 23.10.0, sha: 03f443d0eedb8cd7b06f6e501bd4f28a37db5069
❯ release for path: packages/sdk-codegen-scripts, version: 21.5.6, sha: 03f443d0eedb8cd7b06f6e501bd4f28a37db5069
❯ release for path: packages/sdk-codegen, version: 21.8.1, sha: 03f443d0eedb8cd7b06f6e501bd4f28a37db5069
❯ release for path: packages/sdk, version: 23.10.0, sha: 03f443d0eedb8cd7b06f6e501bd4f28a37db5069
❯ release for path: packages/run-it, version: 0.9.49, sha: 03f443d0eedb8cd7b06f6e501bd4f28a37db5069
❯ release for path: packages/hackathon, version: 22.21.8, sha: 03f443d0eedb8cd7b06f6e501bd4f28a37db5069
❯ release for path: packages/extension-utils, version: 0.1.26, sha: 03f443d0eedb8cd7b06f6e501bd4f28a37db5069
❯ release for path: packages/extension-sdk-react, version: 23.10.0, sha: 03f443d0eedb8cd7b06f6e501bd4f28a37db5069
❯ release for path: packages/embed-services, version: 23.10.0, sha: 03f443d0eedb8cd7b06f6e501bd4f28a37db5069
❯ release for path: packages/embed-components, version: 23.10.0, sha: 03f443d0eedb8cd7b06f6e501bd4f28a37db5069
❯ release for path: packages/extension-sdk, version: 23.10.0, sha: 03f443d0eedb8cd7b06f6e501bd4f28a37db5069
❯ release for path: packages/extension-playground, version: 1.0.6, sha: 03f443d0eedb8cd7b06f6e501bd4f28a37db5069
❯ release for path: packages/extension-api-explorer, version: 22.21.6, sha: 03f443d0eedb8cd7b06f6e501bd4f28a37db5069
❯ release for path: packages/code-editor, version: 0.1.29, sha: 03f443d0eedb8cd7b06f6e501bd4f28a37db5069
❯ release for path: packages/api-explorer, version: 0.9.49, sha: 03f443d0eedb8cd7b06f6e501bd4f28a37db5069
❯ release for path: ., version: 23.10.0, sha: 03f443d0eedb8cd7b06f6e501bd4f28a37db5069
❯ release for path: packages/sdk-codegen-utils, version: 21.0.11, sha: 1bcec1cbf44bba8d4dd438f8daa4f02e1e04c85b
✔ Collecting commits since all latest releases
❯ commit search depth: 500
❯ Set(2) {
❯ Fetching merge commits on branch main with cursor: undefined
❯ Fetching merge commits on branch main with cursor: fba4161497fe4688508e2e3a7ba476fc2d4ea11d 24
❯ Fetching merge commits on branch main with cursor: fba4161497fe4688508e2e3a7ba476fc2d4ea11d 49
✔ PR #1245 has many files, backfilling
❯ Backfilling file list for commit: 043ed3ff12cba4f821604b5b668d7301ed4aa6d1
❯ Found 104 files
❯ Fetching merge commits on branch main with cursor: fba4161497fe4688508e2e3a7ba476fc2d4ea11d 74
❯ Fetching merge commits on branch main with cursor: fba4161497fe4688508e2e3a7ba476fc2d4ea11d 99
❯ Fetching merge commits on branch main with cursor: fba4161497fe4688508e2e3a7ba476fc2d4ea11d 124
❯ Fetching merge commits on branch main with cursor: fba4161497fe4688508e2e3a7ba476fc2d4ea11d 149
❯ Fetching merge commits on branch main with cursor: fba4161497fe4688508e2e3a7ba476fc2d4ea11d 174
❯ Fetching merge commits on branch main with cursor: fba4161497fe4688508e2e3a7ba476fc2d4ea11d 199
❯ Fetching merge commits on branch main with cursor: fba4161497fe4688508e2e3a7ba476fc2d4ea11d 224
❯ Backfilling file list for commit: 5f9930c0b0f7bde59f0b9b47f882ae1f3ff9e490
❯ Found 7 files
❯ Backfilling file list for commit: e24480c8fe61adb6a98e28e040a3cd71444753aa
❯ Found 4 files
❯ Backfilling file list for commit: 2641d90a07fdfa4ab0f7677e2f4e2329ee1d990e
❯ Found 1 files
❯ Backfilling file list for commit: 75a30e93c3cde1fa83404b1a8e3a2da56856254f
❯ Found 1 files
❯ Fetching merge commits on branch main with cursor: fba4161497fe4688508e2e3a7ba476fc2d4ea11d 249
❯ Backfilling file list for commit: 985324270df94f5ed1b1ec1fd701414094518ab0
❯ Found 1 files
❯ Backfilling file list for commit: 1e0cdfa21db9ab833cf306778cb89b4d81406388
❯ Found 1 files
❯ Backfilling file list for commit: bab15cd50be53f08a4dc8ce21d524c45c03e9d4b
❯ Found 1 files
❯ Backfilling file list for commit: 21f7cfe8f161ee5bbaee1ea9d1c418fc09c3da04
❯ Found 1 files
❯ Backfilling file list for commit: 442ae3f053c9b595ab737cdf632b6c50c2ff2670
❯ Found 1 files
❯ Backfilling file list for commit: 5f111feff35ba72021c48733455bfef76016814d
❯ Found 1 files
❯ Backfilling file list for commit: 3ff2616b0b44240fe1c2df52d2c70843fd18a070
❯ Found 1 files
❯ Backfilling file list for commit: 679a162454ed99e3cb959ea75fd8d1587ab0ba73
❯ Found 7 files
❯ Backfilling file list for commit: 6459e475edfb94d5ee0042677ff07dde1996e9d9
❯ Found 2 files
❯ Fetching merge commits on branch main with cursor: fba4161497fe4688508e2e3a7ba476fc2d4ea11d 274
❯ Fetching merge commits on branch main with cursor: fba4161497fe4688508e2e3a7ba476fc2d4ea11d 299
❯ Fetching merge commits on branch main with cursor: fba4161497fe4688508e2e3a7ba476fc2d4ea11d 324
❯ Fetching merge commits on branch main with cursor: fba4161497fe4688508e2e3a7ba476fc2d4ea11d 349
❯ Fetching merge commits on branch main with cursor: fba4161497fe4688508e2e3a7ba476fc2d4ea11d 374
✔ PR #817 has many files, backfilling
❯ Backfilling file list for commit: ae20ad316c3a5e155b952bc92c9050436e5e78a6
❯ Found 317 files
❯ Fetching merge commits on branch main with cursor: fba4161497fe4688508e2e3a7ba476fc2d4ea11d 399
❯ Backfilling file list for commit: 025618c806efc1664b4f573248ad5a64d6cee3e3
❯ Found 3 files
❯ Fetching merge commits on branch main with cursor: fba4161497fe4688508e2e3a7ba476fc2d4ea11d 424
❯ Fetching merge commits on branch main with cursor: fba4161497fe4688508e2e3a7ba476fc2d4ea11d 449
❯ Fetching merge commits on branch main with cursor: fba4161497fe4688508e2e3a7ba476fc2d4ea11d 474
✔ Splitting 500 commits by path
⚠ Expected 2 commits, only found 1
✔ Found 7 group components for undefined
✔ Considering: 0 commits
✔ No commits for path: packages/extension-sdk, skipping
✔ Considering: 0 commits
✔ No commits for path: packages/embed-components, skipping
✔ Considering: 0 commits
✔ No commits for path: packages/embed-services, skipping
✔ Considering: 0 commits
✔ No commits for path: packages/extension-sdk-react, skipping
✔ Considering: 2 commits
❯ component: sdk
❯ pull request title pattern: undefined
❯ Fetching packages/sdk/package.json from branch main
✔ Considering: 0 commits
✔ No commits for path: packages/sdk-node, skipping
✔ Considering: 2 commits
❯ component: looker_sdk
❯ pull request title pattern: undefined
❯ Fetching python/pyproject.toml from branch main
⚠ file python/pyproject.toml did not exist
❯ finding files by filename:, ref: main, prefix: python
✔ Replacing strategy for path packages/extension-sdk with forced version: 23.12.0
❯ Appending fake commit for path: packages/extension-sdk
✔ Replacing strategy for path packages/embed-components with forced version: 23.12.0
❯ Appending fake commit for path: packages/embed-components
✔ Replacing strategy for path packages/embed-services with forced version: 23.12.0
❯ Appending fake commit for path: packages/embed-services
✔ Replacing strategy for path packages/extension-sdk-react with forced version: 23.12.0
❯ Appending fake commit for path: packages/extension-sdk-react
✔ Replacing strategy for path packages/sdk with forced version: 23.12.0
✔ Replacing strategy for path packages/sdk-node with forced version: 23.12.0
❯ Appending fake commit for path: packages/sdk-node
✔ Replacing strategy for path python with forced version: 23.12.0
✔ Building candidate release pull request for path: .
❯ type: node
❯ targetBranch: main
❯ commits: 6
✔ Considering: 6 commits
❯ component: sdk-codegen-all
❯ pull request title pattern: undefined
✔ Building candidate release pull request for path: packages/api-explorer
❯ type: node
❯ targetBranch: main
❯ commits: 0
✔ Considering: 0 commits
✔ No commits for path: packages/api-explorer, skipping
✔ Building candidate release pull request for path: packages/code-editor
❯ type: node
❯ targetBranch: main
❯ commits: 0
⚠ Setting version for packages/extension-sdk from release-as configuration
✔ Considering: 0 commits
✔ No commits for path: packages/code-editor, skipping
✔ Building candidate release pull request for path: packages/extension-api-explorer
❯ type: node
❯ targetBranch: main
❯ commits: 0
✔ Considering: 0 commits
✔ No commits for path: packages/extension-api-explorer, skipping
✔ Building candidate release pull request for path: packages/extension-playground
❯ type: node
❯ targetBranch: main
❯ commits: 0
✔ Considering: 0 commits
✔ No commits for path: packages/extension-playground, skipping
✔ Building candidate release pull request for path: packages/extension-sdk
❯ type: node
❯ targetBranch: main
❯ commits: 2
✔ Considering: 2 commits
❯ component: extension-sdk
❯ pull request title pattern: undefined
❯ Fetching packages/extension-sdk/package.json from branch main
✔ Building candidate release pull request for path: packages/embed-components
❯ type: node
❯ targetBranch: main
⚠ Setting version for packages/embed-components from release-as configuration
❯ commits: 2
✔ Considering: 2 commits
❯ component: embed-components
❯ pull request title pattern: undefined
❯ Fetching packages/embed-components/package.json from branch main
✔ Building candidate release pull request for path: packages/embed-services
❯ type: node
❯ targetBranch: main
❯ commits: 2
⚠ Setting version for packages/embed-services from release-as configuration
✔ Considering: 2 commits
❯ component: embed-services
❯ pull request title pattern: undefined
❯ Fetching packages/embed-services/package.json from branch main
✔ Building candidate release pull request for path: packages/extension-sdk-react
❯ type: node
❯ targetBranch: main
❯ commits: 2
⚠ Setting version for packages/extension-sdk-react from release-as configuration
✔ Considering: 2 commits
❯ component: extension-sdk-react
❯ pull request title pattern: undefined
❯ Fetching packages/extension-sdk-react/package.json from branch main
✔ Building candidate release pull request for path: packages/extension-utils
❯ type: node
❯ targetBranch: main
❯ commits: 1
✔ Considering: 1 commits
❯ component: extension-utils
❯ pull request title pattern: undefined
✔ Building candidate release pull request for path: packages/hackathon
❯ type: node
❯ targetBranch: main
❯ commits: 0
✔ Considering: 0 commits
✔ No commits for path: packages/hackathon, skipping
✔ Building candidate release pull request for path: packages/run-it
❯ type: node
❯ targetBranch: main
❯ commits: 0
✔ Considering: 0 commits
✔ No commits for path: packages/run-it, skipping
✔ Building candidate release pull request for path: packages/sdk
❯ type: node
❯ targetBranch: main
❯ commits: 2
✔ Considering: 2 commits
⚠ Setting version for packages/sdk from release-as configuration
❯ component: sdk
❯ pull request title pattern: undefined
❯ Fetching packages/sdk/package.json from branch main
⚠ No latest release pull request found.
✔ Building candidate release pull request for path: packages/sdk-codegen
❯ type: node
❯ targetBranch: main
❯ commits: 0
✔ Considering: 0 commits
✔ No commits for path: packages/sdk-codegen, skipping
✔ Building candidate release pull request for path: packages/sdk-codegen-scripts
⚠ Setting version for packages/sdk-node from release-as configuration
❯ type: node
❯ targetBranch: main
❯ commits: 0
✔ Considering: 0 commits
✔ No commits for path: packages/sdk-codegen-scripts, skipping
✔ Building candidate release pull request for path: packages/sdk-codegen-utils
❯ type: node
❯ targetBranch: main
❯ commits: 0
✔ Considering: 0 commits
✔ No commits for path: packages/sdk-codegen-utils, skipping
✔ Building candidate release pull request for path: packages/sdk-node
❯ type: node
❯ targetBranch: main
❯ commits: 2
✔ Considering: 2 commits
❯ component: sdk-node
❯ pull request title pattern: undefined
❯ Fetching packages/sdk-node/package.json from branch main
✔ Building candidate release pull request for path: packages/sdk-rtl
❯ type: node
❯ targetBranch: main
❯ commits: 0
✔ Considering: 0 commits
✔ No commits for path: packages/sdk-rtl, skipping
✔ Building candidate release pull request for path: packages/wholly-artifact
❯ type: node
❯ targetBranch: main
❯ commits: 0
✔ Considering: 0 commits
✔ No commits for path: packages/wholly-artifact, skipping
✔ Building candidate release pull request for path: packages/wholly-sheet
❯ type: node
❯ targetBranch: main
⚠ Setting version for python from release-as configuration
❯ commits: 0
✔ Considering: 0 commits
✔ No commits for path: packages/wholly-sheet, skipping
✔ Building candidate release pull request for path: python
❯ type: python
❯ targetBranch: main
❯ commits: 2
✔ Considering: 2 commits
❯ component: looker_sdk
❯ pull request title pattern: undefined
⚠ file python/pyproject.toml did not exist
❯ Fetching python/pyproject.toml from branch main
❯ finding files by filename:, ref: main, prefix: python
❯ running plugin: NodeWorkspace
✔ Running workspace plugin
✔ Found 8 in-scope releases
✔ Building list of all packages
❯ Found candidate pull request for path: .
❯ Fetching package.json from branch main
❯ No candidate pull request for path: packages/api-explorer - inspect package from packages/api-explorer/package.json
❯ Fetching packages/api-explorer/package.json from branch main
❯ No candidate pull request for path: packages/code-editor - inspect package from packages/code-editor/package.json
❯ Fetching packages/code-editor/package.json from branch main
❯ No candidate pull request for path: packages/extension-api-explorer - inspect package from packages/extension-api-explorer/package.json
❯ Fetching packages/extension-api-explorer/package.json from branch main
❯ No candidate pull request for path: packages/extension-playground - inspect package from packages/extension-playground/package.json
❯ Fetching packages/extension-playground/package.json from branch main
❯ Found candidate pull request for path: packages/extension-sdk
❯ Fetching packages/extension-sdk/package.json from branch main
❯ Found candidate pull request for path: packages/embed-components
❯ Fetching packages/embed-components/package.json from branch main
❯ Found candidate pull request for path: packages/embed-services
❯ Fetching packages/embed-services/package.json from branch main
❯ Found candidate pull request for path: packages/extension-sdk-react
❯ Fetching packages/extension-sdk-react/package.json from branch main
❯ Found candidate pull request for path: packages/extension-utils
❯ Fetching packages/extension-utils/package.json from branch main
❯ No candidate pull request for path: packages/hackathon - inspect package from packages/hackathon/package.json
❯ Fetching packages/hackathon/package.json from branch main
❯ No candidate pull request for path: packages/run-it - inspect package from packages/run-it/package.json
❯ Fetching packages/run-it/package.json from branch main
❯ Found candidate pull request for path: packages/sdk
❯ Fetching packages/sdk/package.json from branch main
❯ No candidate pull request for path: packages/sdk-codegen - inspect package from packages/sdk-codegen/package.json
❯ Fetching packages/sdk-codegen/package.json from branch main
❯ No candidate pull request for path: packages/sdk-codegen-scripts - inspect package from packages/sdk-codegen-scripts/package.json
❯ Fetching packages/sdk-codegen-scripts/package.json from branch main
❯ No candidate pull request for path: packages/sdk-codegen-utils - inspect package from packages/sdk-codegen-utils/package.json
❯ Fetching packages/sdk-codegen-utils/package.json from branch main
❯ Found candidate pull request for path: packages/sdk-node
❯ Fetching packages/sdk-node/package.json from branch main
❯ No candidate pull request for path: packages/sdk-rtl - inspect package from packages/sdk-rtl/package.json
❯ Fetching packages/sdk-rtl/package.json from branch main
❯ No candidate pull request for path: packages/wholly-artifact - inspect package from packages/wholly-artifact/package.json
❯ Fetching packages/wholly-artifact/package.json from branch main
❯ No candidate pull request for path: packages/wholly-sheet - inspect package from packages/wholly-sheet/package.json
❯ Fetching packages/wholly-sheet/package.json from branch main
✔ Building dependency graph for 20 packages
✔ building graph order, existing package names: sdk-codegen-all,@looker/extension-sdk,@looker/embed-components,@looker/embed-services,@looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/sdk,@looker/sdk-node
❯ visiting sdk-codegen-all, path: 
❯ marking sdk-codegen-all as visited and adding sdk-codegen-all to order
❯ visiting @looker/extension-sdk, path: 
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-sdk
❯ marking @looker/extension-api-explorer as visited and adding @looker/extension-api-explorer to order
✔ visiting @looker/extension-playground next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-playground, path: @looker/extension-sdk
❯ marking @looker/extension-playground as visited and adding @looker/extension-playground to order
✔ visiting @looker/extension-sdk-react next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-sdk-react, path: @looker/extension-sdk
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-playground next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-playground, path: @looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-utils next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-utils, path: @looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react
✔ visiting @looker/api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/api-explorer
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ marking @looker/api-explorer as visited and adding @looker/api-explorer to order
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/hackathon next
❯ visiting @looker/hackathon, path: @looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils
❯ marking @looker/hackathon as visited and adding @looker/hackathon to order
✔ visiting @looker/run-it next
❯ visiting @looker/run-it, path: @looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils
✔ visiting @looker/api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/run-it
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/run-it,@looker/api-explorer
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/run-it
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ marking @looker/run-it as visited and adding @looker/run-it to order
❯ marking @looker/extension-utils as visited and adding @looker/extension-utils to order
✔ visiting @looker/hackathon next
❯ visiting @looker/hackathon, path: @looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ marking @looker/extension-sdk-react as visited and adding @looker/extension-sdk-react to order
✔ visiting @looker/extension-utils next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-utils, path: @looker/extension-sdk
✔ visiting @looker/api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-utils
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/api-explorer
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-utils
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/hackathon next
❯ visiting @looker/hackathon, path: @looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-utils
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/run-it next
❯ visiting @looker/run-it, path: @looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-utils
✔ visiting @looker/api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/run-it
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/run-it,@looker/api-explorer
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/run-it
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/hackathon next
❯ visiting @looker/hackathon, path: @looker/extension-sdk
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ marking @looker/extension-sdk as visited and adding @looker/extension-sdk to order
❯ visiting @looker/embed-components, path: 
❯ marking @looker/embed-components as visited and adding @looker/embed-components to order
❯ visiting @looker/embed-services, path: 
✔ visiting @looker/embed-components next
❯ visiting @looker/embed-components, path: @looker/embed-services
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ marking @looker/embed-services as visited and adding @looker/embed-services to order
❯ visiting @looker/extension-sdk-react, path: 
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-sdk-react
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-playground next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-playground, path: @looker/extension-sdk-react
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-utils next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-utils, path: @looker/extension-sdk-react
✔ visiting @looker/api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/api-explorer
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/hackathon next
❯ visiting @looker/hackathon, path: @looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/run-it next
❯ visiting @looker/run-it, path: @looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils
✔ visiting @looker/api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/run-it
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/run-it,@looker/api-explorer
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/run-it
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/hackathon next
❯ visiting @looker/hackathon, path: @looker/extension-sdk-react
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ visiting @looker/extension-utils, path: 
✔ visiting @looker/api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-utils
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-utils,@looker/api-explorer
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-utils
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/hackathon next
❯ visiting @looker/hackathon, path: @looker/extension-utils
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/run-it next
❯ visiting @looker/run-it, path: @looker/extension-utils
✔ visiting @looker/api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-utils,@looker/run-it
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-utils,@looker/run-it,@looker/api-explorer
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/extension-utils,@looker/run-it
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ visiting @looker/sdk, path: 
✔ visiting @looker/api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/api-explorer
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-playground next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-playground, path: @looker/sdk
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-sdk next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-sdk, path: @looker/sdk
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-playground next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-playground, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-sdk-react next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-sdk-react, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-playground next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-playground, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-utils next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-utils, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react
✔ visiting @looker/api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/api-explorer
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/hackathon next
❯ visiting @looker/hackathon, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/run-it next
❯ visiting @looker/run-it, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils
✔ visiting @looker/api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/run-it
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/run-it,@looker/api-explorer
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/run-it
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/hackathon next
❯ visiting @looker/hackathon, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-utils next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-utils, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk
✔ visiting @looker/api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-utils
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/api-explorer
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-utils
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/hackathon next
❯ visiting @looker/hackathon, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-utils
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/run-it next
❯ visiting @looker/run-it, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-utils
✔ visiting @looker/api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/run-it
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/run-it,@looker/api-explorer
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/run-it
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/hackathon next
❯ visiting @looker/hackathon, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/embed-components next
❯ visiting @looker/embed-components, path: @looker/sdk
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/embed-services next
❯ visiting @looker/embed-services, path: @looker/sdk
✔ visiting @looker/embed-components next
❯ visiting @looker/embed-components, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/embed-services
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-sdk-react next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-sdk-react, path: @looker/sdk
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-playground next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-playground, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-utils next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-utils, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react
✔ visiting @looker/api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/api-explorer
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/hackathon next
❯ visiting @looker/hackathon, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/run-it next
❯ visiting @looker/run-it, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils
✔ visiting @looker/api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/run-it
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/run-it,@looker/api-explorer
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/run-it
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/hackathon next
❯ visiting @looker/hackathon, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-sdk-react
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-utils next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-utils, path: @looker/sdk
✔ visiting @looker/api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-utils
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/api-explorer
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-utils
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/hackathon next
❯ visiting @looker/hackathon, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-utils
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/run-it next
❯ visiting @looker/run-it, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-utils
✔ visiting @looker/api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/run-it
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/run-it,@looker/api-explorer
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/extension-utils,@looker/run-it
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/hackathon next
❯ visiting @looker/hackathon, path: @looker/sdk
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/run-it next
❯ visiting @looker/run-it, path: @looker/sdk
✔ visiting @looker/api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/run-it
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/run-it,@looker/api-explorer
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/run-it
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/sdk-codegen-scripts next
❯ visiting @looker/sdk-codegen-scripts, path: @looker/sdk
✔ visiting @looker/api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/sdk-codegen-scripts
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/sdk-codegen-scripts,@looker/api-explorer
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ marking @looker/sdk-codegen-scripts as visited and adding @looker/sdk-codegen-scripts to order
✔ visiting @looker/sdk-node next
❯ visiting @looker/sdk-node, path: @looker/sdk
✔ visiting @looker/api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/sdk-node
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/sdk-node,@looker/api-explorer
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/embed-components next
❯ visiting @looker/embed-components, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/sdk-node
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/embed-services next
❯ visiting @looker/embed-services, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/sdk-node
✔ visiting @looker/embed-components next
❯ visiting @looker/embed-components, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/sdk-node,@looker/embed-services
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/sdk-codegen-scripts next
❯ visiting @looker/sdk-codegen-scripts, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/sdk-node
✔ visiting @looker/api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/sdk-node,@looker/sdk-codegen-scripts
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/sdk-node,@looker/sdk-codegen-scripts,@looker/api-explorer
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/wholly-artifact next
❯ visiting @looker/wholly-artifact, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/sdk-node
✔ visiting @looker/hackathon next
❯ visiting @looker/hackathon, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/sdk-node,@looker/wholly-artifact
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ marking @looker/wholly-artifact as visited and adding @looker/wholly-artifact to order
✔ visiting @looker/wholly-sheet next
❯ visiting @looker/wholly-sheet, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/sdk-node
✔ visiting @looker/hackathon next
❯ visiting @looker/hackathon, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/sdk-node,@looker/wholly-sheet
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ marking @looker/wholly-sheet as visited and adding @looker/wholly-sheet to order
❯ marking @looker/sdk-node as visited and adding @looker/sdk-node to order
✔ visiting @looker/wholly-artifact next
❯ visiting @looker/wholly-artifact, path: @looker/sdk
✔ visiting @looker/hackathon next
❯ visiting @looker/hackathon, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/wholly-artifact
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/wholly-sheet next
❯ visiting @looker/wholly-sheet, path: @looker/sdk
✔ visiting @looker/hackathon next
❯ visiting @looker/hackathon, path: @looker/sdk,@looker/wholly-sheet
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ marking @looker/sdk as visited and adding @looker/sdk to order
❯ visiting @looker/sdk-node, path: 
✔ visiting @looker/api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk-node
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk-node,@looker/api-explorer
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/embed-components next
❯ visiting @looker/embed-components, path: @looker/sdk-node
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/embed-services next
❯ visiting @looker/embed-services, path: @looker/sdk-node
✔ visiting @looker/embed-components next
❯ visiting @looker/embed-components, path: @looker/sdk-node,@looker/embed-services
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/sdk-codegen-scripts next
❯ visiting @looker/sdk-codegen-scripts, path: @looker/sdk-node
✔ visiting @looker/api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk-node,@looker/sdk-codegen-scripts
✔ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer next
❯ visiting @looker/extension-api-explorer, path: @looker/sdk-node,@looker/sdk-codegen-scripts,@looker/api-explorer
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/wholly-artifact next
❯ visiting @looker/wholly-artifact, path: @looker/sdk-node
✔ visiting @looker/hackathon next
❯ visiting @looker/hackathon, path: @looker/sdk-node,@looker/wholly-artifact
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ visiting @looker/wholly-sheet next
❯ visiting @looker/wholly-sheet, path: @looker/sdk-node
✔ visiting @looker/hackathon next
❯ visiting @looker/hackathon, path: @looker/sdk-node,@looker/wholly-sheet
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
❯ [object Object] already visited
✔ Updating 16 packages
❯ package: @looker/api-explorer
❯ version: 0.9.50 forced bump
❯ package: @looker/embed-components
❯ version: 23.12.0 from release-please
❯ package: @looker/embed-services
❯ version: 23.12.0 from release-please
❯ package: @looker/extension-api-explorer
❯ version: 22.21.7 forced bump
❯ package: @looker/extension-playground
❯ version: 1.0.7 forced bump
❯ package: @looker/extension-sdk
❯ version: 23.12.0 from release-please
❯ package: @looker/extension-sdk-react
❯ version: 23.12.0 from release-please
❯ package: @looker/extension-utils
❯ version: 0.1.27 from release-please
❯ package: @looker/hackathon
❯ version: 22.21.9 forced bump
❯ package: @looker/run-it
❯ version: 0.9.50 forced bump
❯ package: @looker/sdk
❯ version: 23.12.0 from release-please
❯ package: @looker/sdk-codegen-scripts
❯ version: 21.5.7 forced bump
❯ package: @looker/sdk-node
❯ version: 23.12.0 from release-please
❯ package: @looker/wholly-artifact
❯ version: 0.1.8 forced bump
❯ package: @looker/wholly-sheet
❯ version: 0.5.46 forced bump
❯ package: sdk-codegen-all
❯ version: 23.12.0 from release-please
✔ Creating new candidate pull request for @looker/api-explorer
✔ Updating @looker/api-explorer to 0.9.50
✔ @looker/api-explorer.@looker/sdk-codegen-scripts updated to ^21.5.7
✔ @looker/api-explorer.@looker/sdk-node updated to ^23.12.0
✔ @looker/api-explorer.@looker/extension-utils updated to ^0.1.27
✔ @looker/api-explorer.@looker/run-it updated to ^0.9.50
✔ @looker/api-explorer.@looker/sdk updated to ^23.12.0
✔ Updating exising candidate pull request for @looker/embed-components, path: packages/embed-components
✔ Updating @looker/embed-components to 23.12.0
✔ @looker/embed-components.@looker/sdk-node updated to 23.12.0
✔ @looker/embed-components.@looker/embed-services updated to 23.12.0
✔ @looker/embed-components.@looker/sdk updated to 23.12.0
✔ appending dependency notes to changelog
✔ appending dependency notes to changelog
✔ Updating exising candidate pull request for @looker/embed-services, path: packages/embed-services
✔ Updating @looker/embed-services to 23.12.0
✔ @looker/embed-services.@looker/sdk-node updated to ^23.12.0
✔ @looker/embed-services.@looker/sdk updated to ^23.12.0
✔ appending dependency notes to changelog
✔ appending dependency notes to changelog
✔ Creating new candidate pull request for @looker/extension-api-explorer
✔ Updating @looker/extension-api-explorer to 22.21.7
✔ @looker/extension-api-explorer.@looker/api-explorer updated to ^0.9.50
✔ @looker/extension-api-explorer.@looker/extension-sdk updated to ^23.12.0
✔ @looker/extension-api-explorer.@looker/extension-sdk-react updated to ^23.12.0
✔ @looker/extension-api-explorer.@looker/extension-utils updated to ^0.1.27
✔ @looker/extension-api-explorer.@looker/run-it updated to ^0.9.50
✔ @looker/extension-api-explorer.@looker/sdk updated to ^23.12.0
✔ Creating new candidate pull request for @looker/extension-playground
✔ Updating @looker/extension-playground to 1.0.7
✔ @looker/extension-playground.@looker/extension-sdk updated to ^23.12.0
✔ @looker/extension-playground.@looker/extension-sdk-react updated to ^23.12.0
✔ @looker/extension-playground.@looker/sdk updated to ^23.12.0
✔ Updating exising candidate pull request for @looker/extension-sdk, path: packages/extension-sdk
✔ Updating @looker/extension-sdk to 23.12.0
✔ @looker/extension-sdk.@looker/sdk updated to ^23.12.0
✔ appending dependency notes to changelog
✔ appending dependency notes to changelog
✔ Updating exising candidate pull request for @looker/extension-sdk-react, path: packages/extension-sdk-react
✔ Updating @looker/extension-sdk-react to 23.12.0
✔ @looker/extension-sdk-react.@looker/extension-sdk updated to ^23.12.0
✔ @looker/extension-sdk-react.@looker/sdk updated to ^23.12.0
✔ appending dependency notes to changelog
✔ appending dependency notes to changelog
✔ Updating exising candidate pull request for @looker/extension-utils, path: packages/extension-utils
✔ Updating @looker/extension-utils to 0.1.27
✔ @looker/extension-utils.@looker/extension-sdk updated to ^23.12.0
✔ @looker/extension-utils.@looker/extension-sdk-react updated to ^23.12.0
✔ @looker/extension-utils.@looker/sdk updated to ^23.12.0
✔ appending dependency notes to changelog
✔ appending dependency notes to changelog
✔ Creating new candidate pull request for @looker/hackathon
✔ Updating @looker/hackathon to 22.21.9
✔ @looker/hackathon.@looker/extension-sdk updated to ^23.12.0
✔ @looker/hackathon.@looker/extension-sdk-react updated to ^23.12.0
✔ @looker/hackathon.@looker/extension-utils updated to ^0.1.27
✔ @looker/hackathon.@looker/sdk updated to ^23.12.0
✔ @looker/hackathon.@looker/wholly-artifact updated to ^0.1.8
✔ @looker/hackathon.@looker/wholly-sheet updated to ^0.5.46
✔ Creating new candidate pull request for @looker/run-it
✔ Updating @looker/run-it to 0.9.50
✔ @looker/run-it.@looker/extension-utils updated to ^0.1.27
✔ @looker/run-it.@looker/sdk updated to ^23.12.0
✔ Updating exising candidate pull request for @looker/sdk, path: packages/sdk
✔ Updating @looker/sdk to 23.12.0
✔ Creating new candidate pull request for @looker/sdk-codegen-scripts
✔ Updating @looker/sdk-codegen-scripts to 21.5.7
✔ @looker/sdk-codegen-scripts.@looker/sdk updated to ^23.12.0
✔ @looker/sdk-codegen-scripts.@looker/sdk-node updated to ^23.12.0
✔ Updating exising candidate pull request for @looker/sdk-node, path: packages/sdk-node
✔ Updating @looker/sdk-node to 23.12.0
✔ @looker/sdk-node.@looker/sdk updated to ^23.12.0
✔ appending dependency notes to changelog
✔ appending dependency notes to changelog
✔ Creating new candidate pull request for @looker/wholly-artifact
✔ Updating @looker/wholly-artifact to 0.1.8
✔ @looker/wholly-artifact.@looker/sdk-node updated to 23.12.0
✔ @looker/wholly-artifact.@looker/sdk updated to 23.12.0
✔ Creating new candidate pull request for @looker/wholly-sheet
✔ Updating @looker/wholly-sheet to 0.5.46
✔ @looker/wholly-sheet.@looker/sdk-node updated to ^23.12.0
✔ @looker/wholly-sheet.@looker/sdk updated to ^23.12.0
✔ Updating exising candidate pull request for sdk-codegen-all, path: .
✔ Updating sdk-codegen-all to 23.12.0
✔ Post-processing 16 in-scope candidates
❯ running plugin: LinkedVersions
✔ found 7 linked-versions candidates
Error: release-please failed: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'replace')

Additional information

No response

drstrangelooker commented 11 months ago

runs successfully with 3.7.8

johnpangalos commented 4 months ago

To me it seems like an error in safeBranch name in the underlying node modules. We have had the same issue with 3.7.10+. The move from 3.7.9 -> 3.7.10 bumps release please from 15.10.4 to 15.11.0.

Also from the log it seems that the issue is with the Linked Versions plugin (we have the same issue) so if I were to guess a culprit it would be this PR and this line of code. Exactly why it fails in this case I'm not sure. I'll investigate more and when I 100% understand the issue I'll make an issue/PR on the release please node package.

johnpangalos commented 4 months ago

For more context, there were others experiencing this issue but it was closed in this repository as it was deemed a problem of the underlying package

johnpangalos commented 4 months ago

Seems you need to add a group name to your linked versions plugin, this seems to be required now. Not sure how this should be rectified, could be a default could be created for group name or there could be some sort of better error handling.

johnpangalos commented 4 months ago

Nevermind our config has a group name...

johnpangalos commented 4 months ago

Okay, I found our issue I believe, we had group-name instead of groupName. I'll update if we fix the issue with this change.